hrp0098p2-252 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology, and Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2024

Challenges in prenatal and postnatal management of 45,X/46,X, idic (Y) mosaicism

Fudvoye Julie , Chatelain Camille , Harvengt Julie , Demarche Martine , Parent Anne-Simone

We report two patients with 45,X/46,X, idic (Y) gonadal dysgenesis (GD) diagnosed at birth based on genotype-phenotype discordance identified in the routine clinical follow-up during early pregnancy. Genotypic sex, as determined by cell free DNA testing was 45 XO in the first patient while phenotypic sex was male. Second patient was found to have a 46, XX genotype with SRY detected through rhesus incompatibility screening, while phenotypic sex was female. Postnatal ka...