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58th Annual ESPE (ESPE 2019)

Vienna, Austria
19 Sept 2019 - 21 Sept 2019

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The theme of this year’s meeting is Variety and Variation in Paediatric Endocrinology. Join us in Vienna to explore the diversity we encounter in our discipline and the care that we have to exercise when using the term “normality”. Whilst gaining an update on the latest treatments, clinical best practice and cutting edge research in the field of paediatric endocrinology.


Heterogeneity of Paediatric Diabetes

hrp0092s9.1 | Heterogeneity of Paediatric Diabetes | ESPE2019

Diversity in Monogenic Diabetes Management and Prognosis

Njølstad Pål Rasmus

Monogenic forms of diabetes have specific treatments that differ from the standard care provided for type 1 and type 2 diabetes, making the appropriate diagnosis essential. Misclassification of all diabetes types may occur and healthcare providers should be aware of this possibility. A systematic approach to subjects who are newly diagnosed with diabetes can assist classification of common forms of diabetes and identify those in whom molecular investigation would be advantageo...

hrp0092s9.2 | Heterogeneity of Paediatric Diabetes | ESPE2019

Diagnostic and Therapeutic Implications of Double Diabetes

Urakami Tatsuhiko

Double diabetes (DD) is a term coined to describe individuals with evidence of islet-cell autoimmunity (type 1 diabetes: T1D) and showing obesity and insulin resistance (type 2 diabetes: T2D). The rising obesity trend that favors insulin resistance seems have a role, in association with other environmental factors, for the development of islet-cell autoimmunity through different mechanism. It has become apparent that more youth with T1D are overweight or even obese before hype...

hrp0092s9.3 | Heterogeneity of Paediatric Diabetes | ESPE2019

Obesity Distorting Childhood Diabetes: Is it Type 2, Type 1, or MODY? A Pathophysiological Perspective

Arslanian Silva

There are modifiable and unmodifiable risk factors for youth type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Unmodifiable risk factors include genetics/epigenetics, minority race/ethnicity, and puberty. The major modifiable risk factors for youth T2DM are obesity and lifestyle habits of excess nutritional intake and decreased energy expenditure. Thus, in making a clinical diagnosis of T2DM, the major diagnostic criterion, at least in North America and Europe, is overweight/obesity. However, with the ...