hrp0094p1-137 | Growth Hormone and IGFs A | ESPE2021

Persistently increased IGF-I levels and excellent auxological response despite low doses of recombinant growth hormone in a GH-deficient patient with a heterozygous variant of the growth hormone receptor (GHR) gene

Laura Nicolosi Maria , Cattoni Alessandro , Maitz Silvia , Marco Santo Di , Biondi Andrea , Molinari Silvia ,

Introduction: Homozygous loss-of-function mutations of the growth hormone receptor (GHR) gene result in GH insensitivity due to a dysfunctional receptor protein. Heterozygous mutations may result in a variable clinical spectrum ranging from normal height to severe short stature. Gain-of-function variants have been reported rarely.Case Report: We hereby report the case of a Russian boy who was referred to our endocrine o...

hrp0097p1-16 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2023

Low bone mineral density in children with Cerebral Palsy and its risk factors: finding a way to prevent secondary osteoporosis

Lindblad Pedersen Marianne , Mol Debes Nanette , Engel Høi-Hansen Christina , Johannesen Jesper

Introduction: Children with cerebral palsy (CP) has an increased risk of bone fragility, low areal bone mineral density (aBMD) and low trauma fractures leading to increased pain experience, decreased mobility and lower quality of life.Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of low BMD among children with cerebral palsy in Denmark across the spectrum of gross motor function scale (GMFCS) of I-V and ...

hrp0094p2-287 | Growth and syndromes (to include Turner syndrome) | ESPE2021

Novel LZTR1 mutations in subjects with features of Noonan Syndrome and GH insensitivity negatively regulate GH-induced IGF-I production and hyperactivate GH-induced ERK1/2 activation in response to GH in vitro

Chatterjee Sumana , Romeo Bertola Debora , Agwu Chizo , Maharaj Avinaash , Williams Jack , Cottrell Emily , Shapiro Lucy , Andrews Afiya , Savage Martin O. , Gaston-Massuet Carles , Metherell Louise A. , Storr Helen L. ,

Background: Noonan Syndrome (NS) can overlap clinically and biochemically with growth hormone insensitivity [GHI; short stature (SS), low IGF-I and normal/elevated GH levels]. Mutations in multiple genes regulating RAS/MAPK pathway have been identified in NS including LZTR1 variants. Function of LZTR1 is poorly understood and its role in growth retardation is unknown.Objectives: To functionally characte...

hrp0094p1-3 | Adrenal A | ESPE2021

Growth-Related Characteristics of Patients <18 Years of Age with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Due to 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency (21OHD): Real-World Evidence from the I-CAH Registry

Farrar Mallory , He Wei , Ali Salma R , Bryce Jillian , Lawrence Neil , Baronio Federico , Claahsen-van der Grinten Hedi L. , Bonfig Walter , Krone Nils , Yonan Chuck , Ahmed S. Faisal ,

Background: Classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency is a rare autosomal recessive condition characterized by cortisol deficiency and elevated ACTH secretion, resulting in excess androgen production. This exposure to excess androgens contributes to advanced skeletal maturation and reduced growth in puberty. Data from the I-CAH registry were analyzed to identify growth-related characteristics of children and adolescents with...

hrp0094p2-264 | Growth hormone and IGFs | ESPE2021

Growth hormone (GH) treatment of children with idiopathic short children (ISS) with normal insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) versus those with low IGF-I at diagnosis.

Elsiddig Sohair , Soliman Ashraf , Alaaraj Nada , Khalil Ahmed , Ahmed Hannah ,

ISS is a condition in which the height is more than 2 SD below the corresponding mean height for age, sex and population, in whom no identifiable disorder is present. Some ISS patients may have varying degrees of IGF-1 deficiency. Recombinant GH treatment has been used by some authors with variable results. Theoretically, low IGF-I level at presentation may affect their response to GH therapy. The question is: do children with ISS and low IGF-I respond differently to GH therap...

hrp0089rfc15.4 | Growth and syndromes | ESPE2018

Characteristics, Effectiveness and Safety Data from Clinically Relevant Subgroups of Patients with Severeprimary IGF-I Deficiency (SPIGFD): Results from the European Increlex® Growth Forum Database (EU-IGFD) Registry

Woelfle Joachim , Polak Michel , Perrot Valerie , Sert Caroline , Bang Peter

Background: The EU-IGFD registry was established to monitor the safety and effectiveness of recombinant human IGF-I (rhIGF-I) (mecasermin (rDNA origin) injection; Increlex®) for short stature in children with SPIGFD, including those with Laron syndrome (LS).Objective: To report patient characteristics, effectiveness and safety data in clinically relevant patient subgroups.Methods: Data were compiled from this ongoin...

hrp0089p2-p289 | Multisystem Endocrine Disorders P2 | ESPE2018

Statural Growth and Endocrinopathies in Relation to Liver Iron Content (LIC) and Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-I) Concentration in Adolescents with Beta Thalassemia Major (BTM) and Sickle Cell Disease (SCD)

Soliman AShraf , Yassin Mohamed , Sanctis Vincenzo DE , Moustafa Abbas , Samaan Sandra Abou , Nashwan Abdulqadir

We evaluated growth parameters and endocrine disorders in relation to the quantity of liver iron (LIC) measured by the Ferriscan method and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-I) level in a cohort of adolescents with sickle cell disease (SCD) (n=40) and beta thalassemia major (BTM) (n=52) receiving nearly the same protocol of transfusion and iron chelation therapy since early childhood. Before transfusion, hemoglobin concentration had not been less than 9 g/dl ...

hrp0092p1-59 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2019

Growth Patterns in Non-syndromic Childhood Overweight: Comparing Children with Early of Late Onset Weight Gain

German Alina , Vaisbourd Julia , Wikland Kerstin Albertsson , Gelander Lars , Holmgren Anton , Niklasson Aimon , Hochberg Ze'ev

Background: A rapid weight gain during infancy increases adult lean body mass, whereas weight gain during adiposity rebound at age 4-7 years results in increased adult fat mass and an increased risk of the metabolic syndrome and T2D. To understand the impact of age of obesity onset on growth, we classified non-syndromic childhood overweight into an early onset (EO, age 0-3) and a late onset (LO, age 3-7) group and characterized the growth patterns of the two.<...

hrp0089fc4.5 | GH &amp; IGFs | ESPE2018

Prediction of Adult Height by Artificial Intelligence (AI) through Machine Learning (ML) from Early Height Data

Shmoish Michael , German Alina , Devir Nurit , Hecht Anna , Butler Gary , Niklasson Aimon , Albertsson-Wikland Kerstin , Hochberg Ze'ev

Context: Growth analyses have traditionally been done by either non-structural descriptive statistics or by fitting models. While we usually describe height and weight separately, we assume reciprocity of weight and height on each other. We utilize ML to predict ages 7–18 y height based on height and weight data up to age 6y.Methods: After pre-processing the height and weight, primary and secondary features (height SDS, BMI, growth velocity) of 1596...

hrp0095fc4.2 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2022

Positive effects of a structured pre- and post-bariatric surgery program on follow-up rate and supplement intake in adolescents and youths- Results from the German YES cohort

Brandt Stephanie , Schirmer Melanie , Kleger Pauline , von Schnurbein Julia , Holle Rolf , Holl Reinhard W. , Hebebrand Johannes , Wiegand Susanna , Wabitsch Martin

Introduction: Until recently, bariatric surgery (BS) has been the only option for clinically meaningful weight reduction for adolescents and youth with extreme obesity. Low participation rate in follow-up examinations and low supplement intake after BS in adolescents has been described in literature (PMID: 24048144, 25078533). We developed a structured pre- and post-bariatric surgery program in order to improve follow-up rate and supplement intake in adolescen...