hrp0082p1-d2-157 | Growth (1) | ESPE2014
Stawerska Renata
, Czkwianianc Elzbieta
, Matusiak Agnieszka
, Smyczynska Joanna
, Prymus-Kasinska Sylwia
, Hilczer Maciej
, Chmiela Magdalena
, Lewinski Andrzej
Background: Peptide hormones synthesized in gastrointestinal tract (GI) and adipose tissues, in addition to neuropeptides, regulate growth and body weight in children. The GI microflora (i.e. Candida albicans CA and Helicobacter pylori HP) is an antigenic source. Based on the molecular mimicry hypothesis, intestinal microbe-derived antigens may trigger the production of autoantibodies cross-reacting with regulatory peptides.<p class="abstext...