hrp0094p2-188 | Fat, metabolism and obesity | ESPE2021

Development of a predictive normogram to assess the risk of liver steatosis in childhood obesity

Martos-Moreno Gabriel A. , Maria Andres-Esteban Eva , Martinez-Villanueva Julian , Sirvent Sara , Hawkins Federico G. , Argente Jesus ,

Background: Liver steatosis (LS) results from ectopic fat deposition and can be present in obesity even at early ages. Similar to insulin resistance, the onset of LS does not seem to depend exclusively upon the severity of obesity and shows a large interindividual variability.Objective: Our objective was to develop a predictive normogram for LS in children and adolescents with obesity ba...

hrp0094p2-375 | Pituitary, neuroendocrinology and puberty | ESPE2021

Salivary sex steroids as markers of puberty in boys during late childhood and adolescence

Patjamontri Supitcha , Spiers Alexander , Smith Rachel B , Shen Chen , Adaway Jo , G Keevil Brian , Toledano Mireille B , Ahmed S Faisal ,

Introduction: Salivary androgens represent a non-invasive marker of puberty that may have utility in population studies as well as in the clinical arena.Objectives: To establish normal reference values of salivary androgens using LC-MS/MS and demonstrate the correlations between salivary androgens and pubertal development in boys.Methods: School-based adolescent cohort study with t...

hrp0094p2-423 | Sex differentiation, gonads and gynaecology or sex endocrinology | ESPE2021

Diagnostic dilemma in a patient with central precocious puberty: Ovarian steroid cell tumor

Balki Hanife Gül , Ata Aysun , Karayazılı Ayşe Merve , Serin Gürdeniz , Koç Gonca , Özdemir Necmettin , Çelik Ahmet , Özen Samim , Gökşen Damla , Darcan Şükran

Ovarian steroid cell tumors (OSCT) are rare sex cord stromal tumors of the ovary and comprise <0.1% of all ovarian tumors. We herein report a case of an OSCT in a 9 year old girl patient who presented with central puberty preocious unresponsive to gonadotrophine relasing hormon analog (GnRH) therapy. A 9 year old girl presented with breast development noticed 4 months ago and menarche 3 months ago. Her height was 141,5 cm (+1,3 SDS), body weight was 35.4 kg (+0.9 SDS) and...

hrp0095p1-250 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2022

The Metabolic Syndrome is frequent in Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Compared to Healthy Controls

Barrett Mørk Freja , Otto Broby Madsen Jens , Ascanius Pilgaard Kasper , Kryger Jensen Andreas , Klakk Heidi , Tarp Jakob , Bugge Anna , Heidemann Malene , Van Hall Gerrit , Pociot Flemming , Wedderkopp Niels , Johannesen Jesper

Background: There is a rise in overweight and obesity among children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes (T1D) in parallel with a rise in the metabolic syndrome (MS) among children and adolescents in general.Objective: The aim of the study was to describe the prevalence and characteristics of the MS in children and adolescents with T1D compared to their healthy counterparts.Design and Sett...

hrp0089fc7.5 | Fetal, Neonatal Endocrinology and Metabolism | ESPE2018

Thyroid Hormone Levels in Cord Blood are Associated with Fetal and Neonatal Growth

Hansen Malene K. , Strandkjaer Nina , Frikke-Schmidt Ruth , Bundgaard Henning , Main Katharina M. , Iversen Kasper K.

Background: Normal function of the thyroid gland is essential for adequate neurological development of the fetus and child. In previous studies, associations between reduced birth weight and overt maternal and fetal thyroid dysfunction have been described. We hypothesize that also variations within the normal range of fetal thyroid function have an impact on fetal and neonatal growth.Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate whether thyroid horm...

hrp0089p1-p172 | Growth &amp; Syndromes P1 | ESPE2018

Early Gut Microbiota and childhood Growth

Schei Kasper , Salamati Saideh , Juliusson Petur Benedikt , Oien Torbjorn , Rudi Knut , Odegard Ronnaug Astri

Introduction: Physical growth according to genetic potential is a hallmark of childhood health [1]. Childhood growth is complex and the physiological processes involved in promoting healthy growth are not fully understood, including the gut microbiota. The gut microbiota matures from birth towards adulthood, and this process might be affected by several factors, including mode of delivery, food intake and antibiotic treatment. The bacterial gut microbiota is observed to be mor...

hrp0089p3-p012 | Adrenals and HPA Axis P3 | ESPE2018

Deep Bronze Skin without Sun Exposition in a 16-Year Old Girl

Jasser-Nitsche Hildegard , Loffler Sabine , Suppan Elisabeth , Weinhandl Gudrun , Frohlich-Reiterer Elke

Introduction: Adrenal insufficiency (AI) leads to a diminished production of steroid hormones. AI is subdivided into a primary and a secondary form. In primary AI, the underlying defect affects the adrenal gland itself resulting in a low steroid production and an overproduction of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). On the contrary, the cause of secondary AI lies in the pituitary, leading to a reduced production of ACTH and consecutively to a reduced excretion of corticosteroi...

hrp0092fc10.2 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2019

The Fruit Fly, Drosophila Melanogaster, as a Model to Elucidate Human Differences of Sex Development (DSD)

Mercadé Ivan Domènech , Sotillos Sol , Gutiérrez Daniel Rodríguez , Nef Serge , Hombría James C-G , Biason-Lauber Anna

Background: An activation cascade of specific genes sets up the initiation of sex determination leading in males to testes formation and synthesis of testicular hormones. Disruption of this gene cascade may cause a spectrum of disorders/differences of sex development (DSD) phenotypes. Here we describe for the first time two sisters suffering from 46,XY DSD, who by whole exome sequencing were shown to carry a mutation in the X-linked StAR-related lipid transfer...

hrp0092p1-160 | Adrenals and HPA Axis (1) | ESPE2019

Serum fetuin-A and insulin levels in classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia

Kurnaz Erdal , Çetinkaya Semra , Özalkak Servan , Bayramoglu Elvan , Demirci Gülsah , Öztürk Hasan Serdar , Erdeve Senay Savas , Aycan Zehra

Background: Androgens play a pivotal role in non-reproductive tissues, such as the kidney, heart, and liver, as well as the pancreas. Since the androgen receptor is expressed in pancreas and liver cells, this raises the possibility that excess testosterone results in insulin hypersecretion, and in fetuin-A, a protein produced in the liver. However, whether fetuin-A and insulin levels are affected by androgens in classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) due...

hrp0092p1-245 | Multisystem Endocrine Disorders | ESPE2019

PTEN Hamartoma Tumor Syndrome (Overlap of Cowden syndrome and the Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba Syndrome): Case Report

Manyas Hayrullah , Çatli Gönül , Eroglu Filibeli Berna , Ayranci Ilkay , Özdemir Taha Resid , Dündar Bumin Nuri

Introduction: PTEN Hamartoma Tumor Syndrome (PHTS) is a rare disease with dominant inheritance characterized by benign (hamartoma) and malignant tumors (breast, endometrium, thyroid). Mutations in the tumor suppressor gene phosphatase and tensin homologue (PTEN) gene are responsible for the etiology.Objective: In this case report, we present an 11-year-old male who was being monitored due to follicular thyroid cancer, an...