hrp0092p2-286 | Thyroid | ESPE2019

Management of Childhood Thyroid Nodules in Children a Large Group of Cases From a Single Center

Sieniawska Joanna , Makuch Magdalena , Mlodawska Anna , Maslowska Kamila , Krawczyk Sylwia , Kapczuk Iga , Ben-Skowronek Iwona

Background: Thyroid nodules are quite common in the adult population (13%)but are relatively rarely diagnosed in childhood (0.2-5%).There is a significantly higher risk of malignancy of paediatric thyroid nodules than that in adult patients. The authors of this publication present the observations of the occurrence, diagnosis, and treatment of patients with thyroid nodules in the Department of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetology, Medical University...

hrp0086rfc14.7 | Growth : Mechanisms | ESPE2016

GH Influences Plasma Fasting Adropin Concentration in Patients with Turner Syndrome

Wikiera Beata , Krawczyk Magdalena , Noczynska Anna , Daroszewski Jacek

Background: Increased adiposity and insulin resistance are conditions frequently observed nowadays. Many hormones are involved in the pathogenesis of the condition but therapeutic options we can offer to the patients are still scant. Each newly discovered peptide give us hope. Adropin (Ad) is a newly discovered metabolic hormone involved in energy homeostasis. This homeostasis is frequently disturbed in patient with Turner Syndrome (TS). Patient with Turner syndrome are unique...

hrp0086p1-p746 | Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology P1 | ESPE2016

Prognostic Significance of the Proliferative Index Ki67 for Patients with Craniopharyngiomas

Moszczynska Elzbieta , Bogusz Agnieszka , Szymanska Sylwia , Grajkowska Wieslawa , Szalecki Mieczyslaw

Background: Craniopharyngioma is a benign, slow-growing epithelial tumor, in children it contributes to 5–10% of all brain tumors. Its incidence is 0.5-2 per 1,000,000 person-years. 30–50% of these tumors are recognized in childhood, most often in ages 5–14, no sex predilection is observed. It is located mainly in the sellar/parasellar region, in children adamantinomatous variant, with tendency to recur, is the most common type. Views on the usefulness of immuno...

hrp0092lb-19 | Late Breaking Posters | ESPE2019

CDX2 Polymorphism of VDR Gene and Lipid Profile in Patients Treated for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia During Childhood

Wysoczanska-Klaczynska Anna , Hetman Marta , Placzkowska Sylwia , Laczmanska Izabela , Slezak Ryszard , Barczynski Edwin , Barg Ewa

Introduction: Vitamin D activity is controlled by its receptor (VDR). Increased risk of obesity and metabolic disturbances among certain VDR alleles has been proven. This study was conducted to assess the association between Cdx2 (rs11568820) polymorphism of VDR gene (genotypes: AG, GG) and genetic susceptibility to components of the lipid profile in survivors of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) treated during childhood.<stron...

hrp0082p1-d2-157 | Growth (1) | ESPE2014

Autoantibodies Against Some Selected Appetite-Regulating Peptide Hormones and Neuropeptides are Present in Serum of Short Children with Candida Albicans Colonisation and Helicobacter Pylori Infection

Stawerska Renata , Czkwianianc Elzbieta , Matusiak Agnieszka , Smyczynska Joanna , Prymus-Kasinska Sylwia , Hilczer Maciej , Chmiela Magdalena , Lewinski Andrzej

Background: Peptide hormones synthesized in gastrointestinal tract (GI) and adipose tissues, in addition to neuropeptides, regulate growth and body weight in children. The GI microflora (i.e. Candida albicans – CA and Helicobacter pylori – HP) is an antigenic source. Based on the molecular mimicry hypothesis, intestinal microbe-derived antigens may trigger the production of autoantibodies cross-reacting with regulatory peptides.<p class="abstext...

hrp0097p1-447 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2023

A comparison of the usefulness of two indices of insulin resistance: IRIHOMA (calculated from fasting glucose and insulin values) and IRIBelfiore (calculated from OGTT results) in diagnosis of metabolic complications and determining indications for possible dietary or pharmacological treatment in children

Łupińska Anna , Kolasa-Kicińska Marzena , Jeziorny Krzysztof , Smalczewska Paula , Rajewska Sylwia , Krasińska Joanna , Stawerska Renata , Lewiński Andrzej

Introduction: The increasing prevalence of obesity in children and adolescents is contributing to the increasing diagnosis of insulin resistance (IR) in these individuals. However, it remains a worldwide problem to establish diagnostic criteria of IR in the developmental-age population. IRIHOMA and the IRIBelfiore are the well-known indices used in clinical practice. The aim of the study was to compare the usefulness of IRIBelfiore and IRIHOMA in the early dia...

hrp0084p3-811 | Endocrine Oncology | ESPE2015

Cushing’s Syndrome due to Ectopic ACTH Secretion by a Germline Tumour in the Cross-tail Area in a 7 Month Old Female Infant

Bossowski Artur , Kuzmicz Marta , Kitszel Anna , Polnik Dariusz , Savage Martin , Krawczuk-Rybak Maryna

Background: Ectopic ACTH syndrome is very rarely seen in infancy, usually occurring in older children.Case presentation: A female infant was born by Caesarean section (BW 4280 g) with congenital anal atresia and a large tumour surrounding the cross-tail region. CT imaging identified a heterogeneous pelvic mass (76×49×38 mm) below the sacrum. On day 1 of life, a sigmoid colostomy was established and at age 1 week, part of the tumour with the coc...

hrp0097p1-300 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2023

Assessment of the rhGH treatment compliance in children with growth hormone deficiency.

Scheuring Dorian , Walczak Mieczysław , Nowak Katarzyna , Dragan Wojciech , Starzyk Jerzy , Wędrychowicz Anna , Kapusta Alicja , Bossowski Artur , Sawicka Beata , Gawlik Aneta , Błaszczyk Ewa , Gieburowska Joanna , Beń-Skowronek Iwona , Trwoga Aleksandra , Sokół Martyna , Kołtowska-Häggström Maria , Kolasa-Kicińska Marzena , Łupińska Anna , Stawerska Renata , Lewiński Andrzej , Dudek Adam , Mazur Artur , Zachurzok Agnieszka , Mierzwa Magdalena , Wikiera Beata , Pyrżak Beata , Witkowska-Sędek Ewelina , Witkowska-Krawczak Ewa , Szewczak-Matan Bogumiła , Kędzia Andrzej , Moszczyńska Elżbieta , Kot Karolina , Birkholz-Walerzak Dorota , Myśliwiec Małgorzata , Petriczko Elżbieta

Aim: To identify factors affecting compliance to treatment with recombinant growth hormone (rhGH) in children with growth hormone deficiency (GHD).Study population and Methods: The following data were collected during standard visits in 8 endocrine clinics in Poland: medical history, auxological measurements, laboratory tests and the numbers of empty and full rhGH ampoules dispensed and returned by the patients. The obse...

hrp0092p3-52 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2019

Off Label use of CGM in a Pediatric Patient with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Under the Age of 2

Burdea Liliana , Robinson Sylvia , Mantis Stelios

Introduction: Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) is an asset for patients with type 1 DM. The Dexcom G6 is FDA approved for use in patients 24 months and older. This CGM does not require any calibrations or point of care interventions and lasts up to 10 days when inserted into the subcutaneous tissue. We present a case of a 17 month-old patient started on CGM (Dexcom G6), with subsequent improvement in glucose variability and continued excellent glycemic cont...

hrp0092p3-251 | Thyroid | ESPE2019

A Case of Graves Disease with Negative Thyrotropin Stimulating Antibodies in a Pediatric Patient with Type 1 Diabetes

Burdea Liliana , Robinson Sylvia , Minutti Carla

Background: Graves disease (GD) is an autoimmune condition caused by direct stimulation of the thyroid epithelial cells by thyrotropin (TSH) receptor antibodies (TRAb). The action of TRAb can be stimulating, blocking or neutral. Antibodies with agonist action are also called thyroid stimulating immunoglobulins (TSI). The diagnosis of GD is typically confirmed with TSI titer which is positive in >90% of patients. In patients that have negative TSI, high...