hrp0092t16 | Top 20 Poster | ESPE2019

IGF2 Mutations: Report of Six Japanese Cases and Phenotypic Comparison with H19/IGF2:IG-DMR Epimutations Including Literature Cases

Masunaga Yohei , Inoue Takanobu , Yamoto Kaori , Fujisawa Yasuko , Sato Yasuhiro , Kawashima-Sonoyama Yuki , Ohata Yasuhisa , Namba Noriyuki , Fukami Maki , Saitsu Hirotomo , Kagami Masayo , Ogata Tsutomu

Object: IGF2 is a paternally expressed gene involved in the development of Silver-Russell syndrome (SRS). Here, we report six Japanese patients with IGF2 mutations and compare clinical findings between patients with IGF2 mutations including literature cases and those with H19/IGF2:IG-DMR epimutations.Patients: We recruited six Japanese patients with IGF2 mutations. Th...

hrp0084p2-296 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Children Born from Mother with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus are at Higher Risk in Metabolic Syndrome

Horikawa Reiko , Arata Naoko , Naiki Yasuhiro

Background: The metabolic outcome in adult life is known to be determined during fetal life. Prenatal poor nutrition also affects growth and maturation, formation of insulin resistance during childhood. Little is known about the effect of maternal gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) on early metabolic and growth outcome of their children.Objective and hypotheses: To investigate growth, glucose metabolism, and blood pressure in children of mothers with GD...

hrp0084p3-1071 | Hypo | ESPE2015

A Case of Mild Congenital Hyperinsulinaemia Presenting with Developmental Delay, Complicated by Diazoxide-induced Transient Neutropenia

Abe Yuki , Nishizaki Yoshimi , Sato Seiichi

Background: Congenital hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia (CHI) can cause various degrees of hypoglycaemia in infancy. In mild CHI, unnoticeable recurrent hypoglycaemia may cause deterioration of central neurological functions in patients. We report a case of mild CHI that presented with developmental delay without any previous hypoglycaemic events.Case presentation: An 18-month-old Japanese girl was admitted to our hospital with seizures and unconsciousnes...

hrp0097p1-310 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2023

Persistence to growth hormone treatment and clinical characteristics of paediatric patients with growth hormone deficiency: A retrospective database study

Mori Jun , Sato Yukihito , Dateki Sumito

Background: For many years, raising awareness on early referral to endocrinologist, early diagnosis, and treatment continuation for paediatric patients with growth hormone deficiency (GHD) has been continued in Japan. However, the current status of trends in age at diagnosis and of treatment continuation have not been fully clarified.Aim: The aim of this study is to estimate the persistence to growth hormone treatment (G...

hrp0097p1-271 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2023

Investigation of LDL Cholesterol in Children from Seiiku Cohort for Children and Mothers

Doi Hibiki , Yoshii Keisuke , Naiki Yasuhiro , Horikawa Reiko

Background: LDL cholesterol (LDL-C) levels can be high in familial hypercholesterolemia or other dyslipidemia, and the elevated levels are often found in the pediatric setting.Objective: To create a pediatric reference using data of a prospective birth cohort study at our hospital (Seiiku Cohort for Children and Mothers) and to examine its association with possible predisposing factors.Resu...

hrp0097p2-2 | Multisystem Endocrine Disorders | ESPE2023

Genetic test is useful in diagnosing nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.

Ujita Nagisa , Igarashi Mizuho , Yoshii Keisuke , Naiki Yasuhiro , Horikawa Reiko

Background: Congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus is a rare disease that is sometimes diagnosed after failure to thrive or febrile illness during infancy. Long-term habitual polydipsia to compensate for polyuria is sometimes difficult to distinguish from habitual polydipsia and polyuria or compulsive drinking.Case: The case is a 10-year-old girl. Her father was diagnosed as having congenital nephrogenic diabetes insi...

hrp0092p2-194 | Growth and Syndromes (to include Turner Syndrome) | ESPE2019

Growth Hormone Treatment Adherence in Patients from an Emerging Economy Country: 1-Year Real-World Data from the Easypod™ Connect Ehealth Platform

Calliari Luis Eduardo , Barquero Paula , Sato Cleber , Koledova Ekaterina

Previous studies have shown that poor adherence to recombinant human growth hormone (r-hGH; Saizen®) therapy is associated with decreased efficacy outcomes and increased healthcare costs. Easypod™ is the only electronic injection device that enables continuous monitoring of adherence to treatment. Early recognition of non-adherence is essential in the management of long-term outcomes of r-hGH therapy. This analysis aimed to evaluate adherence to r-hGH therapy adminis...

hrp0086p1-p373 | Gonads & DSD P1 | ESPE2016

Compound Heterozygous C10orf2 Mutations in a Japanese Patient with 46,XX Ovarian Failure and Deafness

Nagasaki Keisuke , Nyuzuki Hiromi , Sasaki Sunao , Sato Hidetoshi , Ogawa Yohei

Background: Perrault syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterised by sensorineural hearing deafness in both sexes and primary ovarian failure in 46, XX karyotype females. HSD17B4, HARS2, LARS2, CLPP and C10orf2, which associated mitochondrial function, are reported as causative genes.Objective and hypotheses: Here we reported on a Japanese patient who identified C10orf2 mutation with the fourth patient in Perrault syndr...

hrp0084p3-993 | Gonads | ESPE2015

The Effect of Aromatase Inhibitor in a Pubertal Patient with Aromatase Excess Syndrome

Shihara Daziou , Sato Hidetoshi , Ogawa Yohei , Miyado Mami , Fukami Maki

Background: Aromatase excess syndrome (AEXS) is a rare autosomal dominant disorder caused by the overexpression of CYP19A1 at 15q21. Patients with AEXS manifest various clinical features associated with oestrogen excess; gynecomastia, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, and advanced bone age are the most salient features in this condition.Objective and hypotheses: The primordial treatment of the gynecomastia in patients with AEXS is surgical mastecto...

hrp0095p1-393 | Thyroid | ESPE2022

Urinary Iodine Concentration and Thyroid Function in Children by Age

Igarashi Mizuho , Kashima Takemoto , Hibiki Doi , Yoshii Keisuke , Naiki Yasuhiro , Horikawa Reiko

Background: There are few reports on age-related differences in urinary iodine concentrations, which reflect iodine intake.Objective: We investigated the relationship between age-related differences in urinary iodine concentration and thyroid function.Methods: The subjects were 749 children aged 1 year, 677 children aged 3 years (excluding 2 children aged 3 years whose urinary iodi...