hrp0098p3-72 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2024
Pino Consuelo
, Sanchez Paulina
, Hermosilla Carolina
, Valladares Gabriela
, Valderrama Camila
, Linares Jeannette
Case presentation: We report two cases of patients with Cystic fibrosis-related diabetes (CFRD) Patient 1. At 5 years of age, a genetic diagnosis of cystic fibrosis with homozygous delta F508 variant was made in relation to a brother diagnosed in the newborn period. At 12 years old FEV1 91%. Initial screening at age 14 with impaired fasting glucosa and HbA1c of 5.9%; She was overweight and had acanthosis. Hospitalizations for recurrent pneumonia. At 17 years o...