hrp0089p1-p161 | Growth & Syndromes P1 | ESPE2018

Analysis of Osteoblats Precursors in Girls with Turner Syndrome

Brunetti Giacomina , Chiarito Mariangela , Piacente Laura , Aceto Gabriella , Colucci Silvia , Colaianni Graziana , Grano Maria , D'Amato Gabriele , Felicia Faienza Maria

Background and aim: Subjects with Turner Syndrome (TS) show low cortical bone mineral density (BMD), osteoporosis and risk of fractures. Previously, we demonstrated the enhanced spontaneous osteoclastogenesis in girls and young women with TS before and after pubertal induction with hormonal replacement therapy (HRT). The bone resorption observed in girls before puberty induction seems to be supported by the high FSH serum levels observed at prepubertal stage, while in young wo...

hrp0086p1-p132 | Bone & Mineral Metabolism P1 | ESPE2016

Spinal and Forearm Bone Mineralization in Adolescents with Klinefelter Syndrome

De Schepper Jean , Louis Olivia , Vanbesien Jesse , Verheyden Stefanie , De Wolf Rik , Anckaert Ellen , Gies Inge

Background: Patients with Klinefelter syndrome (KS) have an increased risk for osteoporosis and fractures in adulthood. Data on bone mineralization in adolescence are limited, although it is a known at-risk period for vitamin D deficiency, low calcium intake and evolving hypogonadism.Objective and hypotheses: To study the bone mineralization in KS adolescents and its relationship with vitamin D/calcium and gonadal status. KS adolescents with low calcium ...

hrp0086p2-p396 | Gonads & DSD P2 | ESPE2016

Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism in a Girl with 2p11.2–2q12.1 Duplication

Bianconi Martina , Scalini Perla , Maccora Ilaria , de Martino Maurizio , Megna Paolo , Stagi Stefano

Background: Patients with chromosome 2 pericentromeric duplication are rarely reported in literature.Objective and hypotheses: To describe a young girl with a congenital malformations syndrome, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and impaired bone quality associated with a chromosome 2 pericentromeric duplication.Results: The proposita was born at 37th weeks of gestation from a twin pregnancy with a cesarean delivery presenting low birth...

hrp0086p1-p619 | Growth P1 | ESPE2016

Mutations in PROP1 Gene in Combination with 47,XYY Karyotype: Case Report

Pankratova Maria , Gubaeva Diliara , Kareva Maria , Tiulpakov Anatoly , Peterkova Valentina

Background: Mutations in PROP1 gene are the most common known genetic cause of multiple pituritary hormone deficiency. It is characterized by somatolactotroph, thyrotroph, gonadotroph and sometimes corticotroph deficiencies and pituitary hyper- or hypoplasia. The karyotype 47,XYY occurrs in 1 in every 1000 live male birth. Some studies report that the phenotype of XYY syndrome includes tall stature, behavioral problems and low fertility.Objectiv...

hrp0086p2-p644 | Growth P2 | ESPE2016

Adverse Effects after Priming with Testosterone in Short Statured Boys before Growth Hormone Stimulation Test

Albrecht Andrea , Penger Theresa , Marx Michaela , Voelkl Thomas , Hirsch Karin , Doerr Helmuth G

Background: Current guidelines recommend the priming with low-dose testosterone in prepubertal boys prior to growth hormone stimulation tests. To our knowledge, only few adverse events after low-dose testosterone have been described so far.Objective and hypotheses: To assess possible side effects of testosterone priming.Patients: We studied 188 prepubertal boys aged between 10 and 15 years (mean ± S.D.: 11.4&#17...

hrp0086p2-p668 | Growth P2 | ESPE2016

A Rare Cause of Growth Delay: Jacobsen Syndrome

Constantinescu Georgiana , Belceanu Alina , Bursuc Anamaria , Armasu Ioana , Braha Elena , Rusu Cristina , Mogos Voichita , Vulpoi Carmen

Background: Jacobsen syndrome is a rare genetic condition caused by partial deletion of the long arm of chromosome 11 associated with delayed development, distinctive facial features, bleeding disorder, skeletal abnormalities and endocrine disorders.Case report: We report a rare case of Jacobsen syndrome in 4 year old boy addressed for short stature. Born at term (36 W) with low birth weight (1780 g) and delayed development, his height at presentation wa...

hrp0086p1-p757 | Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology P1 | ESPE2016

Silent Corticotroph Adenoma with Adrenocortical Choristoma in an 11-Years Old Boy

Ercan Oya , Evliyaoglu Olcay , Sinoplu Ada Bulut , Mete Ozgur , Oz Buge

Background: Silent corticotroph adenomas are adenomas composed of corticotrophs but are different from corticotroph adenomas. Despite being silent, they show more aggressive behavior than other clinically nonfunctional adenomas. Adrenocortical choristomas in silent corticotroph adenomas (i.e. the presence of adrenocortical cells in the heterotopic location of the sella) were reported in three patients 16 years or older until now.Objective: Here we report...

hrp0086p2-p879 | Syndromes: Mechanisms and Management P2 | ESPE2016

SHORT Syndrome and rhGH Treatment – Is It Useful?

Armasu Ioana , Crumpei Iulia , Vasiliu Ioana , Rusu Cristina , Braha Elena , Zetu Irina , Raileanu Daniela , Preda Cristina , Vulpoi Carmen

Background: SHORT syndrome is an autosomal dominant genetic multisystem disorder determined by PIK3R1 gene mutations, which normally plays a role in cell signalling. SHORT is an acronym for short stature, hyperextensibility of joints and/or hernia, ocular depression, Rieger anomaly and teething delay. It is a rare condition; its prevalence is unknown with only few affected individuals and families reported worldwide.Case report: We report a case of 4 yea...

hrp0082s4.3 | Recent Advances in Our Understanding of Hypothyroidism | ESPE2014

Novel Insights into Thyroid Hormone Resistance

Chatterjee V K K

Resistance to thyroid hormone mediated by defective TRβ (RTHβ) or TRα(RTHα).Separate genes (THRA, THRB) undergo alternate splicing, generating nuclear receptors (TRα1, TRβ1, TRβ2) with distinct tissue distributions, which mediate thyroid hormone action; the function of a non-hormone binding protein (α 2), derived from the THRA locus, is unknown.RTHβ a dominantl...

hrp0082fc5.5 | Neuroendocrinology | ESPE2014

Characterization of IGFI Receptor Expression and Localization in Paediatric Gliomas Upon Diagnosis According to WHO 2007 Grading

Clement Florencia , Venara Marcela , Maglio Silvana , Martin Ayelen , Matho Cecilia , Petre Cesar , Lombardi Mercedes Garcia , Bergada Ignacio , Pennisi Patricia

Background: Gliomas are the most common subgroup of CNS tumours in children. Histologic grading is a means of predicting the biological behavior of these tumours and survival is strongly correlated with tumour gradation. The IGF system of ligands and receptors are known to play an important role in both normal and neoplastic growth. Recently, nuclear translocation of the type 1 IGF1R has been demonstrated in tumour tissues. Although the IGF1R expression has been described in C...