ESPE Abstracts (2015) 84 P-2-460

ESPE2015 Poster Category 2 Growth (38 abstracts)

Individuals with Cow’s Milk Allergy are at Risk for not Reaching their Growth Potential

Tali Sinai a , Roni Amitzur-Levy a , Liat Nachshon b , Tamar Yihye b , Michael R Goldberg b , Efrat Monsonego-Ornan a & Yitzhak Katz b

aThe Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel; b‘Assaf-Harofeh’ Medical Center, Zerifin, Israel

Background: Poor growth and inadequate nutrient intake by food allergic children have been suggested, particularly for children avoiding milk.

Objective and hypotheses: To investigate the impact of a dairy-free diet on the final stature of IgE-mediated Cow Milk Allergy (IgE-CMA) young adults.

Method: Anthropometric data was measured in 60 IgE-CMA patients (20.4±3.4 years old, 26 males (43%)) and 36 volunteers without IgE-CMA (control group, 22.5±4.2 years old, 15 males (42%)). All of them were at least 2 years post pubertal, as classified by Tanner’s Stage 5. Age- and gender-specific SDSs and percentiles were determined according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention growth charts. Nutrient intake assessment was based on 24 h dietary recall and presented as percent of dietary reference values (DRI’s). Individuals with conditions or treatments affecting bone metabolism or growth, were excluded.

Results: Height (cm) and height-SDS were significantly reduced in CMA subjects when compared to controls (164.8±8.4 vs 168.5±7.8, P=0.03; −0.56±0.9 vs −0.04±0.7, P=0.004). An abnormal distribution of height-for-age was noted in the CMA group, as compared to the controls (49% vs 17% were categorized as less than the 25th percentile, 18% vs 3% were categorized as < the 10th percentile, and 10% vs 0% were categorized as < the 5th percentile). In addition, height-SDS in CMA patients was significantly lower than their predicted height (mid-parental target height, MPH) (P<0.0001). Δheight-MPH in CMA patients and controls were −3.6±5.2 and −0.60±5.2 cm respectively, P=0.01. The incidence of subjects consuming less than 67% of the DRI was greater in the CMA group, as compared to controls.

Conclusion: Individuals with CMA are at risk for not reaching their growth potential. Growth monitoring and appropriate dietary intervention may avoid nutritional deficiencies and growth retardation in these patients.

Volume 84

54th Annual ESPE (ESPE 2015)

Barcelona, Spain
01 Oct 2015 - 03 Oct 2015

European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology 

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