hrp0084p3-733 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Use of Smartphone, a Cellular Glucometer and Social Media App in the Management of Type 1 DM in the Adolescent Population: The Future of Diabetes Care

Rothenberg Rachel , Zetelski Mary , Sivitz Jennifer , Klein Genna , Chartoff Amy , Pearson JoAnn , Post Janet , Cohen Aviva , Aisenberg Javier , Ghanny Steven

Background: The integration of technology in health care has led to improved medical care and better compliance, especially in chronic diseases such as diabetes. Despite these advances, compliance has always been an issue in caring for adolescents with diabetes. Text messaging has become a popular way to communicate with peers especially for teens. Multiple studies support the theory that texting is an easy and affordable resource that health care providers can utilise to educ...

hrp0097rfc5.6 | Diabetes and insulin 1 | ESPE2023

Do females with Type 1 Diabetes have puberty earlier?

Cordero Pearson Andrea , Lucía Gomez Gila Ana , Navarro Moreno Constanza

Background: In the past, the majority of the pacients with Type 1 Diabetes (DM1) had late puberty due to hipogonadotropic hipogonadism as a result of insulin deficiency. However, the use of intensive insulin therapy nowadays, results in higher BMI what can lead to an earlier puberty. Insulin administered subcutaneously is not processed by the liver, which implies increased exposure to this hormone in the ovary leading to greater activation of theca and granulo...

hrp0082p3-d3-750 | Diabetes (4) | ESPE2014

A Case of Type 1 Diabetes Associated with Cerebellar Ataxia: Stiff-Person Syndrome

Kurtoglu Selim , Okdemir Deniz , Hatipoglu Nihal , Akin Leyla , Gul Ulku , Canpolat Mehmet , Kendirci Mustafa

Background: Stiff-person syndrome (SPS) is a rare disorder which is characterized by muscle rigidity, spasm and cerebellar abnormalities. The etiology is not clarified yet. 80% of cases are caused by an autoantibody against GAD that inhibits synthesis of GABA. Other autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes mellitus and thyroiditis are often associated.Aim: To underline the importance of considering SPS in differential diagnosis of patients with type 1...

hrp0094p2-171 | Fat, metabolism and obesity | ESPE2021

Association of calprotectin with obesity in prepubertal children

Yoon Jong Seo , Young Kim Eun , Hee Yi Kyung , Suk Shim Young , Hwang IL Tae ,

Background: Perturbation of inflammation is critically linked to nutrient metabolic pathways and obesity-associated complications, such as insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes (T2DM). The S100 family of proteins, including S100A8/A9 (calprotectin), have been implicated in disease pathogenesis and investigated as potential markers of inflammation. In adults, increased circulating levels of calprotectin have been reported in obesity-related chronic low-grade i...

hrp0082p3-d3-796 | Fat Metabolism & Obesity (2) | ESPE2014

Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity in Children and Adolescents at Public and Private Schools from Uberaba Brazil

Silva Adriana Paula , Feibelmann Taciana Carla Maia , Silva Daniela Cristina , Palhares Heloisa Marcelina Cunha , Scatena Lucia Marina , Borges Maria de Fatima

Background: In Brazil there is a nutritional transition between child malnutrition and increasing prevalence of obesity.Objective and hypotheses: The study aims to identify the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children aged 5–18 years in five private and 15 public schools from city of Uberaba Brazil.Method: Anthropometric data, inventorys physical activities and socioeconomic aspects were evaluated from 1125 individuals...

hrp0082p2-d2-305 | Bone (1) | ESPE2014

Status of Vitamin D in Pregnancy to Childhood in Northern Spain: Seasonality, Sun Exposure, and Intake

Rodriguez-Dehli Ana Cristina , Riano-Galan Isolina , Velazquez Ines Olaya , Fernandez-Somoano Ana , Castilla Ane Miren , Espada Mercedes , Navarrete-Munoz Eva M , Tardon Adonina

Background: Vitamin D3 (25OHD) insufficiency is becoming a public health issue. Adequate 25OHD status during pregnancy may influence the health status of the offspring.Objective and hypotheses: To evaluate the levels of 25OHD during pregnancy (at 12 weeks) and at 4 years old, assessing seasonality, time of sun exposure, and intake.Method: Data were obtained from 485 pregnant mothers recruited in Asturias between 2004 and 2007 and t...

hrp0084p3-912 | Fat | ESPE2015

In Different Method of the Evaluation of State of Feeling of Obese Children; Goodenough Harris ‘the Draw-a-person’ Test

Ergur Ayca Torel , Kirdag Gaye Asik , Ucar Seda

Objective: Psychosocial problems which the obesity caused is one of the most important reasons that impede success of treatment. Researches indicate that, majority of all obese children have depression. In this study, the effect of obesity on state feeling (cognitive functions and socioemotional adaptation) were investigated in a different special test. To this end obese and nonobese young patients were compared by a special test determines the ability of mind and con...

hrp0092p1-90 | Growth and Syndromes (to include Turner Syndrome) | ESPE2019

Quality of Life in Caregivers of Young Children with Prader-Willi Syndrome

Mao Shujiong , Shen Jian , Yang Lili , Yang Rongwang , Zou Chaochun , Zhao Zhengyan

Objective: This study was to measure quality of life (QOL) of the primary caregivers for young children with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS).Methods: The children with PWS consisted of 32 children. The QOL of the caregiver for each patient was assessed using the Chinese version of the WHOQOL-BREF, and the Infants-Junior Middle School Students' Social-Life Abilities Scale was used to evaluate the social adaption capacity ...

hrp0084p3-1164 | Puberty | ESPE2015

The Relationship between Xenoestrogens Exposure and Early Puberty among Young Females Living in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Alnwsany Nouf , Al-Agha Abdulmoein

Background: Xenoestrogens are artificial oestrogen compounds, found in our environment throughout various chemical products, and claimed to affect the process of early puberty among young females.Objective and hypotheses: To investigate the relationship between exposure to xenoestrogen products and early pubertal sex development.Method: Cross-sectional study conducted in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia in July 2014 (n=568), pubertal ...

hrp0089p2-p292 | Multisystem Endocrine Disorders P2 | ESPE2018

Aldosterone, Renin, Sodium and Potassium Excretion in Normotensive Prepubertal Children

Martinez-Aguyo Alejandro , Poggi Helena , Campino Carmen , Peredo Soledad , Baudrand Rene , Carvajal Cristian , D'Apremont Ivonne , Moore Rosario , Solari Sandra , Allende Fidel , Fardella Carlos

Introduction: Previous studies have demonstrated that hypertension may begin early in the life. Under physiological conditions, the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System (RAAS) is highly variable due to variations in salt intake and other factors, making it difficult to interpret results. We measured aldosterone and renin, and compared them with sodium and potassium excretion in a normotensive pre-pubertal population.Methods: A cross-sectional study was ...