hrp0082p2-d1-454 | Growth | ESPE2014

Endocrine characteristics of patients with anorexia nervosa in a large paediatric study cohort

Toenne Moritz , Datz Nicolin , Heger Sabine , Hartmann Rainhard , Danne Thomas , Kuznik Gerd , Neuhaus Burkhard , Kordonouri Olga

Aim: To examine the prevalence of endocrine abnormalities and outcome in children and adolescents with Anorexia nervosa (AN).Methods: The study cohort consisted of 181 patients (age 14.6±1.9 years; 160 girls, 21 boys) with AN (n=137), atypical AN (n=6) and other eating disorders except of Bulimia (n=38) who were hospitalized between Jan 2010 and Feb 2013. Somatometric [body-mass-index (BMI), BMI-SDS] and endocrine parameters were a...

hrp0082p2-d3-556 | Puberty and Neuroendocrinology (2) | ESPE2014

Long Term Outcomes of Precocious Puberty due to Hypothalamic Hamartomas

Rodrigue Danielle , Thomas-Teinturier Cecile , Motte-Signoret Emmanuelle , Bougneres Pierre , Linglart Agnes

Background: Hypothamamic hamartomas (HH) are rare benign tumours of the tuber cinereum revealed by central precocious puberty (CPP) and, in some cases, gelastic seizures and cognitive impairment.Objective and hypotheses: Evaluation of the treament by GnRH analogues on control of puberty and final height in patients with HH.Method: We report a series of five cases of CPP secondary to HH (four girls and one boy). Early in infancy (9 ...

hrp0084p1-20 | Bone | ESPE2015

24-Hydroxylase Polymorphism as a Possible Contributor to the Increased 1,25(OH)2D in African Americans

Carpenter Thomas O , Cole David E C , Ardeshirpour Laleh , Salehpour Shadab

Background: States of vitamin D insufficiency are important determinants of rickets, as well as osteoporosis and other common complex disorders like diabetes, cancer, and infectious diseases. Although, serum concentrations of the vitamin D metabolites are primarily driven by vitamin D supply (by diet or cutaneous synthesis), there is emerging evidence to suggest that single nucleotide variants (SNVs) are important genetic determinants.Objective and hypot...

hrp0084p2-262 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Factitious Administration of Analogue Insulin to a 2-Years-Old Child

Thanawala Nehal , Cheney Sarah , Wark Gwen , Thevis Mario , Thomas A , Tziaferi V , Greening James

Background: Hypoglycaemia precipitated by factitious insulin administration presents in a very similar way to hypoglycaemia caused by hyperinsulinism. It is difficult to ascertain clinically if the hypoglycaemia is secondary to exogenous administration or endogenous insulin secretion. Diagnosis is based on circumstantial evidence and biochemical tests which include insulin and C-peptide level.Objective and hypotheses: We would like to report a case of a ...

hrp0084p2-437 | Gonads | ESPE2015

Implementation of a High Sensitive LC-MS/MS Method for Measurement of Oestradiol, Oestrone and Oestriol

Kulle Alexandra , Reinehr Thomas , Simic-Schleicher Gunter , Roscheswsky Jule , Welzel Maik , Holterhus Paul-Martin

Background: Specific measurement of low serum/plasma concentrations of 17β-oestradiol (E2) is important in pre-pubertal and pubertal children in routine paediatric endocrinology. The role of oestrone (E1) and oestriol (E3) is not as comprehensively well understood in different pediatric endocrine disease states. We describe a method for high sensitivity analysis of estradiol (E2), oestrone (E1) and oestriol (E3) using LC-MS/MS.Objective and hypothes...

hrp0084p2-492 | Hypo | ESPE2015

Syndromic Hypoketotic, Hypoinsulinemic Hypoglycaemia due to a Mosaic Activating Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Mutation

Kummer Sebastian , Leiter Sarah M , Welters Alena , Barroso Ines , Meissner Thomas , Semple Robert K

Background: In contrast to hypoglycaemia due to congenital hyperinsulinism, there are patients with a similar metabolic profile of hypoketotic hypoglycaemia, but low insulin levels and relatively low glucose requirements to maintain euglycaemia. So far, four patients with activating mutations in the insulin signal-transducing kinase AKT2 have been described, each also showing a syndromic phenotype including hemihypertrophy.Objective and hypotheses: We pr...

hrp0084p3-732 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Severe Insulin Resistance and Dyslipidaemia with Unremarkable Fat Distribution in an Adolescent Girl due to Mutation in the PPARG Gene (Familial Partial Lipodystrophy Type 3)

Doing Carsten , Kummer Sebastian , Savage David , Salgin Burak , Sample Robert , Mayatepek Ertan , Meissner Thomas

Background: Mutations in the PPARG gene, encoding peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPARG) are associated with Familial lipodystrophy type 3. PPARG regulates fatty acid storage and glucose metabolism. The genes activated by PPARG stimulate lipid uptake and adipogenese by fat cells. In cases of lipodystrophy and defects of adipogenesis lipoid accumulates ectopically in the liver, skeletal muscle, pancreas and cardiovascular tissues and impairs the function of th...

hrp0084p3-1197 | Thyroid | ESPE2015

Congenital Hypothyroidism Incidence and Dysgenesis or Dyshormonogenesis Prevalence in a Large Infants Cohort from South of France

Petit Isabelle Oliver , Lobinet Emilie , Gennero Isabelle , Edouard Thomas , Cartault Audrey , Tauber Maithe

Background: Congenital hypothyroidism (CH) is the most frequent endocrine disease in infants with prevalence ratio in the range of 1:2000–1:4000 new-borns. The disorder can be permanent (CHP) or transient (CHT). CH can be classified into two main groups: Dysgenesis, which accounts classically for 80–85% of cases and dyshormonogenesis for remaining 15–20%. From the last decade, studies described a upward trend for CH prevalence and changes in groups’ proport...

hrp0094p1-9 | Adrenal A | ESPE2021

Backdoor Pathway hormones and 11-oxygenated Androgens are elevated in Patients with 21-hydroxylase deficiency

Kulle Alexandra , Lamprecht Tabea , Pinto Francisca , Wulf Kristina , Hornig Nadine , Reinehr Thomas , Holterhus Paul-Martin ,

Background: Patients with 21-Hydroxylase deficiency (21OHD) present increased levels of cytochrome P450 21-hydroxylase substrates, like progesterone and 17α-hydroxyprogesterone. Previous studies could show that these hormones are involved in the production of androgens via the backdoor pathway. As a second source of androgens, 11-oxyandrogens derived from the human adrenal glands are recognized as being major androgens. Specifically, 11-oxyandrogens ...

hrp0094p1-107 | Adrenal B | ESPE2021

Cortoic Acids: Renaissance of a Forgotten Class of Steroids

Schauermann Marcel , Wachter Ulrich A. , Homoki Janos , Hartmann Michaela F. , Hua Yifan , Remer Thomas , Wudy Stefan A. ,

Initially discovered in the 1970s, the C21 steroidal acids α-cortolic acid, β-cortolic acid, α-cortolonic acid and β-cortolonic acid present the terminal oxidative products of cortisol metabolism. Undergoing renal elimination, these cortoic acids have been assumed to represent up to 25% of total urinary cortisol metabolites. However, their analysis has been difficult, only few data has been published in adults, and this class of steroids has beco...