hrp0094fc5.3 | Sex Development and Gender Incongruence | ESPE2021

Fetal Anogenital Distance (AGD) by Ultrasonography: a Marker of Early Androgen Exposure in utero?

Fischer Margit Bistrup , Scheel Lone , Sundberg Karin , Juul Anders , Hagen Casper P ,

Background: The anogenital distance (AGD) is defined as the distance from the anus to genital tubercle. AGD is an established method for sex determination of pups in rodents, and in animal studies, AGD is strongly affected by androgen exposure during fetal life. In accordance, human studies have reported reduced postnatal AGD following prenatal exposure to anti-androgenic agents, suggesting AGD to be a sensitive postnatal read out of in utero exposure...

hrp0097rfc7.6 | Sex differentiation, gonads and gynaecology or sex endocrinology | ESPE2023

Prenatal AnoGenital Distance (AGD) by ultrasonography in 571 fetuses and correlation to postnatal AGD: A longitudinal cohort study of healthy males and females

Bistrup Fischer Margit , Mola Gylli , Scheel Lone , Kristine Hegaard Hanne , Sundberg Karin , Juul Anders , P Hagen Casper

Background: The anogenital distance (AGD) is a well-known measure in rodents used to distinguish male and female pubs. Likewise, AGD display sex-specific differences in humans. It is considered a postnatal readout of early androgen exposure in fetal life. Thus, in postnatal life AGD is longer in boys than in girls, reduced in infants born with cryptorchidism and hypospadias as well as in boys exposed to anti-androgenic agents in fetal life. However, little is ...

hrp0098t19 | Top 20 Posters | ESPE2024

Ultrasonographic Evaluation of Ovarian and Uterine Morphology in Minipuberty and Associations with Reproductive Hormones: A COPANA Cohort Study of 302 infant girls.

Bistrup Fischer Margit , Mola Gylli , Scheel Lone , Bak Wraae Katrine , Lilleøre Rom Ane , Frederiksen Hanne , Sundberg Karin , Kristine Hegaard Hanne , Juul Anders , P Hagen Casper

Background: Minipuberty is considered an essential period for early diagnosis of endocrine disorders and reproductive organ maturation. While the complex dynamics of female reproductive hormones during minipuberty was recently described, detailed evaluation of ovarian and uterine morphology in relation to circulating levels of reproductive hormones remains to be elucidated.Aim: Report normative values of ovarian and uter...