hrp0086p2-p584 | Perinatal Endocrinology P2 | ESPE2016

A Unique IL2RA Mutation Presenting as Neonatal Diabetes, Congenital Hypothyroidism and Sepsis

Sri Nagesh V. , Hattersley Andrew , Ellard Sian , De Franco Elisa , Flanagan Sarah , Naseem Altaf , Ahmed A. , Ahmed Tanveer , Venkateswarlu K.

Background: 16 year old female neonate presented with neonatal diabetes, congenital hypothyroidism and sepsis.Objective and hypotheses: To evaluate the neonate for a common cause of neonatal diabetes, congenital hypothyroidism and sepsis and to explore for the best modality of management, including a possible role for sulphonylureas.Method: The neonate born of 3rd degree consanguinity was admitted and started on insulin infusion an...

hrp0092p2-179 | Growth and Syndromes (to include Turner Syndrome) | ESPE2019

Unusual Case of Patient with Klinefelter Syndrome with Shox Deletion Born to the Mother with Leri-weill Dyschondrosteosis

Krnic Nevena , Huljev Frkovic Sanda , Dumic Kubat Katja , Braovac Duje , Uroic Anita Spehar

Introduction: Klinefelter syndrome (KS) describes the phenotype of the most common sex chromosome abnormality in humans. About 80% of KS patients have 47,XXY karyotype, while rest of the patients can have mosaicism or other numeric or structural sex chromosome abnormalities. Tall stature is one of the hallmarks of KS and it is thought to be due to supernumerary X chromosome leading to SHOX gene overdosage. Deletion of SHOX gene, on the contrary, has been r...

hrp0095p1-325 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2022

ERF mutation in a patient with Noonan-like phenotype, type 1 diabetes mellitus and epilepsy

Schiavariello Concetta , Tamburrino Federica , Piazza Francesca , Perri Annamaria , Maltoni Giulio , Rossi Cesare , Pession Andrea , Mazzanti Laura , Scarano Emanuela

ERF protein is a major binding target of ERK1/2 kinases, key effectors of the RAS–MEK–ERK signaling cascade. ERF has a role as a negative transcriptional regulator of RAS/MAPK mitogenic pathway (1) and, in theory, a loss-of-function mutation (LOF) in ERF could cause a Rasopathy phenotype. To date, LOF variants of ERF have been reported in 45 individuals with craniosynostosis but without a Noonan-like phenotype. There is only one case report describing a patient wit...

hrp0092p1-378 | Growth and Syndromes (to include Turner Syndrome) (2) | ESPE2019

Vascular Anomalies and Aortic Dilatation in Turner Syndrome Study in a Large Cohort of Young-Adult Patients

Scarano Emanuela , Varini Susanna , Tamburrino Federica , Perri Annamaria , Costa Margherita , Prandstraller Daniela , Lovato Luigi , Balducci Anna , Gibertoni Dino , Mazzanti Laura

Background: Patients with Turner Syndrome (TS) are at high risk for congenital heart disease (CHD), aortic dilatation and dissection with increased mortality and morbidity. Thoracic gadolinium-enhanced MRI angiography allows clear imaging of all great vessels and revealed a spectrum of silent vascular anomalies (VA), both venous and arterial, undetected at Echocardiography.The aim of this study is to retrospectively evaluate the prevalen...

hrp0082p1-d1-241 | Thyroid | ESPE2014

Twin Couples and/or Triplets Discordant for Congenital Hypothyroidism at Birth: the Importance of the Re-screening at 2–4 Weeks of Life

Olivieri Antonella , Medda Emanuela , Cassio Alessandra , Weber Giovanna , Costa Pietro , Calaciura Francesca , Vigone Maria Cristina , Russo Valentina Di , Fazzini Cristina

Background: A high risk of congenital hypothyroidism (CH) has been documented in multiple pregnancies. Over the years special screening procedures for preterm and twin babies (re-screening at 2–4 weeks of life) have been adopted by many screening laboratories worldwide. However, no extensive studies have been performed to verify how many co-twins with negative test at first screening (3–5 days of life) become positive at re-screening, and the utility of a long-term f...

hrp0082p2-d2-579 | Sex Development (1) | ESPE2014

Mosaicism: Study of Nine Patients

Mazzanti Laura , Baronio Federico , Ortolano Rita , Scarano Emanuela , Tamburrino Federica , Colangiulo Angela , Bettocchi Ilaria , Cassio Alessandra , Balsamo Antonio

Background: The isodicentric Y (idic Y) is one of the most common aberrations of the Y chromosome. Most patients (pts) are chromosomal mosaics, including 45,X cell line.Objective and hypotheses: Our aim is to describe clinical and molecular features of our 45,X/46,Xidic(Y) cases.Method: We retrospectively evaluate the clinical description of nine cases (six females, one male, two with ambiguous genitalia) with mosaic karyotype 45,X...

hrp0082p3-d3-794 | Fat Metabolism & Obesity (2) | ESPE2014

Prader–Willi Syndrome: Reports of Two Patients with Congenital Abnormalities of Kidney and Urinary Tract

Tamburrino Federica , Scarano Emanuela , Mencarelli Francesca , Perri Annamaria , Colangiulo Angela , Siroli Benedetta , Martini Anna Lisa , Mazzanti Laura

Background: Prader–willi syndrome (PWS) is characterized by decreased fetal activity, obesity, muscular hypotonia, MR, short stature, hypogonadism and small hands and feet. Little information is available concerning PWS and kidney involvement.Objective and hypotheses: We report two patients with PWS and congenital abnormalities of kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT).Method: First case: male, born at 35 weeks with caesarian sectio...

hrp0084p2-417 | GH & IGF | ESPE2015

GH Therapy in Skeletal Dysplasias: Final Height Data

Scarano Emanuela , Procopio Matteo , Tamburrino Federica , Perri Annamaria , Bettocchi Ilaria , Vestrucci Benedetta , Rollo Alessandra , Balsamo Antonio , Mazzanti Laura

Background: Skeletal dysplasias are characterised by bone-cartilage involvement and impairment of growth and body proportions. Reports of the benefits of GH treatment are difficult to evaluate for the small number of subjects, short period of treatment, few final height (FH) data in groups with and without GH deficiency (GHD).Objective and hypotheses: The aim of our study was to assess FH and body proportions in pts with skeletal dysplasia and GHD.<p...

hrp0097p1-515 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2023

Two novel cases of CHOPS syndrome support the evidence of a highly homogeneous phenotype including short stature with skeletal abnormalities and obesity

Orlandini Eleonora , Montanari Francesca , Severi Giulia , Tamburrino Federica , Schiavariello Concetta , Perri Annamaria , Cesarini Sofia , Soliani Luca , Scarano


CHOPS syndrome is a rare monogenic disorder caused by heterozygous gain-of-function variants in AFF4. The 13 patients reported to date share a highly recognizable phenotype: Coarse face, Cognitive impairment, Heart defects, Obesity, Pulmonary involvement, Short stature and Skeletal dysplasia. AFF4 encodes a scaffold protein involved in transcriptional elongation and critical for gene expression regulation during embryogenesis. Notably, it appears to regulate adipogenic differe...

hrp0092p2-182 | Growth and Syndromes (to include Turner Syndrome) | ESPE2019

Auditory Phenotypes and Dynamics of Hearing Thresholds in 246 Turner Syndrome Females

Aversa Tommaso , Bruno Rocco , Santucci Simona , Messina Maria Francesca , Scarano Emanuela , Borrello Simona , Perri Annamaria , Costa Margherita , Casto Celeste , Alibrandi Angela , Mazzanti Laura , Wasniewska Malgorzata

Objectives: To describe the auditory phenotype and dynamics of hearing thresholds in patients with Turner Syndrome (TS).Patients and Methods: Cross-section study evaluating the hearing thresholds in 246 TS patients (age range 4-44 yrs). Patients were divided into three age groups: Group 1 (79 TS, age range 4.0-12.9 yrs); Group 2 (109 TS, age range 13.0-25.9 yrs,) and Group 3 (66 TS, age range 26.0-44.9 yrs,). Pure tone a...