hrp0095p1-300 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2022

Evaluation of the growth response of children with growth hormone deficiency according to peak growth hormone levels on provocative tests

Donbaloğlu Zeynep , Singin Berna , Acar Sezer , Bedel Aynur , Barsal Çetiner Ebru , Aydin Behram Bilge , Parlak Mesut , Tuhan Hale

Objective: We aimed to evaluate the relation between the peak growth hormone (GH) levels on provocative tests and response to recombinant human GH (rhGH) therapy in patients with GH deficiency (GHD).Methods: This was a cross-sectional, single-center, and retrospective study. A total of 518 patients who received rhGH therapy under the age of 16 in the Endocrinology Clinic of Akdeniz University Hospital between 1997 and 20...

hrp0095p1-332 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2022

Growth Hormone Therapy Experience in a Patient with Hypotonia Cystinuria Syndrome

Sarıkaya Emre , Berber Uğur , Gök Ebru , Kara Leyla , Gül Şiraz Ülkü , Hatipoğlu Nihal

Background: Hypotonia-Cystinuria Syndrome (HCS) is a rare autosomal recessive disease characterized by generalized hypotonia, nephrolithiasis, short stature, minor facial dysmorphism, hyperphagia, and rapid weight gain in late childhood. Microdeletion can be detected in part of the SLC3A1 and PREPL genes in these cases. Growth hormone deficiency is rarely seen in these patients and adequate growth can be achieved with growth hormone therapy.<p class="abste...

hrp0095p1-155 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2022

Evaluation of the influence of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist therapy on growth and body mass index in girls with idiopathic central precocious puberty

Donbaloğlu Zeynep , Bedel Aynur , Barsal Çetiner Ebru , Singin Berna , Aydın Behram Bilge , Tuhan Hale , Parlak Mesut

Objective: We aimed to examine the auxological findings of the girls diagnosed with idiopathic central precocious puberty (CPP) at the end of the Gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogs (GnRHa) treatment and to investigate the effect of related factors on the height gain of those patients.Methods: This study was designed as single-center, descriptive, cross-sectional retrospective study. A total of 43 patients who were di...

hrp0095p1-351 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2022

Evaluation of Early Puberty in Patients with MC2R Deficiency

Karakilic Ozturan Esin , Bas Firdevs , Yavas Abali Zehra , Karaman Volkan , Poyrazoğlu Sukran , Oya Uyguner Zehra , Darendeliler Feyza

Background: Melanocortin receptor 2 (MC2R) is expressed in the adrenal cortex and has a major role in the control of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. It is reported that the ACTH receptor MC4R has an impact on premature adrenarche. The melanocortin signaling system is reported to have leptin mediated effect on the regulation of GnRH neuron activity and has an important role in the onset of puberty and fertility.Objective:...

hrp0095p2-208 | Multisystem Endocrine Disorders | ESPE2022

Precocious puberty before and after the COVID-19 pandemic

Gök Ebru , Sarıkaya Emre , Kara Leyla , Berber Uğur , Gül Şiraz Ülkü , Hatipoğlu Nihal

Introduction: A novel coronavirus defined as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was first detected in China at the end of 2019 and spread rapidly all over the world. As the covid 19 pandemic has led to changes in life all over the world, the prognosis of diseases have also been affected. This study presents how early puberty has been affected during the pandemic period.Method: A total of 210 subjects; 113 individuals (9...

hrp0089p3-p010 | Adrenals and HPA Axis P3 | ESPE2018

Lipoid Adrenal Hyperplasia Diagnosed with Severe Cholestasis in Newborn

Kaplan Emel Hatun Aytac , Melekoğlu Nuriye Aslı , Keskin Mehmet , Cağatay Derya , Karaer Kadri

Introduction: Congenital lipoid adrenal hyperplasia is the most severe form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia and is rarely seen. Steroid synthesis cannot be done in the adrenal gonads. Adrenal glands have hyperplasia and lipid accumulation. Male babies are born to girls. Most of the cases are lost with severe adrenal insufficiency. Patients diagnosed and treated at supraphysiological doses during neonatal period. Here we present a case of lipoid adrenal hyperplasia diagnosed ...

hrp0089p3-p034 | Bone, Growth Plate &amp; Mineral Metabolism P3 | ESPE2018

A Rare Cause of Hypercalcemia in Childhood: Hypercalcemia Associated with Parathormon-Related Peptid

Catlı Gonul , Filibeli Berna Eroğlu , Demir Belde Kasap , Mutlubaş Fatma , Dundar Bumin Nuri

Introduction: Parathormone-related peptide (PTHrP) regulates tissue calcium concentration by acting in paracrine or autocrine ways. It is mostly responsible for paraneoplastic hypercalcemia seen in adults. Paraneoplastic hypercalcemia in children is rarely reported in cancers such as ALL, medulloblastoma and hepatoblastoma (0.4–0.7%). In experimental studies, PTHrP is shown to be synthesized apart from neoplastic tissue (glomerulus and tubule cells).<p class="abstext"...

hrp0089p3-p124 | Diabetes &amp; Insulin P3 | ESPE2018

Continuous Glucose Monitoring Results of Our Cases with MODY Type 2 Diabetes

Tatlı Zeynep Uzan , Direk Gul , Hepokur Mervenur , Hatipoğlu Nihal , Akın Leyla , Kendirci Mustafa , Kurtoglu Selim

Introduction: The most common type of diabetes in childhood is type-1 diabetes. The group of diabetes called MODY (maturity-onset diabetes of the young) is rarer. Mutations that occur in glucokinase gene cause disruption in the perception of the resultant glucose level and, consequently, impaired insulin release, leading to the development of MODY-2. In this case, resulting hyperglycemia is usually at a mild, non-progressive level and does not require insulin therapy. For this...

hrp0089p3-p357 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology P3 | ESPE2018

A Case of Transverse Testicular Ectopia with Persistant Müllerian Duct Syndrome: A Novel AMH Gene Mutation

Kılınc Suna , Cicek Tuğrul , Moralıoğlu Serdar , Guven Ayla

Background: The concurrence of transverse testicular ectopia (TTE) with persistent müllerian duct syndrome (PMDS) is extremely rare. Here, we report a case of TTE with PMDS in a 7-month-old male infant presenting with inguinal hernia and a novel homozygous mutation in the AMH gene. CASE REPORT: A 7-month-old male infant presented to pediatric surgery department with an inguinal hernia on the left side and bilateral undescended testis. During left herniotomy, tiss...

hrp0094p1-53 | Bone B | ESPE2021

Growth and Puberty in Patients with Osteogenesis Imperfecta

Pınar Ozturk Ayşe , Ozturan Esin Karakılıc , Poyrazoğlu Şukran , Baş Firdevs , Darendeliler Feyza ,

Aim: Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a genetic disease of extracellular matrix presenting with varying degrees of skeletal fragility. The study aims to evaluate growth and pubertal characteristics of 83 patients with OI.Materials and methods: Patients were classified according to Sillence clinical classification criteria. Demographic data, clinical findings, growth and pubertal characteristics were recorded from medical charts, retrospec...