hrp0089fc8.2 | Sex differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2018

Partial Restoration of Biological Effects of Estrogen in a Female with Estrogen Receptor α Variant

Feigerlova Eva , Laurell Henrik , Mittre Herve , Kottler Marie-Laure , Deshayes Marc , Balaguer Patrick , Bourget William , Arnal Jean-Francois , Marechaud Richard , Hadjadj Samy , Gourdy Pierre

Introduction: Rare mutations of the ESR1gene, encoding the estrogen receptor alpha (ERα), have been shown to cause estrogen resistance in humans. To date, there are no effective therapeutic options. We report the case of a new inactivating mutation of ERα and provide evidence for a partial restoration of biological effects of estrogen.Methods: We performed clinical and biological phenotyping of the index case and sequenced the ESR1...

hrp0089p3-p006 | Adrenals and HPA Axis P3 | ESPE2018

An Adrenal Tumor Ppresenting as a Premature Pubarche in a 7 Year-old Girl

Marie-Neige Campas-Lebecque , Isabelle Souto , Stephanie Proust , Marc-David Leclair , Valentine Suteau , Justine Bailleul , Maryam Azgal , Natacha Bouhours-Nouet , Regis Coutant

Introduction: Premature pubarche is the most frequent diagnosis when children present moderate pubic hair development, but other diagnosis must be ruled out. We report the case of a child with premature pubarche with hormonal results in the physiological range, corresponding to an adrenal tumor.Observation: A girl aged 6.8 years consulted for precocious pubertal development (pubic hair stage 3, breast stage 2), with moderate acne. There was no virilizati...

hrp0089p2-p110 | Diabetes & Insulin P2 | ESPE2018

Neonatal Diabetes Mellitus Caused by a Novel GLIS3 Mutation in Twins

London Shira , Elias-Assad Ghadir , Barhoum Marie Noufi , Felszer Clari , Paniakov Marina , Vainer Scott , Flanagan Sarah , Houghton Jayne , Rakover Yardena Tenenbaum

Background: GLIS3 is a transcription factor involved in the development of pancreatic β-cells, the thyroid, eyes, liver and kidneys. In the pancreas, GLIS3 is expressed at various stages of ductal and endocrine cell development, and is a critical regulator of β-cell development and insulin expression. Mutations in GLIS3 have been recently described as a rare cause of neonatal diabetes and congenital hypothyroidism (CH), reported in only 20 ...

hrp0089p1-p223 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology P1 | ESPE2018

Sex-Differences in Reproductive Hormones During Mini-Puberty in Infants with Normal and Disordered Sex Development

Johannsen Trine Holm , Main Katharina M , Ljubicic Marie Lindhardt , Jensen Tina Kold , Andersen Helle Raun , Andersen Marianne Skovsager , Petersen Jorgen Holm , Andersson Anna-Maria , Juul Anders

Context: The early activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis during infancy can be used in the evaluation of infants suspected of disorders of sex development (DSD). However, few data exists on sex-specific reference ranges for these hormones during early life.Objective: To evaluate sex-differences in reproductive hormone concentrations in serum from healthy infants in order to define sex-specific cut-off values and to apply these in infants ...

hrp0086fc5.4 | Management of Disorders of Insulin Secretion | ESPE2016

Persistent Beneficial Metabolic Effect after Five Years in a Cohort of 28 Subjects with Neonatal Diabetes owing to Potassium Channel Mutation and Transferred from Insulin to Sulfonylureas

Hoarau Marie , Fauret Anne-Laure , Busiah Kanetee , Godot Cecile , Colas Sandra , Treluyer Jean-Marc , Scharfmann Raphael , Cave Helene , Polak Michel , Beltrand Jacques

Background: Sulfonylureas (SU) have proven to be effective in patients with monogenic diabetes owing to potassium channel mutation. They allow the discontinuation of insulin and a good metabolic control. Long-term data arguing for a persistent beneficial effect of SU are missing.Objective and hypotheses: SU provide a good metabolic control maintained over time in patients with neonatal diabetes.Method: From a French cohort of 34 pa...

hrp0086rfc7.2 | Gonads & DSD | ESPE2016

Reference Values for External Genitalia Size and Steroid Hormone Levels in Female Neonates

Castets Sarah , Plotton Ingrid , Nguyen Kim-An , Plaisant Franck , Prudon Malika , Laborie Sophie , Souillot Marie , Roche Sylvain , Ecochard Rene , Claris Olivier , Morel Yves , Nicolino Marc , Gay Claire-Lise

Background: Prenatal androgen exposure can lead to variable virilization of external female genitalia. The lack of a consensus definition of clitoromegaly and the limited data available on normal steroid levels in female neonates makes its diagnosis difficult.Objective and hypotheses: The aims of this study were (i) to define reference sizes for external female genitalia in term and preterm neonates as a function of gestational age and birth weight; and ...

hrp0086rfc15.1 | Late Breaking | ESPE2016

A Novel Homozygous Mutation in the Domain AF-2 of Alpha Estrogen Receptor Gene (ESR1), Generating a Bio-Inactive ERα Mutant, Resulting in Estrogen Resistance with Complex Metabolic Phenotype

Feigerlova Eva , Laurell Henrik , Mittre Herve , Kottler Marie-Laure , Deshayes Marc , Balaguyer Patrick , Arnal Jean-Francois , Marechaud Richard , Hadjadj Samy , Gourdy Pierre

Context: The mouse ERα−/− knock-out model and rare human ESR1 gene mutations identified to date have demonstrated crucial role of ERα in control of energy homeostasis and glucose metabolism. Subjects with ERα deficiency show features of estrogen resistance (ESTRR) with continuous linear growth in adulthood.Patient: We describe a 20-year-old female, with unknown family history, who presented...

hrp0086p2-p150 | Bone & Mineral Metabolism P2 | ESPE2016

Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency in Haitian Infants and Children

von Oettingen Julia Elisabeth , Sainvil Michele , Lorgeat Viviane , Mascary Marie-Christine , Feldman Henry , Carpenter Christopher , Bonnell Ric , Larco Nancy , Larco Philippe , Stafford Diane , Jean-Baptiste Eddy , Gordon Catherine

Background: Vitamin D deficiency in children is a common cause of rickets, and a potential risk factor for extraskeletal adverse health outcomes. Its prevalence in Haiti has not been assessed.Objective and hypotheses: To examine the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in dark-skinned young children in Haiti.Method: Cross-sectional study of healthy Haitian children 9 months to 6 years across thr...

hrp0086p1-p688 | Endocrinology and Multisystemic Diseases P1 | ESPE2016

Thyrotoxicosis, Nephrogenic Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuresis, Tall Stature and Mental Retardation Caused by a Novel GNAS Gain of Function Mutation

Houang Muriel , Kottler Marie-Laure , Bensman Albert , Haymann Jean-Philippe , Richard Nicolas , Dunand Olivier , Bastepe Murate , Silve Caroline , Coudray Nathalie , Netchine Irene , Linglart Agnes

Background: Nephrogenic syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis (NSIAD) is a very rare clinical condition. Patients suffer from hyponatremia, hypo-osmolality with inappropriately elevated urinary osmolality and undetectable AVP levels. Activating mutations of AVPR2, the vasopressin receptor type 2 (V2R), induce a prolonged signaling of the intracellular cAMP/PKA pathway and cause NSIAD in patients.Objective and hypotheses: To describe a new phenotype in a...

hrp0086p1-p730 | Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology P1 | ESPE2016

MKRN3 Mutations and Central Precocious Puberty

Neocleous Vassos , Toumba Meropi , Sevastidou Maria , Phelan Marie M , Shammas Christos , Nicolaou Stella , Stylianou Charilaos , Christoforidis Athanasios , Fanis Pavlos , Phylactou Leonidas A , Skordis Nicos

Background: Central precocious puberty (CPP) results from premature activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis and increasing evidence suggests a genetic origin. Premature activation of the GnRH secretion in CPP may arise either from gain-of-function mutations of the KISS1 and KISS1R genes or loss-of-function manner mutations of the MKRN3 gene leading to MKRN3 deficiency.Objective and hypotheses: To identify loss-of-...