hrp0086p2-p68 | Adrenal P2 | ESPE2016

Family Character Isolated Pheochromocytoma by Mutation in Vhl gen

Freijo Martin Concepcion , Laura Bertholt Zuber Maria , De la Rubia Fernandez Luis , Naranjo Gonzalez Cristina

Background: Pheochromocytoma is an uncommon tumor, producer of Catecholamines and causing hypertension in childhood. It is associated to genetic alterations, generally related with RET gene disorders.Method: We present the case of a unilateral familial isolated pheochromocytoma, present in father and son, carriers of a heterozygous mutation in the VHL gene (c.235C > G; p.R79G).Case: Male, 9 years-old with history of fever, prof...

hrp0084p3-770 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Particularités de la prise en charge du diabète Type 1 chez des enfants dont la révélation est survenue avant l’âge de five ans

Wafaa Mazari , Khadidja Bouriche , Djawida Senouci , Yasmine Zerga , Snaa Chiali , Salih Bendeddouche

Introduction: Le diabète de type 1 est l’endocrinopathie la plus fréquente chez l’enfant. Son incidence est en nette progression dans le monde. L’enfant diabétique nécessite une hygiène de vie adaptée et le suivi par une équipe pluridisciplinaire composée de pédiatre spécialiste en diabétologie, psychologue, diététicien, infirmier spécialisé.Objectif: Determiner les...

hrp0084p1-64 | DSD | ESPE2015

MAMLD1 Mutations Seem Not Sufficient to Explain a 46, XY DSD Phenotype. What else?

Camats Nuria , Fernandez-Cancio Monica , Audi Laura , Mullis Primus E , Moreno Francisca , Casado Isabel Gonzalez , Lopez-Siguero Juan Pedro , Corripio Raquel , de la Vega Jose Antonio Bermudez , Blanco Jose Antonio , Fluck Christa E

Background: The MAMLD1 gene (Xp28) is thought to cause disorder of sex development (DSD) in 46, XY patients, mostly presenting with hypospadias, and, recently, also gonadal dysgenesis. However, there is some controversy about the role of MAMLD1 in sex development because i) some MAMLD1 variants are also detected in normal individuals, ii) others are not present in all affected DSD individuals of the same family; iii) several MAMLD1 mutations...

hrp0094p2-438 | Sex differentiation, gonads and gynaecology or sex endocrinology | ESPE2021

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia in detail: A multicentric and interdisciplinary study in minors with different sexual development

Ignacio Diez-Lopez , Nerea Gonzalez-Temprano , Villalon Flor , Larreina de la Fuente Leire , Cancela Vanesa , Nuñez Francisco Javier , Hernandez Jone Miren

Of the 67 included DSD patients, 33% were HSCs. 68% women and 32% men, with a total concordance between legal sex, current gender and chromosomal sex. Median age: 10.5 years, IQR 8-14. The most frequent clinical form was non-classical (NC) 45.5%, followed by classical with saline loss (CPS) 41%. The distribution of each clinical form according to the karyotype is significant (P = 0.013), the most frequent with XY karyotype is CPS and in NC forms all cases are XX. Med...

hrp0086p1-p909 | Thyroid P1 | ESPE2016

Identification of a “Cryptic” De Novo Deletion in NKX2.1 in the Brain-Lung-Thyroid Syndrome using Genomic SNP Arrays

Villafuerte Beatriz , de Benito Daniel Natera , Lacamara Nerea , Garcia Marta , Lumbreras Cesar , de Randamie Rajdee , Nevado Julian , Moreno Jose Carlos

Background: Genetic defects in NKX2.1 (chromosome 14q13) are associated with hypothyroidism, choreo-athetotic movements and respiratory distress, known as the “Brain-Lung-Thyroid syndrome”.Objective and hypotheses: To identify the genetic basis of a disorder compatible with the “NKX2.1 syndrome” and extra features outside the typical triad.Patients and methods: 10-year old girl with congenital ...

hrp0092p1-291 | Thyroid (1) | ESPE2019

An Incidental Finding of Thyroid Hormone Resistance Due to a De Novo Mutation in the THRB Gene

Averbuch Noa Shefer , França Monica , Lazar Liora , Tenenbaum Ariel , Phillip Moshe , de Vries Liat

Background: Thyroid hormone resistance (THR) is a rare genetic disorder that may be caused by thyroid hormone (TH) cell transporter defects or metabolism defects, but most cases are caused by an inherited mutation in the TH receptor beta (THRB) gene. The reduced responsiveness of target tissues to TH is characterized by elevated TH and a normal or elevated thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) level. Differentiating between THR and TSH-producing pituitary...

hrp0095p1-98 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2022

Supporting the mental wellbeing of caregivers of children under growth hormone treatment: mix-methods evaluation of the Adhera® Caring Program.

de Arriba Antonio , Fernandez-Luque Luis , Alice Chicchi Giglioli Irene , Luis González-Sanz Pedro , Vara Marta , Morte Patricia , Hors-Fraile Santiago

Background: The emotional distress of caregivers (i.e., parents) of children with long-term conditions affects their self-management behaviors, including treatment adherence. These conditions are diverse and prevalent, including diabetes, obesity, and growth hormone disorders (GHD). The caregivers’ emotional well-being is then a core aspect of their own quality of life, and their children’s. Emerging digital therapeutics solutions may improve such ...

hrp0082fc12.1 | Obesity | ESPE2014

High-Fat Diet Rapidly Triggers Circadian De-Synchronization of Clock Genes, Neuropeptides and Inflammation Mediators in the Hypothalamus of C57BL Mice

Hernandez-Nuno Francisco , Ruiz-Gayo Mariano , Diaz Francisca , Argente Jesus , Chowen Julie A

Background: Circadian disorganization of feeding behavior evoked by high fat diet (HFD) intake is suggested to be involved in the resulting weight gain and development of associated metabolic alterations and hypothalamic inflammation.Hypothesis: We hypothesized that this circadian alteration might be a consequence of rapid de-synchronization of different gene clusters relevant for metabolic control.Methods: We analyzed the circadia...

hrp0086p1-p639 | Growth P1 | ESPE2016

Spanish ECOS Study Analysis: Socioeconomic Data, Adherence and Growth Outcomes with Case Studies

Rodriguez-Arnao Maria , Sanchez Amparo Rodriguez , Lopez Ignacio Diez , Fernandez Joaquin Ramirez , de la Vega Jose Bermudez , Ballano Virginia , Nieto Jenny Alvarez , Koledova Ekaterina

Background: The ECOS observational study in Spain (NCT01376921) aims to evaluate adherence to r-hGH therapy prescribed via the easypod™ electromechanical auto-injector device and to analyse factors that may influence adherence in paediatric patients. Easypod™ administers pre-set doses of Saizen® r-hGH and stores accurate records of each dose and injection taken, which can then be shared with the HCP for evaluation of the patient’s adherence.<...

hrp0092p1-229 | Growth and Syndromes (to include Turner Syndrome) (1) | ESPE2019

"Endocrine Evaluation of 29 Cornelia de Lange Syndrome Patients (CdLS) Patients"

Matamala Angela Marina Ascaso , de Ávila Montoya José Mario Romero , Cereza Maria Teresa Llorente , Lidón Laura Trujillano , Fuentes Feliciano Ramos , Juste Juan Pie , Lozano Gloria Bueno

Background: Cornelia de Lange (CdLS) syndrome (OMIM #122470) is a complex disease, characterized by distinctive facial features, failure to thrive, microcephaly, intrauterine growth retardation and anomalies in multiple organ systems. The complexity and severity of the endocrine commitment is variable. NIPBL, SMC1A, SMC3, RAD21 and HDAC8 genes, all involved in the cohesin pathway, have been identified to cause CdLS. There are few published studies on the endoc...