hrp0089rfc4.5 | GH & IGFs | ESPE2018

12-Month Effects of Once-Weekly and Twice-Monthly Administration of Hybrid Fc-Fused Human Growth Hormone, GX-H9, Treatment in Pediatric with GHD Deficiency

Malievskiy Oleg , Mykola Aryaev , Nataliya Zelinska , Bolshova Elena V , Senatorova Ganna , Oroszlan Gyorgy , Skorodok Julia , Peterkova Valentina , Nataliya Chorna , Sorokman Tamila , Yang Seung , Lee Ji Eun , Muzsnai Agota , Hwang Jin Soon , Lee Sang Yoon , Choi Yun Jung , Ji Hyi-Jeong , Woo Jungwon , Sung Young-Chul

GX-H9 is a long-acting form of recombinant human GH under clinical development for both adults and children with GH deficiency (GHD). This study was designed to compare 12-month effects of once-weekly and twice-monthly (every other week; EOW) administration of GX-H9 treatment to that of Genotropin®, in pediatric patients with GHD. A randomized, open-label, active-controlled, parallel study was conducted at 27 endocrinology centers in 10 countries (Europe and Ko...

hrp0084p3-938 | GH & IGF | ESPE2015

An Open-Label Phase 2 Dose-Finding Study Comparing Three Different Doses of Weekly TV-1106 and Daily Recombinant Human GH (Genotropin®) in Treatment-Naive, Pre-Pubertal, GH-Deficient Children

Rosenfeld Ron G , Wit Jan M , Malievsky Oleg , Bolshova Elena , Brown Kurt , Sakov Anat , Anscheutz Gaya , Bassan Merav , Butler Kathleen

Background: TV-1106 (Teva Pharmaceuticals) is a genetically fused human GH and human serum albumin, in development for treatment of GH deficiency (GHD). TV-1106 has an extended duration of action compared to daily GH treatment and thus it is believed that treatment with TV-1106 can reduce the frequency of injections and improve compliance and quality of life for those requiring growth hormone replacement therapy. The efficacy and safety data from adult studies with TV-1106 sup...

hrp0086p2-p796 | Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology P2 | ESPE2016

Severe Juvenile Hypertrophy of the Breast with Hypercalcaemia; Mastectomy v’s Reduction Surgery

McGregor David , Candler Toby , Selby Georgina , Crowne Liz , Rayter Zenon

Background: A 10 year old girl with a background history of severe autism and developmental delay presented with significant and rapidly progressive asymmetrical breast enlargement accompanying her relatively rapid progress through puberty. There was associated tissue breakdown exacerbating her discomfort and leading to increasing problems with anxiety and behaviour.Objective and hypotheses: To explore the aetiology of the huge breast development and the...

hrp0092p3-262 | Thyroid | ESPE2019

A 12 Year Old Boy with Multifocal Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma

Muz Nataliia , Pakhomova Viktoriia , Sprynchuk Nataliia , Kvacheniyk Dmytro , Bolshova Olena

Thyroid carcinoma in pediatric patients usually manifests as an asymptomatic neck mass, with a reported incidence of cervical lymphadenopathy that ranges from 35-83%.Multifocal involvement of the thyroid gland is a well-recognized feature of papillary carcinoma. The reported frequency is about 20%, with wide variations depending on the extent of the sampling and reporting by the pathologistA 12 year old boy presented with t...

hrp0089fc13.5 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty 2 | ESPE2018

Study of the Serum Kisspeptin Level in Healthy and Hypogonadotropic Boys

Nikitina Irina , Khoduleva Yulia , Nagornaya Irena , Vasileva Elena

Background: Kisspeptins, ligands of G protein-coupled receptor 54 (GPR54) encoded by the KiSS-1 gene, have recently emerged as key players of the gonadotropic axis. It was found that KiSS-1/GPR54 system plays an important role in the neuroendocrine control of gonadotropin secretion, brain sex differentiation, puberty onset and fertility. It is important to know if the kisspeptin serum level could be used as a diagnostic criterion to the stage of puberty or impairment of it in ...

hrp0084p3-1168 | Puberty | ESPE2015

Endocrinopathies in a 17-Year-Old Girl with Diamond–Blackfan Anemia and Transfusion-Associated Iron Overload

Ilyina Elena , Papusha Ludmila , Smetanina Natalya , Gvozdev Alexey

Background: Diamond–Blackfan anemia (DBA) is an inherited bone marrow failure syndrome, which presents with anemia in early infancy. Survival depends on blood transfusions, which in consequence lead to iron overload (IOL). The most common complications of IOL are hepatic cirrhosis, endocrinopathies and cardiomyopathy.Results: We present the case of 17 years old girl with DBA and IOL-associated endocrinopathies. Her treatment consists of multiple blo...

hrp0092p3-156 | Growth and Syndromes (to include Turner Syndrome) | ESPE2019

Growth Status of Children and Adolescent Born Full Term Small-for-Gestational-Age in Korea: Data from the KNHANES-V (2010–2011)

Kim Ji Hyun , Kim Dong Ho , Lim Jung Sub

Background: Currently, little information is available on current growth status according to birth weight at gestational age (BWGA) on Korean adolescents. Herein, the current height and weight of Korean adolescents who were born as small for gestational age (SGA) were compared to those of the non-SGA groups.Methods: Data from the population-based nationwide Korean survey 5th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examinatio...

hrp0086wg5.4 | ESPE Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics Working Group | ESPE2016

Use of Dual Hormone (Glucagon) v. Single Hormone (Insulin) in the Treatment of Diabetes with Close-loop System

Nimri Revital

Background: Blood glucose levels are physiologically controlled by insulin and counter-regulatory hormones, mainly glucagon. Type 1 diabetes patients are deficient in insulin and some level also glucagon. Therefore, bi-hormonal closed-loop system seems to be the best way to control glycemia.Objective and hypotheses: There are two main approaches to add glucagon: (a) as safety measures for rescue in case of hypoglycemia (2) as a mean to optimize metabolic...

hrp0092p1-100 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2019

RNPC3 Mutations Associate Prolactin Deficiency and Ovarian Insufficiency, Expanding the Phenotype Beyond Isolated Growth Hormone Deficiency Type V (MIM#618860)

Martos-Moreno Gabriel Á. , Travieso-Suárez Lourdes , Pozo Jesús , Chowen Julie , Pérez-Jurado Luis A. , Argente Jesús

Background: The first three children reported to have biallelic mutations in RNPC3 presented with growth hormone (GH) deficiency and pituitary hypoplasia (MIM#618860). RNPC3 codes for a minor spliceosome protein required for U11/U12 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein formation and splicing of U12-type introns. The underlying mechanism causing GH deficiency in these patients is not fully understood. Moreover, whether the association of further ho...

hrp0082np1.1 | Micro-RNAs in Health and Diseases | ESPE2014

Non Coding RNA’s: Introduction to Non-Coding RNAs and the Role of MicroRNAs in GnRH Neurons

Prevot V

Fertility and puberty onset are controlled within the brain by a neural network that drives the secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) from hypothalamic neuroendocrine neurons. During postnatal development, various permissive signals must be integrated for the initiation of sexual maturation but the molecular events that orchestrate the timely activation of the GnRH neurons remain a major unsolved biological mystery. Increasing evidences point out Micro-RNAs (miRNA...