hrp0094p2-305 | Growth and syndromes (to include Turner syndrome) | ESPE2021

Anastrozole improves height prediction and near final height as monotherapy or in combination with growth hormone

Machado Pinto Renata , de Almeida Debora Ribeiro , Vitor Percussor Silva Joao ,

Introduction: The wide aromatization of androgens during puberty is responsible for the rapid bone maturation at this age. In this context, the use of aromatase inhibitors (AIs) has been justified by the potential to slow down the advancement of bone age and thus improve growth. For more than two decades, studies have pointed out the validity of AIs to improve the predicted final height (PFH). However, data on near-final height (NFH) of children treated with A...

hrp0097p1-81 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2023

Comparison of HbA1c and OGTT for the identification of type 2 diabetes in obese children above 10 years of age.

A. M. Dimarsha de Silva U. , Askin Shereen , Jayamanne Bdw , Atapattu Navoda

Background: Childhood obesity is a growing global problem that linked with health issues including type II diabetes. Early screening and diagnosis using OGTT and/or HbA1c of obese children is recommended in order to minimize type II diabetic risk. OGTT requires fasting and two venesections impeding the child’s compliance. In contrast, hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) is a convenient test and evaluation of HbA1C as a diagnostic tool of type II diabetes in the obese...

hrp0095p1-346 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2022

In between isolated premature thelarche and central precocious puberty: when DHEAS makes the difference

Rodari Giulia , Collini Valentina , Giacchetti Federico , Profka Eriselda , Dall'Antonia Alberta , Arosio Maura , Giavoli Claudia

Background: Precocious puberty (PP) in girls is most frequently an idiopathic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)-dependent PP, being thelarche the typical first sign. It is well established that increased dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEAS) levels are associated with premature adrenarche and may characterize PP too. However, its relationship with signs of hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis activation and estrogen exposure is still to be elucidate...

hrp0095p1-360 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2022

Somatostin analogs in a 15 year old boy with gigantism

Hernandez Claudia , Rodriguez Saa Magdalena , Fernandez Ivana , Figurelli Silvina , Daly Adrian , Guitelman Mirta

Introduction: Pituitary gigantism is caused by a somatotroph pituitary tumor that occurs before epiphyseal closure and is associated with increased morbidity due to the systemic effects of chronic hormonal excess. It is an extremely rare disease, with an estimated incidence of 8 per million person-years. Therapeutic modalities for pituitary gigantism are the same as those for acromegaly and include surgery, medication and radiation. Medical treatment plays an ...

hrp0095p2-288 | Thyroid | ESPE2022

Case Report: the rare case of pediatric myxedema due to an unrecognized chronic autoimmune hypothyroidism

Bonino Elisa , Matarazzo Patrizia , Buganza Raffaele , Tuli Gerdi , Munarin Jessica , Bondone Claudia , de Sanctis Luisa

Hypothyroidism is the most common thyroid disorder in children. It usually presents with nonspecific symptoms, that can be mild and occur slowly over time, compromising a timely diagnosis, with possible effects on pituitary gland, multiple organs and growth. In case of long-standing unrecognized hypothyroidism, myxedema or myxedema coma can occur, rare but severe conditions. This case report describes an adolescent presenting with extensive trunk and neck swelling. After exclu...

hrp0092p1-358 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity (2) | ESPE2019

Relationship Between RBP4 Level and Two of its Gene Polymorphisms with Body Composition and Metabolic Profile in Obese Children

Pascanu Maria-Ionela , Pop Raluca , Banescu Claudia , Hutanu Adina , Vasilache Simona , Marginean Oana

Background: The role of retinol binding protein 4 (RBP4) in the insulin resistance associated with obesity is still unclear and various studies have analyzed the role of its gene polymorphisms as a potential key to understanding the mechanisms involved.Aim: The current study aimed to analyze the relationship between RBP4 levels, the distribution of two SNP (rs3758539 and rs10882280) and the metabolic, anthropometric para...

hrp0092p1-425 | Thyroid (2) | ESPE2019

Maternally Inherited Resistance to Thyroid Hormones with Discordant Postnatal Phenotypes in Two Infant Brothers

Cavin Rosalie , Chevalier Claudia , Van Vliet Guy , Deladoëy Johnny

Resistance to thyroid hormone due to mutations inactivating thyroid hormone receptor-Beta occurs in one in 40,000 individuals and can arise de novo or be inherited, generally in a dominant fashion. Clinical manifestations are widely variable and include failure to thrive in infancy. The biochemical diagnosis is usually straightforward: high serum fT4 and non-suppressed TSH.We report two brothers who both inherited the known c.728G>A, p.R24...

hrp0092p3-83 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2019

Diabetes Mellitus in a 16-Year-Old Boy Developing Multiple Neuro-Endocrine Dysfunctions in the Course: Is it Type 1 Diabetes or Wolfram Syndrome, or Both?

Santi Maristella , Emma Flück Christa , Böttcher Claudia

Introduction: Autosomal recessive mutations in the Wolfram syndrome type 1 gene are responsible for the classical Wolfram syndrome (OMIM_ 222300), also known by the acronym "DIDMOAD" (diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus (DM), optic atrophy and deafness). The gene encodes wolframin, a membrane glycoprotein, which helps to regulate the calcium homeostasis in the endoplasmic reticulum of many different tissues, including the pancreatic...

hrp0089p1-p037 | Bone, Growth Plate & Mineral Metabolism P1 | ESPE2018

Hypercalcaemia after Treatment with Denosumab in Children: Bisphosphonates as an Option for Therapy and/or Prevention?

Sydlik Carmen , Weissenbacher Claudia , Roeb Julia , Roland Durr Hans , Bechtold-Dalla Pozza Susanne , Schmidt Heinrich

Background: Pharmacologic options for treatment of osteolytic diseases especially in children are limited. Although not licensed for use, denosumab, a fully humanized antibody to RANKL, is used in children and shows good effects. Among others, one indication are giant cell tumors of the bone. Yet, there are reports of severe hypercalcemia after stop of denosumab, an adverse effect which is rarely seen in adults.Case reports: Four patients, aged 6, 13 and...

hrp0089p2-p131 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity P2 | ESPE2018

Visfatin, RBP4 and STRA6 polymorphisms’ in relation with Childhood Obesity

Pascanu Ionela , Pop Raluca , Vasilache Simona , Marginean Oana , Moldovan Valeriu , Banescu Claudia

Background: Several visfatin, retinol binding protein 4(RBP4) and high affinity receptor for RBP4, STRA6 (stimulated by retinoic acid) single nuclear polymorphismsÂ’ (SNP) have been investigated regarding their relationship with obesity with controversial results.Aim: To analyze the association of two specific SNP for visfatin, RBP4 and STRA6 with anthropometric markers of obesity in children.Material and method: A case control...