hrp0097p1-318 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2023

15-year experience with the IGF1 generation test in the Netherlands

Kruijsen Anne , de Groote Kirsten , Punt Lauren , van Trotsenburg Paul , Pijnenburg-Kleizen Karijn , Bocco Gianni , Berkenbosch Lizanne , van Setten Petra , Claahsen - van der Grinten Hedi , van der Kaay Danielle , Schott Nina , van Tellingen Vera , van Mill Edgar , van der Heyden Josine , Brandsma Annelies , Hendriks Yvonne , Losekoot Monique , van Duyvenvoorde Hermine , Hokken-Koelega Anita , Renes Judith , Maarten Wit Jan , de Bruin Christiaan , Joustra Sjoerd

Introduction: Among children with short stature, some show persistent IGF-I levels <-2.0 SDS despite a normal growth hormone (GH) response in a stimulation test. This may be caused by conditions that could benefit from recombinant human GH (rhGH) therapy (e.g. GH neurosecretory dysfunction, bioinactive GH, partial GH insensitivity). Therefore, the IGF-I generation test (IGFIGT) was implemented in 2006 using a national, standardized protocol. Children with a...

hrp0092p3-252 | Thyroid | ESPE2019

An Unusual Presentation of Hypothyridism: Van Wyk-Grumbach Syndrome

Gargouri Imen , Hadjkacem Faten , Safi Wajdi , Ben Othman Wafa , Charfi Nadia , Rekik Nabila , Mnif Mouna , Abid Mohamed

Introduction: The association of juvenile hypothyroidism, precocious puberty and ovarian enlargement is known as Van Wyk and Grumbach syndrome (VWGS). This diagnosis is considered on the basis of imaging findings and thyroid function analysis.Case report: Herein we report a case of 9 years old girl was referred to the endocrinology department with a suspicion of precocious puberty after having progressive breast enlargem...

hrp0092p3-330 | Late Breaking Abstracts | ESPE2019

Van-Wyk Grumbach Syndrome Associated with Trisomy 21: A Case Report

Selim Nihad , Bouchair Nadhira

Introduction: Van-Wyk Grumbach syndrome (VWGS) described in 1960 associate Primary hypothyroidism to early puberty, polycystic ovaries and pituitary adenoma with or without hyperprolactinemia. It is a very rare cause of precocious puberty, which the etiopathogenis is not yet very clear.Observation: We report the case of an 8 year old girl known for trisomy 21, she presented a Primary hypothyroidism treated initially with...

hrp0097p2-133 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2023

Integrated care for childhood obesity within the medical and municipal domain

van Mil Edgar , Koetsier Leandra , Seidell Jaap , Sijben Marian , Stroo Judith , van der Velde Marian , Halberstadt Jutka

Childhood obesity is a chronic disease with detrimental effects on health and wellbeing. Treatment was traditionally focused on reducing caloric intake and increasing energy expenditure. However, considering the global increase in prevalence in obesity, especially in the paediatric age range, this approach is insufficient and transition to new initiatives is needed. Obesity is a complex disease resulting from the interaction of multiple underlying factors, including personal c...

hrp0082p3-d1-937 | Puberty and Neuroendocrinology | ESPE2014

Van Wyk Grumbach Syndrome: Case Report from Georgia

Paghava Irakli

Background: Association of hypothyroidism, isosexual precocious puberty and macrogonadism was first described by Van Wyk Grumbach in 1960. Van Wyk Grumbach syndrome (VWGS) was reported predominantly in females, precocious puberty and clinical picture of hypothyroidism being the clinical hallmarks.Objective and hypotheses: Publishing additional data on clinical and hormonal spectrum of VWGS, providing for better understanding of its pathology and primary ...

hrp0089p2-p269 | Growth &amp; Syndromes P2 | ESPE2018

Case Report: Ellis Van Creveld Syndrome With a Novel Mutation

Sobu Elif , Demirkol Yasemin Kendir , Yılmaz Gulay Can , Ozcora Gul Demet , Yenigurbuz Fatma

Introduction: Ellis Van Creveld syndrome (EVC) is a rare condition which is characterized with disproportionate short stature, postaxial polydactyly, and dysplastic nails and teeth. It is a rare autosomal recessive disorder due to mutations of EVC 1 and 2 genes located on chromosome 4p16. EVC syndrome is a chondroectodermal dysplasia. Congenital heart defects; especially atrial septal defect and single atrium occurs in 60% of affected individuals. Here we report a 5 year-old f...

hrp0086p2-p965 | Thyroid P2 | ESPE2016

An Unusual form of Precocious Puberty: Van Wyk and Grumbach Syndrome

Anık Ahmet , Avcı Esma Cigdem , Unuvar Tolga

Introduction: The association of precocious puberty and/or polycystic ovaries, delayed bone age and hypothyroidism is known as the Van Wyk and Grumbach syndrome (VWGS). Clinically this syndrome is a diagnostic challenge because hypothyroidism usually leads to pubertal and growth delay, whereas in case of VWGS hypothyroidism it leads to growth delay and precocious puberty. We report a boy with long-standing, untreated hypothyroidism who presented with precocious puberty.<p ...

hrp0082p2-d2-598 | Thyroid (1) | ESPE2014

An Unusual Presentation of Acquired Hypothyroidism: the Van Wyk–Grumbach Syndrome

Isguven Pinar , Uluc Nefise , Kosecik Mustafa , Karacan Mehmet , Ermis Bahri

Background: Van Wyk–Grumbach syndrome (VWGS) is characterized by breast development, uterine bleeding and multi-cystic ovaries in the presence of long-lasting primary hypothyroidism.Objective and hypotheses: The pathophysiology of VWGS involves a complex mechanism, which is at least partly mediated by the direct action of TSH and FSH receptors.Method: We present a girl with Down syndrome having typical feature...

hrp0095p2-293 | Thyroid | ESPE2022

The importance of thyroid function tests in precocious menarche: Van Wyk Grumbach syndrome

Köprülü Özge , Acar Sezer

Introduction: Van Wyk Grumbach Syndrome (VWGS) is characterized by untreated severe hypothyroidism, isosexual precocious puberty, multiple ovarian cysts and delayed bone age. The disorder is most likely due to complex interactions of the hormonal axis; (1) excess TSH stimulates the FSH-receptor, (2) pituitary enlargement and hyperstimulation, (3) secondary ovarian hyperstimulation. Although it is extremely rare, it is important to recognize before the unnecess...

hrp0094p2-451 | Thyroid | ESPE2021

A girl with Trisomy 21 presents with Van Wyk-Grumbach syndrome. A rare diagnosis

Dikaiakou Eirini , Vlachopapadopoulou Elpis Athina , Kosteria Ioanna , Panos Alexandros , Dede Eirini , Koutrouveli Eleni , Zouridaki Christina , Michalacos Stefanos

Background: Van Wyk-Grumbach syndrome (VWGS) is a rare diagnosis that should be suspected in children with signs of peripheral precocious puberty and hypothyroidism. It is characterized by multicystic enlarged ovaries, in the presence of long-term severe hypothyroidism. Treatment of VWGS consists of hormonal replacement with levothyroxine. Usually, ovarian cysts and increased ovarian volume subside within an average of 2 months but can persist up to 12 months after treatment.<...