hrp0089p1-p089 | Diabetes & Insulin P1 | ESPE2018

Features of T2DM in Adolescents with Low Titer of ICA and IAA

Eremina Irina , Kuraeva Tamara , Zilberman Lubov , Peterkova Valentina

Purpose: To assess the prevalence of pancreatic autoantibodies (Ab) and their impact on the course of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) in adolescents.Materials and methods: ICA, GADA, IA-2 and IAA were measured in 66 patients with DM2. Depending on the presence of autoantibodies (Ab) patients were divided into 2 groups: Ab- and Ab+. HLA-typing was carried out in 45 patients. The secretion of C-peptide in the standard carbohydrate brea...

hrp0084p2-268 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

MODY-GCK and MODY-HNF1A in Children and Adolescents in Russian Population

Sechko Elena , Zilberman Lubov , Ivanova Olga , Kuraeva Tamara , Peterkova Valentina

Background: The most common forms of maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY) are MODY-GCK and MODY-HNF1A. Prevalence of MODY in Russian population is unknown.Aims and objectives: To compare clinical laboratory characteristics of MODY-GCK and MODY-HNF1a in children and adolescents, to estimate prevalence of MODY.Method: 151 children and adolescents were screened for mutations in GCK and HNF1A. HbA1c, fasting and stimulated gluco...

hrp0084p3-740 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Mody3 Early Identification and Diagnosis

Zilberman Lyubov , Sechko Elena , Sapunova Svetlana , Ivanova Olga , Kuraeva Tamara

Background: MODY is monogenic. About 1% of diabetes has a monogenic cause but is frequently misdiagnosed as DM1 or DM2.Objective and hypotheses: It is important to study family history of patients with atypical diabetes forms for verification of diagnosis and prognosis.Method: Genetic, biochemical and hormonal testing, 2 patients were examined.Results: At pre-school medical examination a general practitioner ...

hrp0097p2-64 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2023

Neonatal diabetes mellitus in a patient with a novel heterozygous mutation in GATA6

Sechko Elena , Raykina Elizaveta , Kuraeva Tamara , Laptev Dmitriy , Bezlepkina Olga , Peterkova Valentina

Transient neonatal diabetes mellitus (TNDM) occurs in 50-60% of all cases of neonatal diabetes mellitus (NDM). The most common cause of TNDM (70%) is almost invariably associated with defect in chromosome 6 and mutations in the KCNJ11, ABCC8, INS, NHF1B etc. genes. TNDM is caused by mutations in the GATA6 gene in rare cases. This gene encodes a transcription factor that is important for the development of the hematopoietic, cardiac and gastrointestinal systems.<p class="ab...

hrp0097p1-212 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2023

Features of allel variants of congenital adrenal hyperplasia in kazakhstan children of different ethnic groups

Bazarbekova Rimma , Ermakhanova Tamara

Background: More than 90% of cases of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) are associated with the occurrence of mutations in the CYP21A2 gene encoding 21-hydroxylase. The level of residual activity of 21-hydroxylase determines the clinical form and severity of the disease.Aim: To study the distribution of allelic variants of CAH due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency in different ethnic groups of Kazakhstani children.<p c...

hrp0095p2-77 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2022

Rituximab Role in Preservation of Pancreatic Beta Cells in Patients Newly Diagnosed With Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: A Report of 2 Palestinian Cases.

Eida Hasan , Mansour Ahmad , Eleyan Tamara

Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is a condition caused by the clonal generation of autoantibodies by B cells. Rituximab, an immunosuppressive agent, has been shown in studies to protect pancreatic function in individuals newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). We investigated the effects of rituximab in two individuals with newly diagnosed T1DM. Case 1 was a 10-year-old boy, and Case 2 was a 4-year-old girl, both of whom had T1DM. Insulin secretion capability was ...

hrp0095p1-243 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2022

Did Covid-19 pandemic restrictions impact on diabetic care of children and adolescents in Armenia?

Muradyan Irina , Aghajanova Yelena , Janvelyan Tamara , Markosyan Renata , Bayburdyan Gayane , Kalantaryan Lusine , Arakelyan Lusine , Navasardyan Lusine

Background: Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is an autoimmune disorder, which occurs mostly among children and adolescents. Armenia is a middle-low income country, where pediatric diabetic care is given centralized in three main centers. The 85-90% of diabetic children and adolescents are followed in the university hospital. During Covid-19 pandemic Armenia was under either lockdown or strict restrictions. The purpose of the current study is to assess the dynam...

hrp0086p2-p718 | Endocrinology and Multisystemic Diseases P2 | ESPE2016

Endocrine and Metabolic Evaluation of Children with Neurodevelopmental Disability

Brad Giorgiana-Flavia , Marcovici Tamara , Belei Oana , Bizerea Teofana , Mang Niculina , Tamasanu Raluca , Marginean Otilia

Introduction: Neurodevelopmental disability (NDD) is a common problem in children health, occurring in 5–10% of the pediatric population.Aim: To evaluate the endocrine and metabolic complications described in patients with NDD.Material and method: Children with NDD, aged below 9 years old, admitted to 1st Pediatric Clinic of Children Emergency Hospital, Timişoara, România, between January 2014-March 2016 w...

hrp0086p1-p729 | Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology P1 | ESPE2016

Clinical and Mutational Spectrum in Slovenian Patients with Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism

Stefanija Magdalena Avbelj , Obreza Tamara , Pfeifer Marija , Kovac Jernej , Battelino Tadej , Podkrajsek Katarina Trebusak

Background: Congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH) is a rare but clinically and genetically heterogeneous disease characterized by an absent or incomplete puberty and infertility. The association of HH with hyposmia or anosmia is defined as Kallmann syndrome. Molecular genetic testing of HH is valuable, as it can prompt the treatment in adolescence.Objective and hypotheses: To identify causative variants in genes associated with HH in a cohort of ...

hrp0084p3-990 | Gonads | ESPE2015

The Consequences of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in Adolescent Girls

Brad Giorgiana Flavia , Marcovici Tamara , Belei Oana , Popoiu Calin , Olariu Laura , David Vlad , Marginean Otilia

Background: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) represents one of the most common complains for adolescent girls to present to endocrinologist. PCOS has the potential to affect the young person both metabolically, physically, psychologically and socially.Objective: To evaluate the metabolic and psychological consequences of PCOS in adolescent girls.Method: Adolescent girls admitted in the Endocrinology Department of Children Emergency...