hrp0092p1-85 | Growth and Syndromes (to include Turner Syndrome) | ESPE2019
Dallago Renata Thomazini
, Santos Allan Oliveira
, Marmo Denise Barbieri
, Guerra-Júnior Gil
, Morcillo André Moreno
, Lemos-Marini Sofia Helena Valente
Introduction: Turner's syndrome (TS) is associated with several manifestations the most frequent being short stature and hypogonadism. Some authors (Nadeem, 2012; Bakalov, 2008) reported that individuals with TS have increased risk of fractures, but the etiology and mechanism of bone fragility have not been yet fully elucidated and may be exacerbated by hormonal factors (Cintron, 2017; Soucek, 2015). Bone densitometry (BD) through the emission of double en...