hrp0084p3-773 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Mauriac Syndrome, a Rare Complication of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

Rivero-Martin Maria Jose , Perez-Segura M Pilar , Alcazar-Villar Maria Jose , Montes-Bentura David , Milian M Eugenia Oros

Background: Mauriac syndrome (MS) classically involves hepatomegaly (hepatic glycogenosis), growth impairment and cushingoid features in a patient with poorly controlled type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). The typical age of presentation is adolescence. With the advent of improved insulin regimens, MS has seen less frequently. However, new cases appear each year in medical literature.Clinical case: We report the case of a 9 years and 9 months of age male, w...

hrp0084p1-116 | Puberty | ESPE2015

FSHB/FSHR Genetic Variants alter Serum FSH Levels and Prepubertal Ovarian Follicular Growth in Healthy Girls

Busch Alexander S , Hagen Casper P , Almstrup Kristian , Main Katharina M , Juul Anders

Background: Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) related to genes encoding the FSHβ subunit and FSH receptor (FSHB/FSHR) affect FSH production (FSHB c.-211G>T) and receptor sensitivity/expression in vitro (FSHR c.2039A>G & FSHR c.-29G>A). FSHR c.2039A>G, but not FSHR c.-29G>A, is associated with increased FSH levels in adult women, while there are conflicting results on F...

hrp0082p2-d1-453 | Growth | ESPE2014

New Reference for Height in Swedish Boys and Girls

Albertsson-Wikland Kerstin , Niklasson Aimon , Gelander Lars , Holmgren Anton , Nierop Andreas F M

Background: The actual Swedish growth references are based on a cohort born 1974.Objective and hypotheses: Due to secular changes there is need for new height references.Method: Material: Height measurements from birth to adult height (AH) in a cohort of healthy, Nordic and born full term 1990, 20.796 from 1647 boys, 19.202 from 1501 girls were used (ALL) and compared to both a subgroup with puberty close to mean (PHV &#17...

hrp0084p2-468 | Growth | ESPE2015

Novel Heterozygous ACAN Mutations in Short Stature: Expanding the Clinical Spectrum

Sentchordi Lucia , Barraza Jimena , Rivera Carlos Ivan , Marcos M. Victoria , Sanchez M. Consuelo , Vallespin Elena , Pozo Angela del , Heath Karen E.

Background: Homozygous aggrecan (ACAN) mutations have been described in a few skeletal dysplasias whilst more recently, heterozygous ACAN mutations have been reported in few families presenting with idiopathic short stature with advanced bone maturation and premature growth cessation.Case presentation: We describe two novel heterozygous ACAN stop mutations, detected using a skeletal dysplasia NGS panel and confirmed by Sanger sequencing...

hrp0092p2-137 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2019

Clinical Characteristics and Response to Growth Hormone Treatment in Patients with Prader-Willi Syndrome

Evliyaoglu Olcay , Dagdeviren Cakir Aydilek , Bas Firdevs , Akin Onur , Siklar Zeynep , Özcabi Bahar , Berberoglu Merih , Kardelen Asli Derya , Bayramoglu Elvan , Poyrazoglu Sükran , Aydin Murat , Ergül Türel Ayça , Göksen Damla , Bolu Semih , Aycan Zehra , Tüysüz Beyhan , Ercan Oya

Introduction and aim: Prader-Willi syndrome(PWS), is a genetic disorder caused by the absence of paternal genes located on chromosome 15q11.2-q13. In this multi-central study; patients with PWS were followed for 2 years. Initial clinical and laboratory findings, growth hormone(GH) treatments and their responses were evaluated.Patients and Methods: 54 patients from 10 pediatric endocrine centers were involved and data was...

hrp0097lb6 | Late Breaking | ESPE2023

A concomitant increase in thinness and weight excess in Brazilian schoolchildren: evaluation from 2010 to 2022

M de Jesus Luciana , M Pinto Renata , B D de Sousa Mariana , P de Oliveira Nayara , de S Gomes Laís

Introduction: The Body Mass Index (BMI) is an essential indicator for the nutritional assessment of children and reflects the exposure to health conditions that are harmful to the development of this population.Objective: To analyze the temporal trends of the BMI of Brazilian children aged 5-10 between 2010 and 2022.Patients and methods: Descriptive ecological study. Data obtained ...

hrp0095p1-170 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology, and Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2022

Increased Circulating Levels of Myo-inositol in Girls with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Üçer Bahadır Nisan , Metin Güler Eray , Kale Ebru , Aktaş Selman , Dağdeviren Çakır Aydilek , Kocabey Sütçü Zümrüt , Esen Firuzan , Beyaztaş Hakan , İmran Daştan Ali , Uçar Ahmet

Background: Myo-inositol(MI)is a polyol involved in intracellular signaling pathways of insulin and MI has been used orally for therapeutic purposes in girls and adult women with polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS)with variable success. As yet, serum MI levels have not been assessed in girls with PCOS.Aim: Our primary goal was to compare serum MI levels in girls with PCOS with those in healthy peers. Secondary goal was to in...

hrp0084lbp-1268 | Late Breaking Posters | ESPE2015

Genetic Causes of Disproportional Short Stature Identified by Whole Exome Sequencing

Funari Mariana F A , Vasques Gabriela A , Lerario Antonio M , Freire Bruna L , Nishi Mirian Y , Franca Monica M , Shinjo Sueli M O , Marie Suely K N , Arnhold Ivo J P , Jorge Alexander A L

Background: Disproportional short stature (DSS) is the most frequent clinical presentation of skeletal dysplasias, which are a heterogeneous group of more than 450 disorders of bone. Skeletal survey is important to establish the diagnosis and to guide the genetic test, but has several limitations, especially in mild and atypical cases.Objective and hypotheses: To identify the genetic aetiology of DSS by exome sequencing.Method: Who...

hrp0095p1-443 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2022

Co-segregation analysis and functional trial in vivo of candidate genes for monogenic diabetes

Ingrida Stankute , Kazokaite Mintaute , Blouin Jean-Louis , M. Schwitzgebel Valerie , Verkauskiene Rasa

The aim of this study was to perform familial co-segregation analysis and functional trial in vivo during mixed meal tolerance test (MMTT) of novel variants in diabetes candidate genes.Methods: This study is a continuation of collaborative research project “Genetic diabetes in Lithuania” with the cohort of 1209 young diabetes patients. Prior screening for GADA, IA-2, IAA, ZnT8A confirmed type 1 diabetes (T1D) diagnos...

hrp0086p2-p413 | Gonads & DSD P2 | ESPE2016

Two Patients Presenting the Extremes of the Phenotypic Spectrum of 5 alfa Reductase Deficiency: One with at New Mutation

Jensen Karen S , Hvistendahl Gitte M , Kristensen Kurt , Olsen Henning , Vogel Ida , Birkebaek Niels H

Background: The large phenotypic spectrum of Disorders of Sex Development are caused by mutations in many different genes, but a large phenotypic spectrum of sexual disturbancies may also be seen with different mutations in the same gene.Objective and hypotheses: To report on one new mutation in the 5 alfa reductase (SRD5A2) gene, and describe the extremes of the phenotypic spectrum of 5 alfa reductase deficiency presented in two patients.<p class="a...