hrp0092p3-14 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2019

One Case Report of Uighur Girl with Cushing Syndrome

li wenjing , chen da , xiawudong adaleti

Objective: Through the diagnosis and treatment of Uighur girl with adrenocortical adenoma, who was complain of short stature, to prompt pediatric endocrinologists pay attention to hypercortisolism in the diagnosis and treatment of children with short stature.Methods: With the case report of hypercortisolism in a Uighur child, to introduce the diagnosis and treatment of adrenocortical adenoma, presenting the clinical char...

hrp0084p3-1231 | Thyroid | ESPE2015

Angioneurotic Oedema with Antithyroid Drugs in Thyroid Storm: What is the Best Therapeutic Option

Bilir Pelin , Isakoca Mehmet , Ikinciogullari Aydan , Dogu Figen , Haskaloglu Sule , Corapcioglu Demet , Emral Rifat , Fitoz Suat , Yildiz Adalet Elcin , Kir Metin , Bahadir Gulnur Gollu , Turedi Bilge , Dindar Huseyin

Background: Graves disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism in children. The frequency of the disease increases with age, peaking during adolescence.Thyroid storm is a rare but critical, ilness that can lead to multiorgan failure and carries a high death rate. Antithyroid drugs are usually recommended as the initial treatment and are generally well tolerated. Although current treatment options include radioactive iodine, but long term complications of thyroid irradi...