hrp0086p2-p570 | Perinatal Endocrinology P2 | ESPE2016

Genotype and Phenotype of 99 Vietnamese Patients with Congenital Hyperinsulinism

Vu Dung , Dang Anh Duong , Bui Phuong Thao , Can Thi Bich Ngoc , Nguyen Ngoc Khanh , Nguyen Phu Dat , Tran Minh Dien , Flanagan Sarah E , Ellard Sian

Background: Hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia (HH) is a consequence of unregulated insulin secretion by pancreatic β-cells. Congenital HH is caused by mutations in genes involved in regulation of insulin secretion (ABCC8, KCNJ11, GLUD1, CGK, HADH, SLC16A1, HNF4A and UCP2). Severe forms of congenital HH are caused by inactivating mutations in ABCC8 and KCNJ11, which encode the two components of th...

hrp0097p1-284 | Fetal, Neonatal Endocrinology and Metabolism | ESPE2023

Neonatal hypoglycemia at one and four hours of life: incidence and associated factors

Nicolas Georges , Khalil Rita

Key words: neonates, hypoglycemia, size for gestational age, gender, mode of delivery.Introduction: Neonatal hypoglycemia is one of the most common treatable metabolic disorders. Universal newborn screening for hypoglycemia is primordial in detecting persistent hypoglycemia and asymptomatic episodes in order to save neonates from adverse neurological outcomes and brain injury.Objectives:</s...

hrp0095p2-214 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2022

Central precocious puberty - an unusual paraneoplastic manifestation of a nephroblastoma?

Stancu Ana-Maria , Gheorghita Zubascu Patriciu , Iliescu Marina , Tarna Mihaela , Andrei Marian , Comsa Codruta , Antonie Lavinia , Nicoleta Cima Luminita , Fica Simona

Introduction: Nephroblastoma or Wilms tumor is the most common pediatric abdominal malignancy. Typically, it is found in children younger than 5 years old, girls being more likely to have Wilms tumor than boys. The etiology of the disease is genetic, due to alteration in the development of the genitourinary tract.[1] Treatment is represented by surgery (unilateral nephrectomy), chemo- and radio-therapy. Paraneoplastic endocrine disorders may occur, but there a...

hrp0092p1-222 | GH and IGFs (1) | ESPE2019

A Patient with a Novel Homozygous Mutation in IGF1-R Gene and Response to Growth Hormone Therapy

Nasser Al Shidhani Azza , Al-Kindi Adila , Ullah Irfan , Al Saffar Hussein , Al Yaarubi Saif

Background: There are multiple factors affecting fetal growth, including maternal, fetal, placental and other environmental factors. Insulin like growth factor-1 ( IGF-1) has a major role in promoting fetal and post-natal growth. It is also proven that IGF1 promote brain, inner ear and retinal development.Case: We report a 9-years old boy born at 31 weeks of gestation to a consanguineous parents by cesarean section for s...

hrp0092p1-317 | Diabetes and Insulin (2) | ESPE2019

Unexplained Neonatal Deaths Among Kurdish Consanguineous Families: Importance of Recognizing Congenital Hyperinsulinism and Testing for KATP Channel Gene Variants

Anne Amaratunga Shenali , Tayeb Tara Hussein , Rozenkova Klara , Kucerova Petra , Pruhova Stepanka , Lebl Jan

Context: Neonatal hypoglycemia due to congenital hyperinsulinism (CHI) is a potentially life-threatening condition. Severe forms of CHI, caused by autosomal recessive variants in KATP channel subunit genes (ABCC8, KCNJ11), are more prevalent in regions with high consanguinity. These regions also have a high neonatal mortality rate with many deaths remaining unexplained.Patients and Methods: We analyze...

hrp0092p3-200 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2019

Extreme Short Stature and Neurological Impairment in a 17-Year-Old Male with Untreated Combined Pituitary Hormone Deficiency Due to POU1F1 Mutation

Majdoub Hussein , Amselem Serge , Bercovich Dani , Rath Shoshana , Tenenbaum-Rakover Yardena

Introduction: POU1F1 is an essential transcription factor for the differentiation, proliferation and survival of somatotrophs, lactotrophs, and thyrotrophs. Mutations in the POU1F1 gene are characterized by growth hormone (GH), thyrotropin and prolactin deficiencies, commonly presenting with growth retardation and central hypothyroidism. Since the first report in 1992, about 26 mutations have been identified in POU1F1.<...

hrp0094p1-56 | Bone B | ESPE2021

Chondrocyte regulating and other growth plate genes are invaluable growth regulators: a study on children with short stature from 55 consanguineous families

Anne Amaratunga Shenali , Tayeb Tara Hussein , Dusatkova Petra , Elbova Lenka , Pruhova Stepanka , Lebl Jan ,

Introduction: Statural growth is regulated by multiple genetic, epigenetic and environmental mechanisms. The GH-IGF-1 axis was long believed to be the main linear growth regulator in children until more recent studies showed that the complex regulation of growth plate chondrocytes play an equal role. In order to extend our knowledge about the genes involved in short stature, we studied a unique cohort of children with short stature from consanguineous families...

hrp0097rfc12.4 | Thyroid | ESPE2023

Polyethylene glycol thyroid stimulating hormone (PEG-TSH) in real-life: a practical tool for solving a biochemical dilemma

Zaitoon Hussein , Shefer Gabi , Segev-Becker Anat , Ayal Ori , Lebenthal Yael , Brener Avivit

Background: The polyethylene glycol (PEG) method, which utilizes the addition of PEG to precipitate immunoglobulin fractions in order to measure free thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), has been implemented as a tool for investigating incongruities in TSH measurement.Aim of the study: To investigate the practical application of PEG-TSH testing in pediatric scenarios with a discrepancy between elevated TSH and normal free ...

hrp0097p1-208 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2023

Genotype-Specific Cortisol Reserve in a Cohort of Subjects with Non-Classic Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (NCCAH)

koren Ilana , Segev-Becker Anat , Kabash Rebeca , Magdoub Hussein , Stein Nili , Weintrob Naomi

Background: Recent guidelines suggest that NCCAH subjects stop their glucocorticoid therapy after achieving adult height. However, these guidelines do not differentiate between genotype groups within the NCCAH population.Aim: Compare ACTH stimulated cortisol and 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP) levels, and the rate of partial cortisol insufficiency in NCCAH subjects carrying one mild and one severe (mild/severe) mutation v...

hrp0097p1-313 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2023

Genetic aetiology of short stature in children from consanguineous families from Kurdistan, Iraq

Anne Amaratunga Shenali , Hussein Tayeb Tara , Dusatkova Petra , Drabova Jana , Elbova Lenka , Pruhova Stepanka , Lebl Jan

Introduction: Linear growth is a complex process involving the interplay of genetic, epigenetic, and environmental factors. Current knowledge sheds importance to the GH-IGF-1 axis, chondrocyte regulation and extra-cellular matrix in the growth plate, and other fundamental intracellular processes. Despite these advancements, the genetics of short stature are not fully understood. This study aims to contribute by investigating a unique cohort of children from co...