ESPE2014 Working Groups GPED (7 abstracts)
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Global Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes (GPED) aims at addressing needs that are common to all societies and is not intended to duplicate the specific societies activities. GPEDs website ( allows for registration of members as well as for a search function.
Specific existing and potential projects include:
i) Preventing redundancy of resources: development of an environmental scan that aims at sharing resources for health professionals and families such as protocols, guidelines, medical condition information in various languages (ongoing).
ii) e-learning: GPED members benefit from the modules developed by the ESPE through a direct link to the site (ongoing). GPED will support a version of the modules that is reflecting the specific needs of low income countries.
iii) Promoting access to essential medicines: GPED will stress the importance of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) for the global health agenda and advocate for better access to essential medicines in low income countries.
iv) Research funds: GPED will support GPED members to develop research projects that are relevant to their community and patients.
v) Clinical case discussions: GPED is considering the development of a confidential forum for the discussion of clinical cases.
GPED is presently looking for members who will want to devote time to actively work on existing and future projects in the field of training, mentoring, advocacy, grant writing and who will contribute to the development of GPED.