hrp0086p2-p649 | Growth P2 | ESPE2016

A Case of Hypopituitarism in a Patient with Cantù Syndrome

Azzali Annachiara , La Spina Luisa , Gioe Daniela , Scalini Perla , Sandini Elena , Farri Martina , de Martino Maurizio , Stagi Stefano

Background: Cantù syndrome is a rare disorder characterized by congenital hypertrichosis, neonatal macrosomia, a distinct osteochondrodysplasia, and cardiomegaly. Other findings described are vascular abnormalities, pulmonary hypertension, generalized edema, mild learning disability and behavioral problems. Cantù syndrome is related to an heterozygous pathogenic variant in ABCC9 or KCNJ8, which can be inherited in an autosominal dominant manner or d...

hrp0086p2-p767 | Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology P2 | ESPE2016

Congenital Hypopituitarism in a Patient with 18p- Syndrome

Bolmasova Anna , Melikian Maria , Degtyareva Anna

Background: 18p- syndrome is very rare (1:50000 live-born infants). Hypopituitarism as part of the syndrome is found in 13% of cases. Here we present a case of congenital hypopituitarism in a girl with 18p- syndrome.Objective and hypotheses: Description of a rare clinical case of congenital hypopituitarism as a feature of 18p- syndrome.Method: Hormonal and biochemical blood tests, MRI, karyotyping, echocardiogram, specialists’...

hrp0094p2-327 | Growth and syndromes (to include Turner syndrome) | ESPE2021

A case of a Floating-Harbor syndrome in a child with severe short stature.

Prosvirnina Anna , Bolmasova Anna , Melikyan Maria ,

Introduction: Floating-Harbor syndrome is a rare autosomal dominant genetic disorder caused by mutations in SRCAP gene. This condition is characterized by dysmorphic facial features, short stature and expressive language delay. Here we present a clinical case of a child with Floating-Harbor syndrome.Clinical case: A girl to consanguineous healthy parents was born at 37 gestation weeks with height 47 cm (SDS=-0,46) and weight 224...

hrp0084p1-87 | Growth Hormone | ESPE2015

A Novel OTX2 Gene Mutation in a Child with Growth Hormone Deficiency

Lonero Antonella , Delvecchio Maurizio , Primignani Paola , Caputo Roberto , De alma Fabrizia , Luce Vincenza , Faienza Maria Felicia , Cavallo Luciano

Background: OTX2 is expressed in the human brain and plays a key role in the eye development. OTX2 mutations are reported in patients with ano/microphtalmia, optic nerve or optic chiasm hypoplasia, ocular coloboma and retinal dystrophies, associated in some cases with brain or pituitary abnormalities.Objective and hypotheses: Most of OTX2 mutations are nonsense or frameshift, more rarely missense mutations occur.Method: We...

hrp0084p2-335 | Fat | ESPE2015

Network Coordinated Primary Care Intervention in Obese Children and Adolescents: Almost a Decade of Experience

Guilmin-Crepon Sophie , Arsan Amine , Boizeau Priscilla , Alberti Corinne , Fidalgo Laurent , Chevallier Bertrand , Lubelski Patricia , Cheymol Jacques , Zaluski Alain , Tounian Patrick , Carel Jean-Claude , on behalf of REPOP Ile-de-France

Background: French health authorities have developed a national program to organize outpatient care networks for the prevention and management of obesity in children and adolescents (Réseau de Prise en Charge de l’Obésité Pédiatrique (REPOP)). To date, REPOP Ile-de-France has more than 250 primary care physicians with dietitians, nurses, educators, and psychologists trained in the management of childhood obesity as part of a standard care pathway, work...

hrp0092p1-365 | GH and IGFs (2) | ESPE2019

De Novo Formation of Neutralizing IGF-I Antibodies During rhIGF-1 Treatment in a Girl with IGFALS Deficiency as Distinct Adverse Event Interfering with Growth Promotion

Mittnacht Janna , Breil Thomas , Choukair Daniela , Duffert Christin , Hwa Vivian , Rosenfeld Ron , Bettendorf Markus

Background: IGFALS deficiency is a rare cause of GH insensitivity (GHI). We report a German girl with short stature who was born as 2nd child at 40 weeks of gestation. Her Caucasian parents were unrelated and healthy (target height 168 cm, SDS 0.2). She was born appropriately sized for gestational age (49 cm, SDS -1.2; 2950 g, SDS-1.2). Height (104.8 cm; SDS -2.94) and height velocity (5.1 cm / year; SDS -1.67) were reduced at the age of 6 years.</p...

hrp0092p3-151 | Growth and Syndromes (to include Turner Syndrome) | ESPE2019

Long-Term Follow-Up Study for a Boy with Floating–Harbor Syndrome Due to a de novo Novel Heterozygous SRCAP Mutation

Ma Huamei , Zhang Jun , Guo Song , Li Yanhong , Chen Qiuli , Chen Hongshan , Du Minlian

Background: —Floating-Harbor syndrome(FHS) is a rare autosomal dominant genetic disorder associated with heterozygous mutations in SRCAP gene. The SRCAP protein activates the cAMP-response element binding protein-binding protein(CREBBP) gene that is involved in the regulation of cell growth and division.Objective: To report on long-term follow-up data of a boy with FHSMethods:...

hrp0084fc7.4 | Growth-promoting therapies | ESPE2015

A Novel Reversible Albumin-Binding GH Derivative Possesses a Promising Once-Weekly Treatment Profile in Children with GH Deficiency

Zuckerman-Levin Nehama , Gucev Zoran , de Schepper Jean , Rasmussen Michael Hojby , Battelino Tadej , Olsen Minna Braendholt , Savendahl Lars

Background: GH administration restores normal growth in children with GH deficiency (GHD). However, current daily s.c. injection treatment regimens may be inconvenient leading to impaired adherence and subsequently suboptimal treatment outcomes. NNC0195-0092 is a novel, reversible albumin-binding GH developed for once-weekly administration.Objective and hypotheses: This was a randomised, open-label, active-controlled, dose-escalation trial (NCT01973244) ...

hrp0084p1-110 | Perinatal | ESPE2015

Neonatal Screening Program for Central Congenital Hypothyroidism

Braslavsky Debora , Prieto Laura , Keselman Ana , de Papendieck Laura Gruneiro , Enacan Rosa , Mendez Virginia , Bergada Ignacio , Chiesa Ana

Background: Congenital hypothyroidism (CH) comprises a heterogeneous group of disorders that includes diseases of the hypothalamo-hypophyseal system. The latter are missed on TSH based screening programs leading to increased morbidity and mortality. Additional T4 determinations, allows an early detection of CH of central origin (CH-C).Objective and hypotheses: To report the findings of a neonatal screening program based on determination of TSH...

hrp0097p2-90 | Multisystem Endocrine Disorders | ESPE2023

Autosomal dominant hypocalcemia: A diagnostic and therapeutic challenge

Ariza-Jimenez Ana-Belen , Ariza-Jimenez Jose-Antonio , Azpilicueta Idarreta Maria , de la Camara Moraño Carmen

Introduction and Aims: Autosomal dominant hypocalcemia or type V Bartter syndrome is characterized by hypocalcemia, low parathyroid hormone (PTH), and calciuria, which marks its prognosis due to the risk of nephrocalcinosis. It is caused by activating mutations in the calcium-sensing receptor (CASR) gene (3q21.1), which is expressed in the parathyroid and renal tubules, causing salt and potassium loss, due to the inhibition of the ROMK and NKCC2 channels. We s...