hrp0095p2-299 | Thyroid | ESPE2022

Chronic urticaria associated with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis : A case report

Magdy Omar Omneya , Samir Omar Salma , Adel Haleem Abo Elwafa Reham , Magdy Omar Eman

Introduction: Thyroid autoimmunity in chronic urticaria is a growing process and maybe manifested before concomitant with, or several years after the appearance of the urticaria. The association of chronic urticaria with autoimmune thyroid disease has frequently been reported in adults. Limited cases have been reported in children.Case Report: Here we describe an eleven years old girl. Who was born to non-consanguineous ...

hrp0097p1-586 | Thyroid | ESPE2023

Hyperthyroidism caused by severe bacterial infection

Flury Monika , Gita Gemulla , Reichardt Susen , Stamos Kristina , Taut Heike , Hahn Gabriele , Huebner Angela

We report on a nearly 4-year-old girl who presented to the emergency room of our paediatric clinic with high fever and poor general condition, swelling of the neck and swallowing difficulties. Laboratory chemistry showed a marked hyperthyroid metabolic state, so that initially a thyrotoxic crisis in Graves' disease was considered (TSH 0.03 mU/L (-), fT4 28.10 pmol/l (+)). Therefore, a short-term therapy with thiamazole was given. The thyroid autoantibodies were negative. ...

hrp0095fc5.2 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2022

Thioredoxin Reductase 2 (TXNRD2) Variant As A Cause Of Micropenis, Undescended Testis And Selective Glucocorticoid Deficiency

Patjamontri Supitcha , Lucas-Herald Angela , McMillan Martin , Prasad Rathi , Metherell Louise , McGowan Ruth , Tobias Edward , Faisal Ahmed S.

Introduction: The molecular aetiology of familial glucocorticoid deficiency (FGD) is very heterogeneous. A recent report of a genetic variant in TXNRD2, the gene encoding thioredoxin reductase Type 2, in a South Asian kindred with FGD suggests that the maintenance of redox balance may be critical for adrenocortical function. We present the second report of an individual from another south Asian family harbouring a different pathological variant in <em...

hrp0095p1-210 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2022

Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency: the correlation of 17-hydroxyprogesterone stimulated concentrations with genotype for the identification of the molecular defect- A study of 526 cases

Fylaktou Irene , Mertzanian Anny , Charmandari Evangelia , Kanaka-Gantenbein Christina , Sertedaki Amalia

Introduction: Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by impairment of one of the enzymes involved in the steroidogenesis pathway. CAH due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency (21-OHD) is attributed to mutations of the CYP21A2 gene and is distinguished into classic [salt wasting (SW), simple virilizing (SV)] and non-classic form. Herein we present a) the genetic investigation of 526 subjects with suspicion of 21-OHD in t...

hrp0095p1-265 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2022

A point mutation of SH2B1: a new cause of monogenic obesity?

CriscuoloSabrina , Ubertini Graziamaria , d'Aniello Francesco , Mirra Giulia , Mucciolo Mafalda , Elisa Amodeo Maria , Deodati Annalisa , Rapini Novella , Cappa Marco

Early identification of monogenic obesity, a rare condition, is quite challenging for pediatricians. Src-homology-2 (SH2) B adapter protein 1 (SH2B1) is an important component in the leptin-melanocortin pathway and it is found to play an important role in leptin and insulin signaling. In humans a rare deletion of a 220-kb region on chromosome 16p11.2 encompassing approximately 9 genes, including the SH2B1 gene, is associated with a highly penetrant form of isolated severe earl...

hrp0095p1-557 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2022

Pituitary tuberculosis and hypothalamic obesity can be reversed by prolonged anti-tuberculosis treatment

Rochtus Anne , Lagae Lieven , Vermeulen Francois , de Zegher Francis

Background and methods: Sellar and suprasellar tuberculomas are extremely rare in children and most often patients present with headache, vomiting, visual disturbances, and hypofunction of the pituitary gland. Here, we report a girl with hypothalamic obesity, that recovers after antituberculosis treatment.Findings: An 11-year old girl presented with headache, fever and anorexia that progressively evolved into an encephal...

hrp0095p1-178 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology, and Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2022

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)–secreting hepatoblastoma in an male infant with peripheral precocious puberty and 11-year follow-up

MA Hua-mei , LI Yan-hong , Chen Qiu-li , DU Min-lian

Background: Hepatoblastoma is the most common malignant pediatric hepatic tumor virtually confined to infants and young children. Accompanied by raised levels of alpha fetoprotein (AFP),rarely, the beta human chorionic gonadotropin (β hCG) levels may also be elevated, which can cause male peripheral precocious puberty (PPP).Objective: To report a case of HB presented with PPP with elevated serum AFP, β h...

hrp0095p1-591 | Thyroid | ESPE2022

Evaluation of Permanent and Transient Congenital Hypothyroidism in Cases Referred from National Neonatal Screening Program

Donbaloğlu Zeynep , Çetinkaya Semra , Aycan Zehra , Karacan Küçükali Gülin , Şakar Merve , Savaş Erdeve Şenay

Objective: The incidence of congenital hypothyroidism (CH) has increased worldwide. Lowering cut-off in screening programs has led to an increase in the rate of transient CH. We aimed to evaluate the rates of permanent and transient CH in cases referred from the screening program and to investigate the clinical and laboratory factors to predict the transient CH.Methods: 109 cases referred from the screening program to ou...

hrp0092p1-143 | Thyroid | ESPE2019

Biotine Interference in a Patient with Non-Clinic High Thyroid Hormone Levels

Ayranci Ilkay , Filibeli Berna Eroglu , Manyas Hayrullah , Dündar Bumin Nuri , Çatli Gönül

Introduction: Differential diagnosis of thyroid hormone resistance (beta) and TSHoma should be made in patients with high free thyroxine (f-T4) and free triiodothyronine (f-T3) and non-suppressed thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels. The aim of this study was to present the results of etiological research in a patient with Down syndrome who was clinically euthyroid and had high levels of f-T4, f-T3, normal TSH levels.Case</st...

hrp0092p2-162 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2019

Metabolic Effects of Growth Hormone Treatment in Short Prepubertal Children: A Double-Blinded Randomized Clinical Trial

Tidblad Anders , Gustafsson Jan , Marcus Claude , Ritzén Martin , Ekström Klas

Objective: Growth hormone (GH) is a central hormone for regulating linear growth during childhood and also highly involved in metabolism of lipids, carbohydrates and protein. However, few studies report on how treatment with GH during childhood influences metabolic parameters. Our aim was to investigate metabolic effects of different doses of GH in short children with GH peak levels in the low normal range.Design: Thirty...