hrp0098p2-338 | Late Breaking | ESPE2024
K. Fox Claudia
, Barrientos-Pérez Margarita
, M. Bomberg Eric
, Dcruz John
, Gies Inge
, Majlund Harder-Lauridsen Nina
, Yazid Jalaludin Muhammad
, Sahu Kushal
, Weimers Petra
, Zueger Thomas
, Arslanian Silva
Childhood obesity is associated with present and future complications, including type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Although lifestyle interventions (i.e. dietary and physical activity counselling) are the cornerstone of therapy, their impact on body mass index (BMI) is limited. The phase 3a SCALE Kids study (NCT04775082) demonstrated superiority of liraglutide 3.0 mg versus placebo, plus lifestyle interventions, for BMI reduction in children with general (i.e. non-mo...