hrp0082p1-d1-140 | Growth | ESPE2014

Severe Short Stature and GH Insensitivity Due to a De Novo Heterozygous STAT5B Missense Mutation

Klammt Jurgen , Neumann David , Andrew Shayne F , Drahosova Marcela , Stobbe Heike , Buckham Kyle , Rosenfeld Ron G , Pfaffle Roland , Hwa Vivian

Background: GH insensitivity is caused by disturbances of GH receptor function or inability to transduce the hormone signal. Affected children are severely growth retarded and may also present immune complications when the transducer STAT5B is defective. Only autosomal-recessive STAT5B mutations have been described to date.Clinical case: Two male 14.5 year monozygotic twins presented with heights of 131.5 cm (−5.3 SDS). Bone age of the ind...

hrp0084fc4.1 | Growth | ESPE2015

Heterozygous Dominant Negative STAT5B Variants associated with Short Stature and GH Insensitivity

Pease-Gevers Evelien , Neumann David , Klammt Jurgen , Andrew Shayne , Kowalczyk Julia , Metherell Lou , Dattani Mehul , Hwa Vivian

Background: Homozygous mutations in STAT5B result in GH insensitivity and immune dysfunction. Heterozygous dominant negative mutations have not been described.Aims and objectives: To characterize genomic STAT5B DNA in two families exhibiting short stature.Methods: Sanger sequencing of STAT5B from genomic DNA. Mutant STAT5B constructs were expressed in HEK293 cells.Results: ...

hrp0082p1-d1-138 | Growth | ESPE2014

A Novel Homozygous Mutation of the IGF1 Receptor Gene (igf1r) in Two Siblings with Severe Short Stature, Intellectual Disability, Congenital Malformations, and Deafness

Maystadt Isabelle , Andrew Shayne F , De Schepper Jean , Wauters Nathalie , Mortier Geert , Benoit Valerie , Joset Pascal , Oneda Beatrice , Rosenfeld Ron G , Rauch Anita , Hwa Vivian

Background: Heterozygous mutations in the IGF1 receptor (IGF1R) are often associated with congenital IGF1 resistance, causing variable degrees of intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) and postnatal short stature. To date, only one homozygous IGF1R mutation has been reported, in a child presenting with severe growth failure, mild intellectual impairment, microcephaly, dysmorphic features, and cardiac malformations.Objective: We now repo...

hrp0089wg7.2 | ESPE Paediatric Endocrine Nurse Specialists and Allied Health Professionals Working Group (PENS) | ESPE2018

Next Generation Nursing: Genomic Competencies for Pediatric Endocrine Nurses

Dwyer Andrew

This presentation provides an overview of genetics relevant to pediatric endocrine nursing practice. A brief genetic primer for nurses will be given followed by discussion of patient and clinician barriers to genetic literacy. Genetic competencies for nursing practice will be reviewed and application will be demonstrated through several pediatric endocrinecase presentations. At completion, participants will be able to incorporate concepts of genetic literacy and apply genetic ...

hrp0089fc4.4 | GH & IGFs | ESPE2018

A Cross-Sectional Study of IGF-I Bioavailability Through Childhood and Associations with PAPP-A2, STC2 and Anthropometric Data

Fujimoto Masanobu , Khoury Jane , Andrew Melissa , Hwa Vivian , Dauber Andrew

Background: Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) is one of the important hormonal mediators of human growth. Circulating IGF-I exists in a ternary complex bound to the acid-labile subunit (ALS) and one of its six binding proteins (BPs). IGF-I bound to ALS and BPs needs to be liberated by either Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protease A (PAPP-A) or A2 (PAPP-A2) to reach its receptor. Stanniocalcin 2 (STC2) is a potent inhibitor of both PAPP-A and PAPP-A2. Genome-wide association s...

hrp0084p3-922 | GH & IGF | ESPE2015

Gigantism Secondary to Growth Hormone Secreting Pituitary Macrodenoma

Sng Andrew , Loke Kah Yin

Background: Pituitary gigantism is an extremely rare disorder characterised by GH excess that occurs before fusion of the epiphyseal growth plates.Case summary: A 13 years 6 month old Chinese boy presented to the paediatric endocrine outpatient clinic with tall stature. He was noted by his parents to have a continued growth spurt since 9 years old, and he required new shoes and clothes every school term. He had no headaches or visual disturbances. There ...

hrp0086rfc6.6 | Syndromes: Mechanisms and Management | ESPE2016

Growth Hormone (GH) Deficiency Type II: Clinical and Molecular Evidence of Impaired Regulated GH Secretion Due to an Gln181Arg GH-1 Gene Mutation

Miletta Maria Consolata , Eble Andree , Arnhold Ivo J P , Dauber Andrew , Fluck Christa , Pandey Amit

Background: Main features of the autosomal dominant form of GH deficiency (IGHD II) include markedly reduced secretion of GH combined with low concentrations of IGF-I leading to short stature.Objective and hypotheses: We report on a girl referred for assessment of short stature (−4.6 SDS) at a chronological age of 7 yr 10 mo. The GH deficiency was confirmed by standard GH provocation tests, which revealed severely reduced GH and IGF-I concentration...

hrp0089p2-p248 | Growth & Syndromes P2 | ESPE2018

How Frequent Are Growth Charts Used in Paediatric Clinics? An Audit of Growth Chart Use in a District General Hospital in Scotland

Punton Andrew , Britton Nicola , Schulga Jiohn

Introduction: The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health1 highlights the importance of growth as a measurement of health and wellbeing in children. Growth measurements in children can only be evaluated if plotted on a growth chart. The use of growth charts was reviewed in Forth Valley Royal Hospital Paediatric department over 10 days in all clinics held in the paediatric outpatient department.Method: Case notes of all c...

hrp0084p1-102 | Perinatal | ESPE2015

The Role of HNF1B in Human Pancreas Development and Diabetes

El Khairi Ranna , Hattersley Andrew , Vallier Ludovic

Background: Diabetes mellitus is a heterogeneous disorder with multiple aetiologies. Monogenic diabetes accounts for an estimated 2–5% of cases and is often associated with impaired pancreas development and β-cell dysfunction. Heterozygous mutations in the transcription factor, HNF1B, result in multi-system disease including diabetes due to β-cell dysfunction, hepatic insulin resistance and pancreatic hypoplasia. However, the mechanisms that underlie development...

hrp0084p3-961 | GH & IGF | ESPE2015

Characterisation of Children Born Small for Gestational Age within the Australian Indications for GH (GH) Therapy: An OZGROW Analysis

Hughes Ian , Harris Mark , Cotterill Andrew

Background: Small for gestational age (SGA) without subsequent catch up growth is an indication for GH treatment in Europe, the US, and Korea but not in Australia. However, many SGA are likely to be included under the ‘short stature and slow growth’ (SSSG) indication. It is unknown to what extent children born SGA are included in the Australian indications or how they differ from non-SGA patients within each indication and gender.Objective and ...