hrp0086rfc2.2 | Bone & Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2016

Duration of Exclusive Breastfeeding: ‘Game Changer’ in a Sex-Specific Association Between Cord Vitamin D Status and Infant Linear Growth

Christensen Anna Mathilde Egelund , Beck-Nielsen Signe , Dalgard Christine , Larsen Sos Dragsbaek , Lykkedegn Sine , Christesen Henrik Thybo

Background: Vitamin D deficiency in children clinically manifests as rickets causing growth impairment and bowing of the long bones, potentially increasing the ratio between crown-rump length and length (CRL:L) or sitting height and height (SH:H).Objective and hypotheses: We investigated whether CRL:L in 19-months-olds and SH:H in 36-months-olds were lower with higher cord 25hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD).Method: Participants were includ...

hrp0086p1-p886 | Thyroid P1 | ESPE2016

Evaluation of Epicardial AdiposeTissue Thickness in Children Detected Subclinical Hypothyroidism

Aşık Gaye , Ergur Ayca Torel , Şanlı Cihat

Background: Childhood overt hypothyroidism is a chronic disease that affect many system adversely and requires treatment. However, subclinical hypothyroidism (SH),defined obvious cases, impacts on other systems are unknown and there is no common approach to be treated. Moreover, SH may continue for many years, before they become overt hypothyroidism. Cardiovascular system (CVS) is one of the host system, which hypothyroidism adversely affects. Epicardial adipose tissue thickne...

hrp0084p2-577 | Thyroid | ESPE2015

Osteoprotegerin and fT4 Levels in Subclinical Hypothyroidism of Childhood

Giannakopoulos Aristeidis , Katsantoni Elena , Efthymiadou Alexandra , Kritikou Dimitra , Chrysis Dionisios

Background: Osteoprotegerin (OPG) is a cytokine of the tumour necrosis factor receptor family, expressed in various cells types of the body including osteoblasts and endothelial cells. It acts as a soluble decoy receptor of RANK ligand preventing stimulation of osteoclastogenesis. In adults, subclinical hypothyroidism (SH) has been associated with cardiovascular complications. Furthermore several studies have linked OPG levels to increased cardiovascular risk.<p class="abs...

hrp0095p1-317 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2022

Effects of combined treatment with rhIGF-I and metreleptin in a girl with the severe insulin resistance Rabson-Mendenhall syndrom

Genthner N. , Rakicioglu H. , Karatsiolis P. , Wudy SA , Kamrath C.

We present the case of a now 11 years old girl with the ultra-rare severe insulin resistance Rabson-Mendenhall syndrome due to the previously undescribed compound heterozygous mutations exon 16: c.2986A>G (Paternal) and intron 9: c.2029+1G>T (maternal) of the insulin receptor gene. The phenotypic findings were composed of dystrophy (birth weight 1970g, small for gestational age), hyperglycemia (up to 400mg/dl), severe acanthosis nigricans and mild cardiac septal hyperpla...

hrp0095p1-352 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2022

Random Luteinizing Hormone Concentrations for Monitoring Central Precocious Treatment Efficacy

Zeitler Philip , M. Boldt-Houle Deborah , N. Atkinson Stuart

Background: A decrease in random LH concentration is observed after initiation of treatment for central precocious puberty (CPP), but the suitability of random LH concentrations for assessing efficacy is controversial. Although Neely et al. reported that random LH values frequently fail to demonstrate suppression to prepubertal levels,1 Lee et al. demonstrated that a cutoff of random LH <0.6 IU/l may be adequate for monitoring s...

hrp0089p2-p373 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology P2 | ESPE2018

Prevalence and Ethiologic Factors of Hirsutism in Adolescents

Kaplan Nılgun , Orbak Zerrin , Doneray Hakan

Aim: To investigate the prevalence of hirsutism among adolescents using the modified Ferriman-Gallway (FG) Scale and to determine etiological factors in childen with hirsutism.Materials and methods: The study was in 2380 female adolescents aged 12–18 years. The modified FG score was used in the diagnosis and monitoring of hirsutism. Scores of 8 or above were regarded as hirsutism. Two hundred thirty-three volunteers determined as having hirsutism we...

hrp0089p2-p406 | Thyroid P2 | ESPE2018

Absence of Uptake on Scintigraphy Does Not Always Correlate with Athyreosis: Re-evaluation of Patients Diagnosed with Athyreosis Over a 10 Year Period in the Republic of Ireland

McGrath N , Hawkes CP , Ryan S , Mayne P , Murphy NP

Background: Thyroid imaging is recommended to determine the aetiology of congenital hypothyroidism (CHT). Currently scintigraphy is the gold standard imaging modality. Negative scinitigraphy despite the presence of thyroid tissue may lead to a spurious diagnosis of athyreosis. Few centres routinely perform both scinitgraphy and ultrasound so that the incidence of misclassified athyreosis is unknown.Aim: To describe the incidence of sonographically normal...

hrp0094p2-247 | Growth hormone and IGFs | ESPE2021

A girl with concurrent congenital adrenal hyperplasia, isolated growth hormone deficiency type II (IGHD II) and a new mutation in the GH 1 gene – an extremely unusual case

Genthner N , Blum W , Kamrath C , Wudy SA ,

Background: Classical salt wasting congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency (21OHD) is a rare disorder, as is isolated growth hormone (GH) deficiency Type II (IGHD II) due to mutation of the growth hormone gene GH1. Here we describe the unusual case of a girl with concurrent 21OHD and IGHD II and its complex diagnostic work up. A 15.3-year-old girl presented with classical salt wasting CAH due to 21OHD and short stature (height 148...

hrp0097p1-507 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2023

Identification and characterisation of novel HMGA2 variants expand the clinical spectrum of Silver-Russell syndrome

Vickram Maharaj Avinaash , Cottrell Emily , Thanasupawat Thatchawan , D. Joustra Sjoerd , Triggs-Raine Barbara , Fujimoto Masanobu , G. Kant Sarina , van der Kaay Danielle , Clement-de Boers Agnes , Brooks A.S. , Amador Aguirre Gabriel , Martín del Estal Irene , Inmaculada Castilla de Cortázar Larrea María , Massoud Ahmed , A. Van Duyvenvoorde Hermine , De Bruin Christiaan , Hwa Vivian , Klonisch Thomas , Hombach-Klonisch Sabine , L. Storr Helen

Background: Silver Russell syndrome (SRS) is a heterogeneous disorder characterised by intrauterine and post-natal growth retardation, relative macrocephaly, protruding forehead, feeding difficulties and body asymmetry. Variants in HMGA2 are a rare cause of SRS and despite strong evidence for the crucial role of HMGA2 in growth regulation, its functional role in human linear growth is unclear.Methods: Patients w...

hrp0092p1-294 | Thyroid (1) | ESPE2019

Effect of serum TSH level on ovarian volume in prepubertal girls with subclinical hypothyroidism

Yigit Özgül , Sert Tugba , Ekinci Deniz , Kirankaya Aysegül , Kilinç Suna

Background and Objectives: Enlargement and cystic changes in ovaries of patients with longstanding overt hypothyroidism has been observed in numerous case reports. But there is limited data about the effect of subclinical hypothyroidism (SH) on ovarian volume and ovarian cyst formation. We evaluated the relationship between serum thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) level and ovarian volume and sonographic appearance in prepubertal girls with SH.<p class="abs...