ESPE Abstracts (2018) 89 P-P2-253

aChildren’Hospital, Málaga, Spain; bSanta Lucia Hospital, Cartagena, Spain; cGranollers Hospital, Barcelona, Spain; dChildren’Hospital, Malaga, Spain; eSalamanca Hospital, Salamanca, Spain

Introduction: Published studies on pubertal growth of SGA patients on GH therapy are scarce. An earlier and shorter duration of puberty has been described. Treatment optimization may be necessary and also know their influence on adult height.

Objetives: Analyse the evolution of height durig puberty in SGA patients treated with GH. Asses the age of onset of puberty and its relationship to adult and target height.

Methods: Retrospective analytical study. We analysed 101 SGA patients that have received GH treatment since 2005. Main variable analysed was adult height. Uncensored data was collected and analysed.

Results: Since 2005, 101 SGA patients started treatment (57 male), with a median age of 6.6 years (IQR 4.3), and initial height of −2.87 sds (IQR 0.67). 89 Patients have reached puberty with a mean age of onset in males of 11.8 years (1 sd) and 10.4 (1.4 sd) in women. In men, the age of onset was 0.5 years less the reference spanish population (P<0.05), and 0.3 years in women (NS). In 12 patients the treatment was suspended due to poor efectiveness, adherence or adverse effects. In 4 patients we used GNRH-a due an early puberty. Currently 44 patients have reached adult height (28 women):

Adult height (sds): −2.15 (1.2) (18 men); −1.8 (1.9) (26 women).

Target height (sds): −1.23 (0.8) (men); −1.05 (0.9) (women).

Height increased: 0.85 (1.1) sds (men); 1.35 (1) sds (women).

Gain height in puberty (cms): 21.7 (6) (men); 19.7 (5) (women).

Height decreased during puberty (sds): −0.95 (1.2) (men); −0.11 (0.9) (women).

Adult-Target height (sds): −0.9 (0.8) (men); −0.74 (1.1) (women).

Height decresed during puberty was significant in men (P<0.009), but this did not occur in women.

The difference between target and adult height was significant in both sexes (P<0.001).

Conclusions: Males SGA patients treated with GH, show a decreased height during puberty, as well as an earlier pubertal onset, compared with reference population. Adult height in this patients do not achived the target height.

Volume 89

57th Annual ESPE (ESPE 2018)

Athens, Greece
27 Sept 2018 - 29 Sept 2018

European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology 

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