hrp0094p2-438 | Sex differentiation, gonads and gynaecology or sex endocrinology | ESPE2021

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia in detail: A multicentric and interdisciplinary study in minors with different sexual development

Ignacio Diez-Lopez , Nerea Gonzalez-Temprano , Villalon Flor , Larreina de la Fuente Leire , Cancela Vanesa , Nuñez Francisco Javier , Hernandez Jone Miren

Of the 67 included DSD patients, 33% were HSCs. 68% women and 32% men, with a total concordance between legal sex, current gender and chromosomal sex. Median age: 10.5 years, IQR 8-14. The most frequent clinical form was non-classical (NC) 45.5%, followed by classical with saline loss (CPS) 41%. The distribution of each clinical form according to the karyotype is significant (P = 0.013), the most frequent with XY karyotype is CPS and in NC forms all cases are XX. Med...

hrp0097rfc4.4 | Growth and syndromes (to include Turner syndrome) | ESPE2023

Genetic findings in short Turkish children born to consanguineous parents

Joustra Sjoerd , Isik Emregul , M. Wit Jan , Catli Gonul , Anik Ahmet , Haliloglu Belma , Kandemir Nurgun , Ozsu Elif , Hendriks Yvonne , de Bruin Christiaan , Kant Sarina , Campos-Barros Angel , Challis Rachel , Parry David , Harley Margaret , Jackson Andrew , Losekoot Monique , van Duyvenvoorde Hermine

Objective: To describe clinical, laboratory and genetic characteristics of 42 short children from 34 consanguineous Turkish families.Design: Descriptive case series.Methods: After collecting clinical information, DNA samples were analysed in three European laboratories. In 18 children (12 families) suspected of a genetic defect in the growth hormone (GH)-insulin-like growth factor ...

hrp0095wg4.1 | ESPE Working Group on Diabetes Technology (DT) Symposium | ESPE2022

Use of Automated Insulin Delivery systems (AIDs) in preschool children

de Beaufort Carine

Management of type 1 diabetes in preschool children is a huge challenge for their caregivers. Age-specific factors (e.g. unpredictable food intake and physical activity, small insulin doses, high insulin sensitivity, frequent intercurrent infections, high variability in insulin requirements) increase the complexity of daily diabetes management. Furthermore, the preschool child depends completely on his/her caregiver. To meet recommended treatment targets while avoiding hypogly...

hrp0089wg1.3 | ESPE Disorders of Sex Development & Turner Syndrome Joint Session | ESPE2018

Cardiovascular Pathology in Males and Females with 45,X/46,XY Mosaicism

De Groote Katya

The phenotype of 45,X/46,XY mosaicism is heterogeneous ranging from females with Turner syndrome (TS) to apparently normal males. Cardinal features of TS include reduced final height and infertility. Apart from endocrine, renal and neurocognitive disorders, structural heart defects are frequently present (in 25% to 50%), also in TS patients with mosaicism 45,X/46,XY. Males with 45,X/46,XY frequently show stigmata typically associated with TS but data on cardiovascular patholog...

hrp0089wg7.1 | ESPE Paediatric Endocrine Nurse Specialists and Allied Health Professionals Working Group (PENS) | ESPE2018

Advanced Anthropometrics in Pediatric Endocrinology: Utility and Difficulty

De Schepper Jean

Anthropometrics is an important part of pediatrics and public health. Its non-invasiveness, simplicity and low cost makes anthropometry attractive for several purposes. It is a valuable method for the screening or assessment of growth disorders, as well as under- and over-nutrition. Furthermore, specific anthropometric measures can be used as indicators of general fitness or cardiovascular risk factors (insulin resistance and dyslipidemia) in (obese) children, as well as marke...

hrp0082s6.2 | New Concepts in the Gonadotropic Axis | ESPE2014

New Syndromes Resulting in Secretory Pathway and Gonadotropic Axis Regulation Defects

de Roux N

Puberty is defined by the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics and the maturation of reproductive function. It is driven by an increase in sexual steroid hormone synthesis under the control of the gonadotropic axis. The key event in puberty initiation is an increase in the pulsatile release of the GnRH by hypothalamic neurons, triggering the release of LH and FSH. This pubertal increase in GnRH secretion is associated with increases in glutamatergic inputs and decrea...

hrp0082wg2.7 | Global paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes | ESPE2014

Long Acting Insulin: Friend or Foe?

de Beaufort Carine

Current treatment in type 1 diabetes focuses on the development of physiological insulin replacement. Although this has led to the increased progress in the development of semi closed loop systems and different algorithms allowing this, the majority of youth still has to cope with insulin injections. Improving metabolic outcome with injection therapy has become more demanding, imposing an increased number of injections and improved knowledge of food composition. For those able...

hrp0082p3-d3-864 | Growth (4) | ESPE2014

The Establishment of a New Paediatric Endocrinology Training Programme in South Africa

de Villiers Francois

Background: During the 1980s there were no officially accredited training programmes for subspecialty training in South Africa. Accordingly, doctors with accreditation from other countries, or with extensive experience in the subspecialty, were recognised as subspecialists, based on peer review.Objective and hypotheses: The objective of this poster was to document the development of a new Paediatric Endocrinology programme in a previously disadvantaged m...

hrp0084s10.1 | Growth plate in chronic diseases | ESPE2015

Molecular Mechanisms of Growth Plate Adaptation During Undernutrition

De Luca Francesco

It is known that almost 180 million children in the world have stunted growth. Most of these children live in eastern and central Africa and in South-central Asia. Among multiple factors causing stunted growth in the developing world, malnutrition is the most important one. On the other hand, reduced caloric intake is also a cause of poor statural growth in developed countries.Mammals, including humans, exposed to malnutrition experience poor bone growth...

hrp0084wg1.2 | Bone & Growth Plate | ESPE2015

The Role of NFkB in Growth Plate Chondrogenesis

De Luca Francesco

Nuclear Factor kappa B (NF-κB) is a group of seven transcription factors, including p65 (RelA), c-Rel, RelB, p50/p105 (NF-κB1), and p52/p100 (NF-κB2). Upon activation by a wide variety of stimuli, NF-κB translocates to the nucleus, where it modulates the expression of target genes involved in cell growth, survival, and death.Previous evidence indicates that NF-κB regulates bone growth and development. Mice deficient in both the N...