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58th Annual ESPE (ESPE 2019)

Vienna, Austria
19 Sept 2019 - 21 Sept 2019

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The theme of this year’s meeting is Variety and Variation in Paediatric Endocrinology. Join us in Vienna to explore the diversity we encounter in our discipline and the care that we have to exercise when using the term “normality”. Whilst gaining an update on the latest treatments, clinical best practice and cutting edge research in the field of paediatric endocrinology.

Rapid Free Communications

Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism Session 2

hrp0092rfc6.1 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism Session 2 | ESPE2019

EFTUD2 Gene Deficiency Disturbs Maturation of Osteoblast and Inhibits Chondrocyte Differentiation via Activated p53 Signaling

Wu Jing , Yang Yi , He You , Li Qiang , Wang Xu , Sun Chengjun , Wang Lishun , An Yu , Luo Feihong

Mandibulofacial dysostosis with microcephaly (MFDM) is characteristic of multiple skeletal anomalies comprising craniofacial anomalies/dysplasia, microcephaly, dysplastic ears, choanal atresia and short stature. Loss of function mutations of EFTUD2 were previously reported in MFDM, however, the mechanism underlying EFTUD2-associated skeletal dysplasia remains unclear. Here, we identified a novel frameshift mutation of EFTUD2 in a MFDM Chinese patient...

hrp0092rfc6.2 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism Session 2 | ESPE2019

High Levels of LIGHT/TNFSF14 in Prader-Willi Syndrome

Brunetti Giacomina , Fintini Danilo , Crinò Antonino , Piacente Laura , Convertino Alessio , Concetta Colucci Silvia , Grano Maria , Grugni Graziano , Faienza Maria Felicia

Background: Low bone mineral density (BMD) has been found in up to 50% of adolescents and adults with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS). High fracture risk has been described in adult PWS patients. However, the mechanism/s of low BMD in PWS have not been clarified. These patients also display high BMI-SDS that prompted us to evaluate the levels of LIGHTTNFSF14, a cytokine involved in pathological bone remodeling and obesity.Objecti...

hrp0092rfc6.3 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism Session 2 | ESPE2019

Increased Burden of Common Risk Alleles in Children with a Significant Fracture History

Manousaki Despoina , Kämpe Anders , Forgetta Vince , Makitie Riikka , Bardai Ghalib , Belisle Alexandre , Li Rui , Makitie Outi , Rauch Frank , Richards Brent

Background: Fractures are common in children, but a significant fracture history, defined as low-trauma vertebral fractures or multiple long bone fractures, is rare. Children with such history and no osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) are often presumed to have another Mendelian disease. However, in adults, multiple common risk alleles of small effect influence risk of fracture. We tested if subjects with a significant childhood fracture history have an increased bu...

hrp0092rfc6.4 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism Session 2 | ESPE2019

Targeted Molecular Genetic Diagnosis by Next Generation Sequence Analysis Method and Investigation of Responsible Candidate Genes in Patients with Osteogenesis Imperfecta

Özen Samim , Gökşen Damla , Işik Esra , Gürkan Ferda Evin , Onay Hüseyin , Akgün Bilçag , Ata Aysun , Atik Tahir , Özkinay Ferda , Darcan Şükran , Çogulu Özgür

Introduction: The aim of this study was to investigate the molecular genetic etiology and to determine the relationship between genotype and phenotype with targeted next-generation sequence (NGS)analysis.Method: Patients with a clinical diagnosis of OI were included in the study. Initially, mutations in COL1A1 and COL1A2 genes which are known to be most responsible for OI were investigated. In the second step, a targeted...

hrp0092rfc6.5 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism Session 2 | ESPE2019

Evaluating Genotype-Phenotype Correlation using an in vitro Mutagenesis Model in Bi-Allelic Mutations Resulting in Extreme Hypophosphatasia Clinical Phenotypes

Uday Suma , Matsumura Tomohiro , Saraff Vrinda , Saito Shiho , Orimo Hideo , Högler Wolfgang

Introduction: Hypophosphatasia (HPP) characterized by reduced mineralization results from mutations in the tissue non-specific alkaline phosphatase (ALPL) gene. HPP is clinically variable with extensive allelic heterogeneity in the ALPL gene. We report the findings of in vitro functional studies following site-directed mutagenesis in bi-allelic mutations causing extreme clinical phenotypes; severe perinatal and asymptomatic HPP.<...

hrp0092rfc6.6 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism Session 2 | ESPE2019

Genetic Aetiology Predicts Growth Hormone (GH) Treatment Outcomes in Children Born Small-For-Gestational-Age with Persistent Short Stature (SGA-SS). Lessons from a Single-Centre Cohort

Lebl Jan , Toni Ledjona , Plachy Lukas , Kucerova Petra , Elblova Lenka , Sumnik Zdenek , Kolouskova Stanislava , Snajderova Marta , Obermannova Barbora , Pruhova Stepanka

Background: SGA-SS, defined as birth weight and/or birth length below -2SD for gestational age and postnatal statural height below -2.5SD according to age- and sex-specific standards, is a heterogeneous condition reflexing exogenous (maternal, placental) or endogenous (foetal) inadequacies. Within the past two decades, a handful of genetic causes of SGA-SS have been elucidated. However, how each genetic aetiology impacts individual GH treatment outcomes awaits...