hrp0098rfc11.1 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity 2 | ESPE2024

Assessing how the Edmonton Obesity Staging System for Pediatrics (EOSS-P) in childhood relates to later cardiometabolic health compared to other anthropometric measures of obesity

Nunziato Alexa , Blackburn Emma , Bolnavu Iulia , Harnois-Leblanc Soren , Drapeau Vicky , Kakinami Lisa , McGrath Jennifer , Van Hulst Andraea , Hadjiyannakis Stasia , Barnett Tracie , Benedetti Andrea , Henderson Mélanie

Introduction: The EOSS is a clinical tool to assess the burden of obesity and has been shown in adults to predict later morbidity and mortality. We found that the pediatric version (EOSS-P) appears to predict later cardiometabolic outcomes, however whether it is a better predictor than anthropometrics alone remains unclear.Objectives: To compare associations between EOSS-P stage at 8-10 years and cardiometabolic outcomes...