hrp0084p1-165 | Miscelleaneous | ESPE2015
Grob Francisca
, Martinez-Aguayo Alejandro
, Ateaga Maria Clara
, Loureiro Carolina
, Carrillo Diego
, Hill Caroline
, Campino Carmen
, Mendoza Carolina
, Ferrada Clarita
, Bancalari Rodrigo
, Pinochet Constanza
, Carvajal Cristian
, Aglony Marlene
, Valdivia Carolina
, Vecchiola Andrea
, Carrasco Carmen
, Baudrand Rene
, Fuentes Cristobal
, Garcia Hernan
, Fardella Carlos
Background: Iodine concentrations in Chilean schoolchildren are the highest in South America. This may be related to excessive sodium intake, which is associated with hypertension. However, iodine decreases blood pressure (BP), which would be a cardiovascular protective factor.Objective and hypotheses: The objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of iodine on BP and cardiovascular risk factors, despite salt intake.Method:...