hrp0084p1-51 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Distribution of Obesity Indices Among European Preschool Children and Associated Risk Factors: The ToyBox-Study

Galcheva Sonya , Lateva Mina , Iotova Violeta , Bourdeaudhuij Ilse De , Cardon Greet , Androutsos Odysseas , Kulaga Zbigniew , Socha Piotr , Moreno Luis , Koletzko Berthold , Manios Yannis , Group ToyBox-study

Background: Childhood obesity is a serious health problem, related to an increased risk of adult morbidity and mortality. Evidence indicates that central adiposity increases this risk to a higher degree compared to the general obesity indices.Objective and hypotheses: To evaluate the distribution of anthropometric obesity indices among preschool children aged 3.5–5.5 years, from six European countries, and to examine their associations with certain ...

hrp0084p3-1167 | Puberty | ESPE2015

In a Severe Precocious Puberty Case Who Treated with Frequent Leuprolid Acetate Injections, a Rare Adverse Effect: Sterile Abscess

Keskin Mehmet , Karaoglan Murat , Demir Korcan , Keskin Ozlem

Introduction: GnRH analogues common used in precocious puberty are highly effective agents. The drug dose and injection frequency should be designed for each case. However these agents are common well tolerated, some rare adverse effects may be occur. We present a case of frequent leuprolid acetate injections-related sterile abscess.Case: The case was 16-month-old boy. He had rapid growth, big penis, and excessive pubic hair. These symptoms have appeared...

hrp0095p1-590 | Thyroid | ESPE2022

Immunoglobulin Superfamily 1 (IGSF1) Deficiency: A Rare Cause of Isolated Congenital Hypothyroidism in Two Siblings

MacGloin Helen , Bhushan Arya Ved , Schoenmakers Nadia , Buchanan Charles

Introduction: The Newborn Screening Programme (NBS) enables earlier diagnosis of congenital hypothyroidism (CH). However, cases of central congenital hypothyroidism (CCH) are missed in countries which use thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) based screening strategy. Understanding the pathogenic aetiology of CCH is particularly important because many patients have additional pituitary hormone deficiencies. New genes have been implicated in CCH, including the rece...

hrp0094p1-72 | Fetal Endocrinology and Multisystem Disorders A | ESPE2021

Clinical characteristics of children with Congenital Hyperinsulinism: Results from the European Registries for Rare Endocrine Conditions (EuRRECa) Project

Plachy Lukas , Bryce Jillian , Mohnike Klaus , Gan Hoong-Wei , Shaikh Guftar , Rozenkova Klara , Mozzillo Enza , Maltoni Giulio , Navardauskaite Ruta , Casteels Kristina , Stuart Annemarie Verrijn , Dastamani Antonia , Empting Susann , Verkauskiene Rasa , Ahmed S. Faisal , Sumnik Zdenek ,

Introduction: Congenital hyperinsulinism (CHI) is a group of rare endocrine disorders characterized by repeated episodes of hypoglycemia caused by an excessive insulin secretion from the pancreas beta cells. The etiopathogenesis, phenotype, treatment, and prognosis of individual CHI cases are variable and not completely described.Aims: To gather and describe clinical and genetic data about CHI cases diagnosed within the large EuRRECa net...

hrp0086p2-p703 | Endocrinology and Multisystemic Diseases P2 | ESPE2016

French National Healthcare Network for Rare Endocrine Diseases (FIRENDO): The First Year of Activity to Monitor Patients with Rare Endocrine Diseases

Givony Maria , Minime Fanny , Lopes Euma Fortes , Varillon Yvonne , Le Verger Delphine , Ghenim Sabine , Provost Marion , Rahabi-Layachi Haifa , Bouvattier Claire , Polak Michel , Brue Thierry , Nunes Marie-Laure , Delemer Brigitte , Netchine Irene , Mouriquand Pierre , Borson-Chazot Francoise , Bony-Trifunovic Helene , Rodien Patrice , Juliane Leger , Bertherat Jerome

Background: Twenty-three national healthcare networks for rare diseases were identified in 2014 as part of the French scheme on rare diseases. The rare endocrine disease national healthcare network FIRENDO ( includes six centers of reference with complementary fields of expertise certified between 2005 and 2006, 30 centers of competence covering all French regions, 18 research and 37 diagnostic laboratories, 5 national learned...

hrp0082p1-d3-101 | Sex Development | ESPE2014

Subjective Need for Psychological Support in Parents of Children with dsd: Results from the German Clinical Evaluation Study

Bennecke Elena , Werner-Rosen Knut , Krude Heiko , Thyen Ute , Lux Anke , Kleinemeier Eva , Jurgensen Martina , Kohler Birgit , Group DSD Network Working

Introduction: The diagnosis of a disorder/difference of sexual development (dsd) is an exceptional psychosocial situation. As the diagnosis is often made in childhood, the parents are the primary communication partners. In some cases, the impossibility of immediate sex determination of the child can be a traumatic experience with a negative impact on the relationship between the parents and the child, the couple and members of the entire family. It has been recommended by the ...

hrp0095p2-26 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2022

3 β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Deficiency, Rare in the Diagnosis of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia: A Case Report

Derya Bulus Ayse , Yasartekin Yuksel , Guran Tülay

A defect in one of the 5 enzymes related to the cortisol biosynthesis pathway (cholesterol side chain degradation enzyme, 3-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, 17-hydroxylase, 21-hydroxylase and 11-hydroxylase) is responsible for the formation of KAH. Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) is seen in newborn babies with a frequency of 1/10,000-16,000. The most common 21 hydroxylase enzyme deficiency. 3-β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3βHSD) deficiency is a rare form of ...

hrp0092p1-80 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2019

Clinical Characteristics, Puberty Pattern and Adult or Near-adult-height Data in a Group of Patients with Growth Failure due to Severe Primary IGF-1 Deficiency (GROWPATI Study)

Stoupa Athanasia , Lorraud Christine , Flechtner Isabelle , Viaud Magali , Pinto Graziella , Samara-Boustani Dinane , Thalassinos Caroline , Brioude Frédéric , Netchine Irène , Amselem Serge , Legendre Marie , Polak Michel

Background: Severe primary insulin-growth factor-1 (IGF-1) deficiency (SPIGF1D) is a rare cause of growth retardation. Diagnostic criteria include age- and sex-dependent low basal IGF-1 levels (<2.5th percentile), height ≤ -3SDS, absence of growth hormone deficiency and of any secondary causes of growth failure.Objectives: Description of pubertal onset and growth spurt, data on adult or near-adult-he...

hrp0084p3-822 | Endocrine Oncology | ESPE2015

Galactocele: A Rare Case of Breast Enlargement Among Children

Jabari Moslah Ali

Background: A galactocele is a retention cyst containing milk or a milky substance that is usually located in the mammary glands caused by a protein plug that block off the outlet. It is seen in lactating women on cessation of lactation and rarely in infants and children. It presents as a large, soft, fluctuating lump in the lower part of breast. This paper is intended to report a case of Galactocele in one of the paediatric patient.Case presentation: Ga...

hrp0092p3-319 | Late Breaking Abstracts | ESPE2019

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Celiac and Hypothyroidism Complicating Type 1 Diabetes: A Rare Tetrad

Jain Rakhi , Kochar Indrapal singh

The association of TIDM and SLE is rather rare, but in the event of occurrence can complicate the course of the other. Genetic predisposition, autoimmunity and viral infections are the main etiopathological factors implicated in the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes mellitus and an association between TIDM and Celiac disease (CD) has a high incidence. This is probably due the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) DR3- DQ2 and DR4-DQ8 that is common to both the diseases.<p class="abs...