hrp0094fc9.5 | Growth Hormone and IGFs | ESPE2021

Dynamic Changes in Growth and IGF-I During the First Year of Life; A Longitudinal Study of 233 healthy Danish Infants

Upners Emmie N. , Ljubicic Marie L , Busch Alexander S , Fischer Margit B , Almstrup Kristian , Petersen Jorgen H , Jensen Rikke B , Hagen Casper P , Juul Anders ,

Background: Growth during infancy is a continuation of the rapid fetal growth and its regulation is complex and multifactorial. It is well-established that insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and its regulators (e.g. IGF binding proteins (IGFBP-3) and pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A2 (PAPP-A2)) are important for prenatal and postnatal growth; however, their significance for growth during infancy is not fully explored.Aims: The aim...

hrp0092p1-17 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2019

Serum Testosterone Level at the Age of 12 is an Important Determinant of the Following Gain of Bone Mineral Apparant Density in 18-year Old Males: a Longitudinal Study From Puberty

Tamme Reeli , Jürimäe Jaak , Remmel Liina , Mäestu Evelin , Purge Priit , Mengel Eva , Tillmann Vallo

Background: Many cross-sectional studies have demonstrated that serum testosterone concentration is an important biochemical predictor of bone mineral density in young males, but to our knowledge, no longitudinal studies have been carried out to support these cross-sectional data.Aims: to examine the associations between serum testosterone concentration at the age of 12 and the following gain in bone mineral density unti...

hrp0086fc13.3 | Management of Obesity | ESPE2016

Hypothalamic Gliosis in Obese Children and Adolescents

Sewaybricker Leticia E , Cendes Fernando , Schur Ellen A , Melhorn Susan J , Barbosa Silene M , Mendes Roberto T , Velloso Licio A , Guerra-Junior Gil

Background: Obesity is a persistent disorder that almost universally recurs following treatment, suggesting a disruption on central nervous system control over energy homeostasis. Recent literature suggests that hypothalamic inflammation may have an important role on obesity pathogenesis. This inflammatory reaction, which histologically appears as a reactive gliosis, may be detected using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and has just been shown in rodent models and adults.</p...

hrp0086rfc1.3 | Adrenals | ESPE2016

Impaired Cardiac Function in a Mouse Model of Generalized Glucocorticoid Resistance

Lamprokostopoulou Agaristi , Varela Aimilia , Katsimpoulas Michalis , Dimitriou Constantinos , Athanasiadis Nikos , Soultou Eleana , Stefa Alketa , Mavroides Manolis , Davos Constantinos H. , Chrousos George P. , Kino Tomoshige , Georgopoulos Spiros , Charmandari Evangelia

Background: Glucocorticoids regulate a broad spectrum of physiologic functions essential for life and exert their actions through their ubiquitously expressed glucocorticoid receptor (GR). The GR interacts with several molecules, including the non-coding RNA growth arrest-specific 5 (Gas5), which decreases the transcriptional activity of the GR by preventing its binding to DNA, and reduces tissue sensitivity to glucocorticoids.Objective and Hypotheses: T...

hrp0095lb19 | Late Breaking | ESPE2022

Early adrenal activation in boys with Cystic Fibrosis may explain impaired final height

Tamer Gizem , GM Arets Hubertus , K van der Ent Cornelis , M van Santen Hanneke , J van der Kamp Hetty

Background: Rapid BMI increase in early childhood was found to be a contributing factor for impaired final height in boys with Cystic Fibrosis (CF). This may be explained by early adrenarche triggering an accelerated bone maturation resulting in a compromised growth spurt during puberty, comparable to children with SGA. In healthy Dutch boys, adrenarche starts from the age of 9 years with DHEAS ≥ 1 µmol/L. In Dutch girls, the onset of adrenarche is fr...

hrp0092fc14.2 | GH and IGF2 | ESPE2019

Pubertal Onset in 1572 Girls with Short, Normal and Tall Stature: Associations to Height, Serum IGF-I and PAPP-A2 Genotypes

Upners Emmie N , Busch Alexander S. , Almstrup Kristian , Petersen Jørgen Holm , Main Katharina , Jensen Rikke Beck , Juul Anders

Background: Sexual maturation is closely linked to growth, suggesting common pathways between the reproductive development and the growth hormone/insulin-like growth factor-I (GH/IGF-I) axis. IGF-I bioavailability is regulated by Pregnancy associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A), Pregnancy associated plasma protein-A2 (PAPP-A2) and Stanniocalcin 2 (STC2). A large genome-wide association study (GWAS) identified PAPP-A, PAPP-A2 and STC2 to represent loci strongly a...

hrp0097p1-18 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2023

Bone mineral density in children and adolescents with Cystic Fibrosis: a follow-up study.

Tamer Gizem , G.M. Arets Hubertus , K. van der Ent Cornelis , M. van Santen Hanneke , J. van der Kamp Hetty

Background: Adults with CF show a higher rate of osteoporosis compared to healthy adults. Achieving proper bone mass is a process starting in childhood. We aimed to evaluate the prevalence of decreased bone mineral density (BMD), changes during puberty and risk factors for low BMD in children and adolescences with CF in a large Dutch cohort.Patients and methods: A retrospective observational cohort study was performed in...

hrp0089rfc10.3 | Late Breaking | ESPE2018

Developmental Regulation of Obestatin and Adropin in Prader-Willi Syndrome and Non-Syndromic Obesity: Associations with Weight, BMI-z, HOMA-IR, and Lipid Profile

Orsso Camila E , Butler Andrew A , Muehlbauer Michael J , Cui Huaxia N , Rubin Daniela A , Pakseresht Mohammadreza , Butler Merlin G , Prado Carla M , Freemark Michael , Haqq Andrea M

Background: The peptides obestatin and adropin are thought to regulate glucose and lipid metabolism, weight gain, and fluid intake in adults. The roles of obestatin and adropin in the regulation of weight and glucose and lipid metabolism in Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) and non-syndromic pediatric obesity are poorly understood. This study compares the concentrations of obestatin and adropin in infants and children with PWS and age- and BMI-z matched controls, and explores the as...

hrp0089p2-p253 | Growth &amp; Syndromes P2 | ESPE2018

Influence of Puberty on Adult Height of SGA Children Treated with GH

Lopez-Siguero Juan P. , Munoz-Martinez Pablo , Borras-Perez Ma Victoria , Alvarez-Casano Maria , Sanchez-Moreno Sonia , Martinez-Aedo Ma Jose

Introduction: Published studies on pubertal growth of SGA patients on GH therapy are scarce. An earlier and shorter duration of puberty has been described. Treatment optimization may be necessary and also know their influence on adult height.Objetives: Analyse the evolution of height durig puberty in SGA patients treated with GH. Asses the age of onset of puberty and its relationship to adult and target height.Methods: Retrospectiv...

hrp0082p1-d3-191 | Pituitary | ESPE2014

Phenotype Evaluation of Combined Pituitary Hormone Deficiency Caused By prop1 Gene Mutation in Comparison to Pituitary Deficiency Caused by Other Factors

Zygmunt-Gorska Agata , Starzyk Jerzy , Wojcik Malgorzata , Madetko-Talowska Ewa , Sucharski Piotr , Herman-Sucharska Izabela , Pietrzyk Jacek J

Background: Combine pituitary hormone deficiency (CPHD) may be caused by many factors. One – them is PROP1 gene mutation, that causes maldevelopment of GH, TSH, LH, FSH prolactin but not ACTH, producing cells (CPHD–PROP1).Objective and hypotheses: The details of possible differences between phenotypes of CPHD–PROP1 and CPHD of other reasons (CPHD–nonPROP1) are not clear to date. The aim of the study...