hrp0086p2-p490 | Fat Metabolism and Obesity P2 | ESPE2016

Matsuda Index in Correlation with Clinical Indicators of Insulin Resistance in Children and Adolescents

Dikaiakou Eirini , Vlachopapadopoulou Elpis , Petychaki Foteini , Patinioti Ioanna , Anagnostou Elli , Karachaliou Feneli , Kafetzi Maria , Fotinou Aspasia , Michalacos Stefanos

Background: Obesity-related insulin resistance is present in obese children and Matsuda index is a method proposed to evaluate insulin resistance, using data obtained from the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT).Objective and hypotheses: To investigate whether the clinical indicators of family history of obesity and/or Type II diabetes, acanthosis nigricans, and increased waist circumference are associated with insulin resistance, as calculated by the Mat...

hrp0082p2-d3-346 | Diabetes (2) | ESPE2014

Two Cases of ‘Unknown’ Lipoprotein Lipase Deficiency and Diabetes Mellitus

Bizzarri Carla , Ciccone Sara , Pedicelli Stefania , Benevento Danila , Baldari Francesca , Patera Ippolita Patrizia , Matteoli Maria Cristina , Cappa Marco

Background: Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) deficiency is an autosomal recessive disease with deficient extrahepatic removal of blood lipoproteins.Objective and hypotheses: Primary LPL deficiency can be exacerbated by coexistent conditions such as diabetes, where relative or absolute insulin deficiency leads to an additional secondary LPL deficiency.Method: We describe two cases in which primary LPL deficiency overlapped with previously d...

hrp0084p1-66 | DSD | ESPE2015

46, XX Ovotesticular DSD in the Absence of SRY Gene Associated to SOX3 Duplication

Grinspon Romina P , Nevado Julian , Alvarez Maria de los Angeles Mori , Rey Rodolfo A , del Rey Graciela , Chiesa Ana

Background: Ovotesticular DSD is a rare disorder defined by the presence of both ovarian and testicular tissues in the same individual. SRY is present in approximately 1/3 of patients with 46, XX ovotesticular DSD. In SRY-negative ovotesticular DSD, the mechanism responsible for the presence of testicular tissue is not yet understood.Case presentation: A male patient was referred to us for hypospadias and bilateral cryptorchidism at 2.5...

hrp0084p1-78 | Growth Hormone | ESPE2015

Influence of Genetic Variation on the Response to Recombinant Human Growth Hormone Treatment in Children with GH Deficiency: An Analysis of 13 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and the GH Receptor Exon 3 Deletion

Jung Anna-Maria , Hoffmann Paul Francois , Monz Dominik , Lissewski Christina , Schanze Denny , Zenker Martin , Rohrer Tilman Robert

Background: Growth hormone deficiency (GHD) is the most common endocrine cause of impaired growth. Recombinant human GH (rhGH) therapy does not always achieve complete catch-up growth or final height within the genetic target height despite standardised treatment guidelines. The factors causing the considerable variability in responsiveness to rhGH have not yet been fully elucidated. Apart from a number of auxological and clinical parameters, genetic factors also appear to pla...

hrp0084p2-168 | Adrenals | ESPE2015

The Natural Mutant Receptor hGRαT556I Causes Primary Generalised Glucocorticoid Resistance Through Decreased Affinity for the Ligand and Impaired Interaction with the GRIP1 Coactivator

Nicolaides Nicolas C , Skyrla Eirini , Vlachakis Dimitrios , Psarra Anna-Maria G , Sertedaki Amalia , Kossida Sophia , Charmandari Evangelia

Background: Primary generalised glucocorticoid resistance (PGGR) is a rare condition characterised by tissue insensitivity to glucocorticoids owing to inactivating mutations of the hGR gene. A new case of PGGR was reported in a patient with an adrenal incidentaloma harboring a novel heterozygous point mutation in the hGR gene, which resulted in threonine (T) to isoleucine (I) substitution at amino acid position 556 of the receptor.Objec...

hrp0084p3-726 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Neonatal Diabetes Mellitus due to Insulin Gene Mutation

Thi Bich Ngoc Can , Chi Dung Vu , Phuong Thao Bui , Ngoc Khanh Nguyen , Craig Maria , Ellard Sian , Thi Hoan Nguyen

Background: Neonatal diabetes is a rare disorder with an incidence of between 1 in 215 000–500 000 live births with approximately 50% having permanent neonatal diabetes (PNDM). Insulin gene (INS) mutations have recently been described as a cause of PNDM.Objective and hypotheses: To describe clinical features and laboratory manifestations of patient with PNDM due to INS gene mutation and evaluate outcome of management....

hrp0084p3-1062 | Hypo | ESPE2015

Congenital Hyperinsulinaemic Hypoglycaemia of Infancy, Renal Fanconi Syndrome and Hepatopathy due to a Mutation in the hnf4a Gene

Pieck Alejandro Vargas , Leon Maria Clemente , Martorell Ariana Campos , Gonzalez Luis Castano , Iraola Gema Ariceta , Lezcano Antonio Carrascosa

Introduction: Congenital hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia of infancy (CHHI) associates with mutations in known genes in approximately 60% of cases. CHHI and mutations in HNF4A gene are reported in 0.5–2.4% in large series. A case of CHHI with renal Fanconi syndrome (FS) and hepatopathy is presented.Clinical description: Male newborn, gestational age: 38 weeks, weight: 4250 g +2.7 S.D., length: 55 cm +3.29 S.D., ...

hrp0095p1-151 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2022

The effect of a GnRH analogue injection on the circulating levels of kisspeptin-1 in girls with suspected central precocious puberty

Rodanaki Maria , Rask Eva , Lodefalk Maria

Introduction: Kisspeptin stimulates the gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons in hypothalamus initiating puberty. However, it is not known whether GnRH inhibits kisspeptin secretion by negative feedback and whether there are any associations between circulating levels of kisspeptin and other hormones, like ghrelin, important for the onset of puberty.Methods: Thirteen girls with suspected central precocious pubert...

hrp0092p2-201 | Growth and Syndromes (to include Turner Syndrome) | ESPE2019

Papillary Thyroid Cancer in a 17-Years Old Girl with a Late-Diagnosed Turner Syndrome

Pankratova Maria , Brovin Dmitriy , Kareva Maria

Background: Papillary thyroid cancer has been described in three patients with Turner syndrome (TS) who received growth hormone therapy (Cabanas P, 2005; Bautembach-Minkowska J, 2018). We are presenting a case of papillary thyroid cancer in a girl with a late-diagnosed Turner syndrome who has not received any hormonal therapy up to 17 years.Clinical case: A girl was diagnosed with TS syndrome (karyotype 45XO/46X i(X)q) a...

hrp0089rfc5.3 | Thyroid | ESPE2018

Incidence and Treatment Outcome of Childhood Thyrotoxicosis

Rodanaki Maria , Lodefalk Maria , AEman Jan

Aim: To study the incidence of childhood thyrotoxicosis in five counties in central Sweden during 1990–2009 and to study the treatment outcome.Methods: Children below the age of 16 years diagnosed with thyrotoxicosis during the 20-years period and living in the study area were identified retrospectively. Data on the total number of children below 16 years of age living in the area during the study period was collected from the National Board of Stat...