ESPE Abstracts (2019) 92 P2-119

1University of Health Science, Dr. Sami Ulus Obstetrics and Gynecology, Children's Health and Disease Training and Research Hospital, Pediatric Endocrinology Department, Ankara, Turkey. 2Medical School of Ankara University, Department of Biochemistry, Ankara, Turkey

Objective: Fetuin-A has many different functions due to its ability to bind to different toll-like receptors in different tissues. Working in different groups will contribute to our understanding of the pathophysiology of Fetuin-A. In this study, we aimed to evaluate Fetuin-A levels in obese adolescents and the relationship between Fetuin-A and anthropometric data, insulin levels and high sensitivity CRP(HSCRP).

Material and Method: The study included obese adolescents with BMI-SDS>=2 and healthy adolescents with similar age and gender. Anthropometric measurements, fasting glucose and insulin, HSCRP and Fetuin-A levels were evaluated.

Results: The data of the cases and comparison with healthy subjects are presented in Table 1. In obese cases, SGOT-SGPT elevation in two subjects, hypertension in 15 and hepatosteatosis in 33 patients were found to be present. Glucose intolerance was detected in four cases and diabetes mellitus in one patient. Insulin, HOMA-IR and HSCRP levels of obese subjects were significantly higher and Fetuin-A levels were similar. There was no significant difference between hyper and normotansive subjects(P = 0. 643). There was no significant difference between subjects with or without fatty liver(P = 0. 967). Patients with and without insulin resistance according to HOMA-IR fetuin-A levels were similar(P = 0. 231). When we evaluated the correlation between Fetuin-A levels and OGTT results in 0-30-60-90-120 minutes, we found that there was no significant relation. No significant correlation was found between fetuin-A and HSCRP in the groups.

Conclusion: Although the Fetuin-A levels were found to be high in obese subjects in children and adult studies; in this study, no difference was found in serum Fetuin-A levels in obese and healthy subjects in adolescent age group. This result was thought to be related to homogenization of selected cases to adolescents with physiological differences. We believe that our study will shed light on further studies.

Table 1:Data of cases and comparison with healthy subjects
Gender27 female,14 male22 female,7 male
Age(year)15,3±2,1 10,5-1814,3±2,1 10,3-17,80,063
Height sds0,33±1,4 -1,9-(+4,3)-0,14±0,7 -1,6-(1,1)0,073
BMI(kg/m2)33,1±4,2 26,4-42,921,5± 2,2 17-250,000
BMI sds2,8±0,55 2-4,50,4±0,7 -1,3-(+1,4)0,000
Fasting glucose (mg/dl)94,7± 8,8 76-11591,2±7,9 71-1060,087
Fasting insulin (µIU/ml)27. 2±15,4 8,7-81,513,4±7,2 4,6-30,80,000
HOMA-IR6,3±3,7 1,7-17,53,1±1,8 1,0-7,20,000
Fetuin-A (ng/ml)453±200,2 206,6-1112,12484,2±160,7 114,1-923,90,481
HSCRP (mg/dl)0,3±0,2 0,-0,50,16±0,16 0,-0,50,012

Volume 92

58th Annual ESPE (ESPE 2019)

Vienna, Austria
19 Sept 2019 - 21 Sept 2019

European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology 

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