hrp0084p3-1194 | Thyroid | ESPE2015

Development and Risk Factors of Thyroid Dysfunction in Patients with Positive TPO Antibodies

Gomez C Nicolas , McNeilly J , Mason A , Ahmed S F , Wong S C , Shaikh G

Background: Autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD) is the most common thyroid disorder in the paediatric age range. However, the development of thyroid dysfunction in biochemically euthyroid children with positive TPOAbs and associated risk factors is unclear.Objective and hypotheses: To evaluate the evolution of children with positive TPOAbs and normal thyroid function and identify predictive factors for the development of thyroid dysfunction.<p class="a...

hrp0097p1-387 | Thyroid | ESPE2023

Effect of Daily Zinc Supplementation for 12 Weeks on Serum Thyroid Auto-Antibody Levels in Children and Adolescents with Autoimmune Thyroiditis – A Randomized Controlled Trial

G Delhikumar C , Ramge @ Ramachandran Sivakumar , Sahoo Jayaprakash , Bobby Zachariah , Palanivel C

Background: The imbalance between oxidant-antioxidant status plays an essential role in the pathogenesis of many autoimmune diseases, including autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD). Studies have described that children with AITD have reduced superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and significantly low zinc levels. This study assessed the effect of daily zinc supplementation for 12 weeks on thyroid auto-antibodies - thyroid peroxidase antibody (...

hrp0094p1-161 | Growth B | ESPE2021

Continued Safety and Efficacy of Weekly Lonapegsomatropin (TransCon hGH) for up to Two Years in Children with Growth Hormone Deficiency (GHD)

Aghajanova Elena M. , Casella Samuel J. , Nadgir Ulhas , Hofman Paul , Saenger Paul , Song Wenjie , Mao Meng , Chessler Steven , Komirenko Allison S. , Beckert Michael , Shu Aimee D. , Thornton Paul S. , Maniatis Aristides K. ,

Lonapegsomatropin (TransCon hGH) is an investigational once-weekly prodrug of somatropin for the treatment of GHD. Previous trials in treatment-naïve (52-week heiGHt Trial) and treatment-experienced children (26-week fliGHt Trial) have reported the efficacy and safety of lonapegsomatropin. Subjects were eligible to enter the open-label extension enliGHten Trial, which continues to evaluate weekly lonapegsomatropin in pediatric GHD. In heiGHt, treatment-naïve subjects...

hrp0094p1-50 | Sex Endocrinology and Gonads A | ESPE2021

Pathogenic variants in the human m6A reader YTHDC2 are associated with primary ovarian insufficiency

McGlacken-Byrne Sinead M , Torres Ignacio Del Valle , Stabej Polona Le Quesne , Belutti Laura , Ocaka Louise , Ishida Miho , Suntharalingham Jenifer P , Genomics UCL , Discovery GOSgene , Resource Human Developmental Biology , Dattani Mehul T , Kelberman Dan , Lagos Carlos F , Livera Gabriel , Conway Gerard S , Achermann John C ,

Background: Primary ovarian insufficiency (POI) is genetically mediated in up to 30% of cases. Many genes associated with POI have roles in early ovary developmental processes, including meiosis.Objectives: We investigated the genetic mechanism underlying early-onset POI in three young women presenting with absent puberty: two sisters from a consanguineous pedigree and a third unrelated proband.<st...

hrp0082p2-d1-512 | Pituitary | ESPE2014

Clinical Phenotype and Complications, Endocrinopathies and Neuroimaging Findings in a Case Series of Sod

Maris I , Howard C , Bogue C , Morrissey R , Gregory L C , O'Connell S M , Dattani M T , O'Riordan S M P

Background: Septo-optic dysplasia (SOD) is a highly heterogeneous condition with a variable phenotype, defined as two or more features of the classical triad: i) optic nerve hypoplasia, ii) midline brain defects, and iii) pituitary hormone abnormalities.Objective and hypotheses: To describe the clinical, endocrine, and neuroimaging features in eight children with SOD.Method: Eight (six males) consecutive patients, diagnosed with SO...

hrp0095p1-317 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2022

Effects of combined treatment with rhIGF-I and metreleptin in a girl with the severe insulin resistance Rabson-Mendenhall syndrom

Genthner N. , Rakicioglu H. , Karatsiolis P. , Wudy SA , Kamrath C.

We present the case of a now 11 years old girl with the ultra-rare severe insulin resistance Rabson-Mendenhall syndrome due to the previously undescribed compound heterozygous mutations exon 16: c.2986A>G (Paternal) and intron 9: c.2029+1G>T (maternal) of the insulin receptor gene. The phenotypic findings were composed of dystrophy (birth weight 1970g, small for gestational age), hyperglycemia (up to 400mg/dl), severe acanthosis nigricans and mild cardiac septal hyperpla...

hrp0092fc11.1 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty Session 2 | ESPE2019

Phenotypic Characterization of a Large Pediatric Cohort of Patients with Genetic Forms of Congenital Hypopituitarism

Cionna Cecilia , Cerbone Manuela , Gregory Louise C , Dattani Mehul T

Background: Genetic variants are identified in a small proportion (~10%) of patients with Congenital Hypopituitarism (CH), with variable associated phenotypes. We aimed to phenotypically characterise a large cohort of patients with genetically proven CH.Patients and methods: 1684 CH patients were screened (Sanger or whole exome sequencing) over a 20-year period (1998-2018) for mutations in genes regulating pitui...

hrp0089p2-p246 | Growth &amp; Syndromes P2 | ESPE2018

Poor Weight Gain in Prader-Willi Syndrome – Not Always Over-restriction Consider Coeliac Disease

Lateva M , Kassim A , Meade C , Maher R , McCrann A , Roche E

Introduction: Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) is a complex genetic condition associated with feeding difficulties, hypotonia, developmental delay in infancy; hyperphagia leading to extreme obesity, growth failure and behavioral problems in childhood. Coeliac disease (CD), is an autoimmune disease characterized by gluten intolerance and a variety of symptoms most commonly diarrhea or constipation and failure to thrive. In PWS the challenge is to optimize growth while avoiding obesi...

hrp0089p2-p277 | Growth &amp; Syndromes P2 | ESPE2018

Pulling the Brakes – ‘Catch Down Growth’: A Phenomenon for Achieving Mid-parental Height Centile After Acquired, All-cause, Brain Injury

Kraus Fabian B T , Hindmarsh Peter C , Spoudeas Helen A

Introduction: Of any pituitary dysfunction following brain injury, growth hormone (GH) deficiency (GHD) is the most prevalent. The cut-point for defining GHD has been placed at 7 ng/mL representing optimum test performance. We hypothesised this cut-off may be set too low for genetically taller children with acquired brain injury, notably brain tumours, who demonstrate severe growth failure but repeatedly fail to meet diagnostic thresholds for GH replacement until several centi...

hrp0082p2-d1-419 | Growth Hormone | ESPE2014

Pubertal Development During GH Treatment with or without Additional GnRH Analogue Treatment in Short Children Born Small for Gestational Age

van der Steen M , Lem A J , Hokken-Koelega A C S

Background: GH treatment is effective in improving adult height (AH) in short children born Small for Gestational Age. If SGA children are short at the start of puberty, they could benefit from combined GH/GnRH Analogue (GnRHa) treatment.Objective and hypotheses: To determine the timing and progression of pubertal development in short SGA children, comparing GH treatment with combined GH/GnRHa treatment.Method: For the present stud...