hrp0084p2-483 | Growth | ESPE2015

Hypermethylation at the Imprinted C19mc Microrna Cluster: A New Link between Maternal Metabolism and Infant’s Growth

Prats-Puig Anna , Carreras-Badosa Gemma , Bassols Judit , Girardot Michael , Carrion Empar , Gehmis Radu , Zegher Francis de , Ibanez Lourdes , Feil Robert , Lopez-Bermejo Abel

Background: Maternal obesity can have long-term consequences for the offspring’s health, including increased risk of type-2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The C19MC imprinted locus on chromosome 19q13.4 comprises a cluster of 46 microRNAs, which are usually expressed only in the placenta and from the paternal allele exclusively. Besides its role favouring trophoblast migration, the C19MC locus is deregulated in several human cancers. It is unknown ...

hrp0084fc12.2 | Obesity - Clinical | ESPE2015

Soluble CD163, A Circulating Marker of Macrophage Activation, Associates With a Less Favourable Metabolic Profile in Children

Carreras-Badosa Gemma , Prats-Puig Anna , Diaz-Roldan Ferran , Platero-Gutierrez Estibaliz , Martinez-Calcerrada Jose-Maria , Riera-Perez Elena , de Zegher Francis , Ibanez Lourdes , Bassols Judit , Lopez-Bermejo Abel

Background: Soluble CD163 (sCD163) is shed from the cell surface into the circulation as a specific marker of macrophage activation. Macrophages are involved in low-grade inflammatory states such as obesity.Objective and hypotheses: To investigate the relationships between circulating sCD163 and metabolic parameters in asymptomatic prepubertal children.Method: A population of 236 school-aged Caucasian children (111 girls and 125 bo...

hrp0095rfc10.4 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2022

Recombinant PAPP-A2 induces sex-specific increases in body weight and length and changes in bone microstructure in adolescent mice with longitudinal growth reduction induced by Pappa2 deletion

del Mar Fernández-Arjona María , Rubio Leticia , López-Gambero Antonio , Rivera Patricia , Vargas Antonio , Rodríguez de Fonseca Fernando , A. Chowen Julie , Argente Jesús , Suárez Juan

Deficiency of pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A2 (PAPP-A2), a protease that regulates IGF-1 availability, causes postnatal growth failure and changes in bone size and density in humans and mice. The present study aimed to determine the effects of daily administration (from PND5 to PND35) of recombinant murine (rm) PAPP-A2, in comparison to rmGH and rmIGF1, on mouse auxology and bone microarchitecture in homozygous Pappa2 knock-out (ko/ko) mice of both sexes. Hormone treatm...

hrp0082p3-d2-898 | Perinatal and Neonatal Endocrinology (1) | ESPE2014

Marfan Neonatal Syndrome: a Case Report

Hawkins Magdalena , Alcalde Ana , Yebra Julia , Royo Maria , Perez-Seoane Beatriz , de la Serna Maria , Raga Teresa , Barrios Ana , Garcia-Minaur Sixto

Background: Marfan syndrome is an autosomal dominant genetic disorder with skeletal, cardiac, and ocular involvement. Mutations in the fibrillin-1 gene on chromosome 15 are responsible for the development of the syndrome.Objective: To present one case of neonatal Marfan syndrome.Case: The patient was a 1-day-old female neonate who was born at 36 weeks gestation via normal delivery. Her body weight was 2900 g and height 48 cm. Ultra...

hrp0084p3-1039 | Growth | ESPE2015

Sotos Syndrome: Why is Better an Early Diagnosis?

Solis Maria Magdalena Hawkins , Gomez Maria Royo , de Alvare Ana Dolores Alcalde , Yebra Julia Yebra , Pose Araceli Garcia , Diaz Alfonso Canete

Background: Sotos syndrome is characterized by overgrowth. The four mayor criteria for diagnosis are: overgrowth (accelerated bone age), macrocephaly, characteristic facial features and developmental delay. They can also present escoliosis, heart or genitourinary disease, seizures, hypotonia, cerebral malformations, feeding difficulties, hearing loss and a greater risk of tumours.Case report: A 10 months old girl was referred for overgrowth. BW and BL wa...

hrp0095p1-227 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2022

Primary Hyperparathyroidism caused by a Mutation of the Vitamin D Receptor Gene

de Beldjenna Liliana Mejia de Beldjenna L

Objective: To present a patient with hypercalcemia caused by a parathyroid adenoma and a deletion of the VDR gene.Case clinic: The case is that of a 13-year-old male who presented with hypercalcemia, muscle weakness, nephrocalcinosis, two pathological fractures and a family history of nephrocalcinosis. Physical examination was unremarkable, except the presence of a fracture of the left femur. Laboratory findings: Total s...

hrp0095rfc2.5 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2022

Bone biopsy histomorphometric features of vertebral changes in sickle cell disease.

Sakka Sophia , Nadar Ruchi , Inusa Baba , Cocca Alessandra , Santos Rui , Cheung Moira

Background: Vertebral changes such as biconcave end plate depressions are well described in children with sickle cell disease (SCD). However, as vertebral height reductions are a marker of osteoporosis in children, we aimed to determine whether these could present underlying osteoporosis, by performing transiliac bone biopsies in two patients.Case 1: A 13-year-old female with SCD, presented with back pain. She had delaye...

hrp0095p1-219 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2022

Use of Zoledronic acid in children with sickle cell disease: a single centre experience

Nadar Ruchi , Santos Rui , Cheung Moira , Cocca Alessandra , Inusa Baba , Sakka Sophia

Children with sickle cell disease (SCD) often suffer from back pain and present with vertebral changes, but the use of bisphosphonates is poorly reported. We present our experience on treating six children with SCD with Zoledronate in a tertiary paediatric endocrinology and haematology centre.Population: Six children with SCD were treated with zoledronate infusions between the years 2016-2021. All children had a history of significant mi...

hrp0095p1-281 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2022

Impact of Covid-19 pandemic on the efficacy of outpatient counseling in childhood obesity management.

Corica Domenico , Li Pomi Alessandra , Curatola Selenia , Pepe Giorgia , Tropeano Angelo , Aversa Tommaso , Wasniewska Malgorzata

Introduction: The Covid-19 pandemic drastically modified social life and lifestyle in particular among children and adolescents, promoting sedentary behaviors and unhealthy eating habits. In this scenario, the effectiveness of the outpatient approach for pediatric obesity may decrease.Objectives: Aims of this study were to assess the rate and the factors associated with outpatient drop-out by comparing two groups of chil...

hrp0095p1-200 | Thyroid | ESPE2022

Severe and Non Severe Forms of Autoimmune Hypothyroidism in Childhood: A Retrospective Analysis of 256 Cases

Maltoni Giulio , Vincenzi Gaia , Scozzarella Andrea , Tarantola Giulia , Cristina Vigone Maria , Cassio Alessandra

Introduction: Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (HT) is one of the most common autoimmune diseases in childhood. Despite its frequency, there are still controversies concerning the spontaneous evolution and presentation in childhood. Aim and methods: this is a retrospective study aiming to evaluate clinical and hormonal features at diagnosis and auxological parameters after 3 years in subjects with Severe Autoimmune Hypothyroidism (SAH). We defined severe hypothyr...