hrp0094p2-261 | Growth hormone and IGFs | ESPE2021

Increased height and IGF1 serum levels in children with non-neurofibromatosis type 1 gliomas

Clement Florencia , Castro Sebastian , Dech Gaston , Martin Ayelen , Celia Fernandez Maria , Gabriela Ropelato Maria , Bergada Ignacio , Gabriela Ballerini Maria , Pennisi Patricia ,

Introduction: Gliomas are the most common solid tumours during childhood. In children with neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) and optic pathway glioma (OPG), growth hormone excess has been described. However, this phenomenon has not been reported in children with OPG without NF1. We aimed to describe the growth and IGFs/IGFBP3 levels in a large cohort of paediatric patients with non-NF1- associated central nervous system (CNS) tumours.Method...

hrp0084p3-1156 | Puberty | ESPE2015

Eating Disorders in Greek Adolescents: Frequency and Characteristics

Kyrgios Ioannis , Papageorgiou Vagia , Kotanidou Eleni , Kokka Paraskevi , Kleisarchaki Angeliki , Mouzaki Konstantina , Tsara Iro , Efstratiou Efthimia , Haidich Anna-Bettina , Galli-Tsinopoulou Assimina

Background: Eating disorders constitute serious mental disorders, characterized by a wide range of dysfunctional behaviors related to food. The term mainly includes anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder, and is closely related to onset during puberty. The study herein, presents the preliminary results of a school-based intervention trial regarding body weight disorders among Greek adolescents.Aims and objectives: To explore the prev...

hrp0095fc3.4 | Early Life and Multisystem Endocrinology | ESPE2022

A common polymorphism in the human P450 reductase gene (POR) causes defective steroid and drug metabolism due to protein instability

Rojas Velazquez Maria Natalia , Noebauer Mathias , Pandey Amit V

Cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase (POR) is the obligatory redox partner of steroid and drug-metabolizing cytochrome P450s located in the endoplasmic reticulum. Mutations in POR cause a broad range of disorders like congenital adrenal hyperplasia that may resemble bone malformations resembling Antley-Bixler syndrome. Genome sequencing studies have revealed the existence of a POR missense variant P228. We aimed to determine the detailed functional impact of POR variant P228L for it...

hrp0095p1-230 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2022

Cleidocranial Dysplasia: a 3 Generations Family with a Novel Mutation, and Growth Hormone treatment

Soto-Maior Costa Maria , Carneiro Rita , Galhardo Júlia

Background: Cleidocranial dysplasia (CCD) is a very rare dominantly inherited autosomal bone disorder mainly characterized by hypoplasia or aplasia of clavicles, failure of cranial suture closure, dental anomalies, short stature, and other changes in skeletal patterning and growth. Heterozygous loss-of-function mutations cause the majority of the abnormalities in the run-related transcription factor 2 gene (RUNX2). This gene is located on chromosome 6p21 and i...

hrp0095p1-274 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2022

Thyroid function in overweight and obese children and adolescents

Ramouzi Eleni , Sveroni Konstantina , Manou Maria , Charmandari Evangelia

Background: Obesity in childhood and adolescence represents one of the most challenging public health problems of our century. The prevalence of overweight and obesity in Greece is approximately 21% in children younger than 6 years and up to 40% in older children and adolescents. Mild elevations of TSH concentrations are often detected in obese children and adolescents.Aim: To investigate the thyroid function in overweig...

hrp0095p1-91 | Fetal, Neonatal Endocrinology and Metabolism | ESPE2022

Global microRNA and protein expression in human term placenta may improve our understanding of fetal growth

Östling Hanna , Lodefalk Maria , Backman Helena , Kruse Robert

Introduction: The placenta is an endocrine organ vital to fetal growth. It has multiple functions: pregnancy maintenance, nutrient and oxygen transport to the fetus, and removal of waste products among other functions. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) and proteins are significant mediators of these functions. A description of their global expression in healthy placenta may increase our understanding of the molecular biological pathways that are important for normal fetal gr...

hrp0095p1-102 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2022

Growth and Growth Delay in Children with Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: A Single Center Study

Cristina Maggio Maria , Genesia Alizzi Clotilde , Corsello Giovanni

Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (sJIA) is a chronic autoinflammatory disease, with significant complications that can give short-term and long-term disability with reduced quality of life. Growth delay and short stature are described in >40% of cases, with a complex pathogenesis. Chronic inflammation, long-term corticosteroids treatment, hepatic involvement, malnutrition decrease IGF-1 and GH biological effects. Corticosteroids inhibit growth velocity, bone maturatio...

hrp0095p1-301 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2022

High prevalence of refractoriness in children tested for growth hormone deficiency with nocturnal spontaneous profile and subsequent arginine-insulin-tolerance test

Borghammar Camilla , Boije Victoria , Lindberg Bengt , Elfving Maria

Introduction: Diagnosing growth hormone deficiency (GHD) in children is complex. Spontaneous growth hormone (GH) pulses during late night may influence the pituitary GH response to provocation tests. We evaluated refractoriness during arginine-insulin-tolerance test (AITT) when having a GH-peak during a short spontaneous nocturnal profile in children with short stature.Methods: Altogether 257 children 0-18 years were exa...

hrp0095p1-501 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2022

IGFBP-3 assessment in the work-up of short stature

DeodatiAnnalisa , Inzaghi Elena , Elisa Amodeo Maria , Cianfarani Stefano

Background: The diagnosis of GH deficiency (GHD) is not straightforward in childhood and adolescence, requiring comprehensive clinical, anthropometric, biochemical, endocrine, and neuroradiological assessment. Although pharmacological GH stimulation tests are still considered the gold standard for GHD diagnosis, they are burdened by both poor specificity and side effects. Several studies have addressed the issue of sensitivity and specificity of IGFBP-3 assess...

hrp0095p1-350 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2022

Phenotypic characteristics of a cohort of patients with Septo-Optic Dysplasia followed in a Tertiary Centre.

Ardila Santos Sandra , Ciaccio Marta , Isabel Di Palma Maria

Introduction: Septo-optic dysplasia (SOD) is an uncommon, highly heterogeneous entity of multifactorial etiology, consisting in the association of 2 or more of the following characteristics: ophthalmological abnormalities [most frequently optic nerve hypoplasia (ONH)], midline brain abnormalities [such as aplasia/hypoplasia of the septum pellucidum (SP) and/or corpus callosum (CC)] and variable degree of hypotalamo-pituitary insufficiency (HPI)<p class="ab...