hrp0098p1-305 | Late Breaking 2 | ESPE2024

Lipodystrophy severity score improves in patients with generalized lipodystrophy following metreleptin treatment

Brush Maiah , Tuska Becca , Brown Rebecca

Generalized lipodystrophy (GLD) is characterized by near total loss of subcutaneous fat, leading to low concentrations of leptin. Complications of GLD are heterogenous, including severe insulin resistance, diabetes, hypertriglyceridemia, pancreatitis, liver, kidney, and heart disease, and reproductive dysfunction. Leptin replacement therapy using metreleptin improves many of these metabolic abnormalities. A lipodystrophy severity score (LDS) has been developed to quantify dise...

hrp0095p1-276 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2022

Natural History of Pregnancy and Pregnancy Outcomes in Metreleptin-Treated vs Untreated Subjects with Lipodystrophy

Brite Brianna , Abel Brent , Cochran Elaine , Brown Rebecca

Metreleptin is a leptin analog used to treat metabolic complications of lipodystrophy, a set of rare disorders characterized by generalized (GL) or regional (PL) deficiency of adipose tissue, resulting in insulin resistance, diabetes, dyslipidemia, steatohepatitis, and reproductive dysfunction. Metreleptin increases fertility, particularly in GL; spontaneous pregnancy without metreleptin was reported in only 4 patients with GL. Risks of metreleptin suggested by rodent studies ...

hrp0098p1-299 | Late Breaking 1 | ESPE2024

A Real-World Pharmacovigilance Assessment and Literature Review of Lymphoma Development in Lipodystrophy and Congenital Leptin Deficiency

J. Brown Rebecca , Araujo-Vilar David , Walkovich Kelly , Barbarosie Alexandru , A. Magee David , Akinci Baris , A. Oral Elif

Introduction: Metreleptin is a leptin replacement therapy used as an adjunct to diet to treat the metabolic complications of leptin deficiency in lipodystrophy, a rare disease characterised by loss of adipose tissue. Previously, identification of T-cell lymphomas in three metreleptin-treated patients with acquired generalised lipodystrophy (AGL) led to concerns of a potential link between metreleptin and lymphoma development.Meth...