hrp0082p1-d2-116 | Fat Metabolism & Obesity (1) | ESPE2014

Characterizing the Metabolically Obese Normal Weight Phenotype in Youth

Henderson Melanie , Mathieu Marie-Eve , Benedetti Andrea , Barnett Tracie

Background: Although metabolically obese normal weight (MONW) adults are at increased risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease (CVD), little is known regarding MONW children.Objective and hypotheses: To characterize lifestyle habits and insulin dynamics of MONW children.Method: Caucasian youth (n=630) aged 8–10 years, with at least one obese biological parent, were studied (QUALITY cohort). We defined MONW c...

hrp0092p1-337 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity (2) | ESPE2019

How does Clusters of Parental Characteristics Influences Offspring Adiposity: A Prospective Study

Ybarra Marina , Meng Lingrui , Zaihra Tasneem , Mathieu Marie-Ève , Barnett Tracie , Henderson Mélanie

Introduction: Childhood obesity rates have increased exponentially in the past three decades. Parental characteristics, such as weight status, physical activity (PA), education and smoking habits have been identified individually as being potential determinants of offspring obesity. However, no prospective studies have examined the joint impact of parental lifestyle habits on their offspring's adiposity. We identified clusters of parental characteristics, ...

hrp0089p2-p175 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity P2 | ESPE2018

Social Networks, Social Support and Weight-Related Outcomes among Adolescents

Ybarra Marina , Yu Jennifer , Kakinami Lisa , Mathieu Marie-Eve , Henderson Melanie , Barnett Tracie

Introduction: People’s weight-related behaviors may be influenced by their personal social network (SN), notably via family and friends’ behavioral modelling and motivational social support (SS).Objective: We examined the cross-sectional relation between social network-based social support (SS) and weight-related outcomes among adolescents ina pilot study within the QUALITY cohort, a longitudinal study investigating the natural...

hrp0084p3-841 | Fat | ESPE2015

Turn off and Turn in: The Influence of Television Viewing and Sleep on Lipid Profiles in Children

Manousaki Despoina , Radji Sanyath , Barnett Tracie , Mathieu Marie-Eve , Gray-Donald Katherine , Henderson Melanie

Background: Physical activity is beneficial to lipid profiles, however the association between sedentary behaviours and paediatric dyslipidaemia remains controversial. Understanding these associations is critical given that youth are increasingly engaging in sedentary pursuits, and are sleeping, on average, 1 h less than children were 20 years ago.Objective and hypotheses: To investigate whether various forms of sedentary behavior/sleep predict lipid pro...

hrp0089fc6.1 | Fat, Metabolism and obesity | ESPE2018

Correlations Between Measures of Adiposity Across Childhood and Adolescence and the Intestinal Microbiota in 15-17 year-old Children with a Family History of Obesity: Preliminary Findings from the QUALITY Cohort

Henderson Melanie , Van Hulst Andraea , Simoneau Gabrielle , Barnett Tracie A. , Drapeau Vicky , Mathieu Marie-Eve , Nicolau Belinda , Varin Thibaut , Marette Andre

Background: While differences in gut microbiota between obese and lean subjects have been described, few studies have examined how adiposity across childhood relates to intestinal microbiota composition and diversity in late adolescence.Objective: To explore the correlations between measures of adiposity from childhood and adolescence with intestinal microbiota composition and diversity at 15–17 years.Methods: Data stem from t...

hrp0089p1-p108 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity P1 | ESPE2018

More than A Gut Feeling: Preliminary Evidence Supporting a Role for Lifestyle Habits in Shaping the Intestinal Microbiota in Childhood and Adolescence

Henderson Melanie , Hulst Andraea Van , Simoneau Gabrielle , Barnett Tracie A , Drapeau Vicky , Mathieu Marie-Eve , Nicolau Belinda , Varin Thibaut , Marette Andre

Background: Dietary intake has been shown to influence the composition and diversity of the gut microbiota in adults, however its impact in childhood and adolescence remains uncertain. Moreover, the impact of other lifestyle behaviors such as physical activity, sedentary behaviors, sleep and fitness on the gut microbiota has rarely been investigated.Objective: To explore the correlations between intestinal microbiota composition and meas...

hrp0089p1-p121 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity P1 | ESPE2018

Promoting Healthy Lifestyles in Youth: Preliminary from the CIRCUIT Program

Ybarra Marina , Daniels Prince Kevin , Van Hulst Andraea , Barnett Tracie A , Mathieu Marie-Eve , Drouin Olivier , Kakinami Lisa , Bigras Jean-Luc , Henderson Melanie

Introduction: Childhood obesity is an international pandemic which affects 13% of Canadian youth, and is the leading cause of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in children. While the optimal approach to treat pediatric obesity remains elusive, comprehensive and intensive behavioral interventions which leverage the child’s living environment in order to promote improvements in healthy lifestyles appear promising. The CIRCUIT program (Centre Pédiatrique d’Intervent...

hrp0089p1-p122 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity P1 | ESPE2018

Determinants of Attrition from a Healthy Lifestyle Intervention: Experience from the CIRCUIT Program

Daniels Prince Kevin , Ybarra Marina , Van Hulst Andrea , Barnett Tracie A , Mathieu Marie-Eve , Drouin Olivier , Kakinami Lisa , Bigras Jean-Luc , Henderson Melanie

Introduction: Pediatric obesity is a global public health problem that is associated with severe cardiometabolic consequences. Weight management interventions focusing on lifestyles have shown some promising results, but attrition rates are often high and reasons for dropout are poorly understood.Objectives: We aimed toestimate the prevalence, and identify the determinants of attrition among pediatric participants in the first year of a 2-year lifestyle ...

hrp0097rfc9.1 | Diabetes and insulin 2 | ESPE2023

The association of dietary glycemic index and load with insulin sensitivity and secretion from early childhood to late adolescence: the QUALITY cohort

Cattrysse Pascaline , Harnois-Leblanc Soren , Sallah Drammeh Pa , Drapeau Vicky , A. Barnett Tracie , Mathieu Marie-Ève , Suissa Karine , Benedetti Andrea , Henderson Mélanie

Introduction: With the increasing prevalence of obesity, prediabetes and type 2 diabetes (T2D) in youth are on the rise. Prevention is paramount for these multifactorial diseases. Dietary interventions targeting a reduction of dietary glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL) are potential strategies for improving insulin resistance. However, the association between GI and GL and T2D risk in children remains uncertain.Objectives...

hrp0094fc4.1 | Diabetes | ESPE2021

Role of physical activity and sedentary behavior on early markers of cardiovascular disease in Canadian adolescents with and without type 1 diabetes: the CARDEA study

Harnois-Leblanc Soren , McNealis Vanessa , Friedrich Matthias G , Hulst AndraeaVan , Nuyt Anne-Monique , Bigras Jean-Luc , Barnett Tracie A. , Benedetti Andrea , Mathieu Marie-Eve , Drapeau Vicky , Sylvestre Marie-Pierre , Henderson Melanie ,

Background: Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and alterations may manifest as early as in adolescence. Increased physical activity and reduced sedentary behavior reduce the risk of CVD development in general adult populations, but knowledge is limited on their associations with early markers of CVD risk in pediatric T1D.Objective: Estimate associations of physical activity and sedent...