hrp0098p2-303 | Late Breaking | ESPE2024
Kubota Takuo
, Yamamoto Kenich
, Yamada Chieko
, Nakayama Hirofumi
, Nakano Yukako
, Fujiwara Makoto
, Ohata Yasuhisa
, Kitaoka Taichi
, Ozono Keiichi
, Kitabatake Yasuji
Germline copy number variations (CNVs) can lead to rare diseases. Despite the widespread use of whole exome sequencing (WES), array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) remain the first-line methods for detecting CNVs in clinical genetics due to technical biases in WES. Recently, a new pipeline (GATK-gCNV) has been developed to account for these biases, allowing for the detection of high-resolution CNVs from WES d...