hrp0084p2-429 | GH & IGF | ESPE2015

Effectiveness of Recombinant IGF1 Treatment in a Patient with Isolated GH IA Deficit Producer of Anti-GH Antibodies

Porcar Ines , Oriola Josep , Kratzsch Jurgen , Escribano Joaquin , Feliu Albert

Background: GH deficiency type IA represents the most serious form of isolated deficit GH (IDGH). It’s transmitted as an autosomal recessive pattern and in most cases there is a homozygous deletion of the GH1 gene. Good initial response to treatment is characteristic, although often could appear antibodies against recombinant GH.Case presentation: We report a case of a 5-year-old Pakistanist boy evaluated for severe growth failure (heigh <8.07 <...