hrp0084ha2 | A New Syndrome Associated with Mutations in the Gene for Pregnancy-Associated Plasma Protein A2 (PAPP-A2) | ESPE2015

A New Syndrome Associated with Mutations in the Gene for Pregnancy-Associated Plasma Protein A2 (PAPP-A2) Causing Proportionate Short Stature, High Circulating IGF-I, IGFBP-3, and ALS, Mild Microcephaly, thin Long Bones and Decreased Bone Mineral Density in two Unrelated Families

Dauber Andrew , Munoz-Calvo Maria T , Barrios Vicente , Desikan Vardhini , Pozo Jesus , Muzumdar Radhika , Martos-Moreno Gabriel A , Hawkins Federico , Domene Horacio , Jasper Hector G , Kloverpris Soren , Yakar Shoshana , Conover Cheryl A , Kopchick John J , Hwa Vivian , Chowen Julie A , Oxvig Claus , Rosenfeld Ron G , Perez-Jurado Luis A , Argente Jesus

Background: PAPP-A2 is a metalloproteinase that specifically cleaves IGFBPs 3 and 5. Papp-a2 knock-out (KO) mice show a reduction in body size and skeletal abnormalities.Objective and hypotheses: Our objective is to report two affected families from Spain and USA. The Spanish family presents a homozygous frameshift mutation in exon 3 of the PAPP-A2 gene (c.1927_ 1928insAT, p.D643fs25X) resulting in a premature stop codon, with 2 of 4 si...

hrp0084fc1.3 | Adrenal | ESPE2015

Aldosterone and Mineralocorticoid Receptor as Inducers of Immune Markers in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells: Beyond Elevating Blood Pressure

Vecchiola Andrea , Munoz-Durango Natalia , Cifuentes Mariana , Lagos Carlos , Fuentes Cristobal , Gonzalez Luis-Martin , Ortiz David , Carvajal Cristian , Tapia-Castillo Alejandra , Valdivia Carolina , Martinez-Aguayo Alejandro , Allende Fidel , Solari Sandra , Bancalari Rodrigo , Garcia Hernan , Campino Carmen , Baudrand Rene , Kalergis Alexis , Fardella Carlos E

Background: In vitro studies suggest a broader role for aldosterone, beyond elevating blood pressure. Clinical data support the notion that aldosterone can directly alter the function of the immune system and can participate in low-grade inflammation which leads to blood pressure elevation and end organ damage.Objective and hypothesis: To assess in humans, whether aldosterone plasma levels and mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) expression associate...

hrp0084p2-335 | Fat | ESPE2015

Network Coordinated Primary Care Intervention in Obese Children and Adolescents: Almost a Decade of Experience

Guilmin-Crepon Sophie , Arsan Amine , Boizeau Priscilla , Alberti Corinne , Fidalgo Laurent , Chevallier Bertrand , Lubelski Patricia , Cheymol Jacques , Zaluski Alain , Tounian Patrick , Carel Jean-Claude , on behalf of REPOP Ile-de-France

Background: French health authorities have developed a national program to organize outpatient care networks for the prevention and management of obesity in children and adolescents (Réseau de Prise en Charge de l’Obésité Pédiatrique (REPOP)). To date, REPOP Ile-de-France has more than 250 primary care physicians with dietitians, nurses, educators, and psychologists trained in the management of childhood obesity as part of a standard care pathway, work...

hrp0095p1-93 | Fetal, Neonatal Endocrinology and Metabolism | ESPE2022

Measurements of Growth Hormone in neonatal screening cards as a non-invasive and feasible tool: reference values in healthy term newborns.

Giacchetti Federico , Vidali Matteo , Sangiorgio Andrea , Rodari Giulia , Vantaggiato Chiara , Modugno Adriana Di , Morniroli Daniela , Colombo Lorenzo , Profka Eriselda , Dall'Antonia Alberta , Collini Valentina , Ceriotti Ferruccio , Mosca Fabio , Arosio Maura , Lorella Giannì Maria , Giavoli Claudia

Background: Severe congenital growth hormone deficiency (cGHD) is a rare but potentially life-threatening condition. Even though random growth hormone (GH) can confirm cGHD during the first week of life, the diagnosis remains extremely challenging in the absence of reliable reference values in healthy neonates and thus of a best diagnostic cut-off.Aims: First, to provide solid reference values for GH concentrations in te...

hrp0082p2-d1-450 | Growth | ESPE2014

Identification of NPR2 Mutations in Disproportionate Short Stature

Hisado-Oliva Alfonso , Benito-Sanz Sara , Belinchon Alberta , Vallespin Elena , del Pozo Angela , Barreda-Bonis Ana C. , Ramirez Joaquin , Luzuriaga Cristina , Gonzalez-Casado Isabel , Campos-Barros Angel , Heath Karen E.

Background: Homozygous natriuretic peptide receptor-2 (NPR2) mutations cause acromesomelic dysplasia, type Maroteaux, a skeletal dysplasia with extreme disproportionate short stature and recently, heterozygous NPR2 mutations have been identified also in patients with idiopathic short stature (ISS, 2–6%). SHOX mutations are found in ~2–5% of ISS cases and ~70% of Léri-Weill dyschondrosteosis (LWD) cases, characterized by disproportionat...

hrp0084p2-459 | Growth | ESPE2015

Heterozygous NPR2 Mutations Cause Disproportionate Short Stature, Similar to Léri-Weill Dyschondrosteosis

Hisado-Oliva Alfonso , Garre-Vazquez Ana Isabel , Santaolalla-Caballero Fabiola , Belinchon Alberta , Barreda-Bonis Ana Coral , Vasques Gabriela A , Ramirez Joaquin , Luzuriaga Cristina , Gonzalez-Casado Isabel , Benito-Sanz Sara , Jorge Alexander A , Campos-Barros Angel , Heath Karen E

Background: Mutations in SHOX or its regulatory regions have been detected in ~70% of Léri-Weill dyschondrosteosis (LWD) and ~2.5% of idiopathic short stature (ISS) cases, suggesting the implication of other genes or loci. Recent studies have identified NPR2 defects in ISS patients.Objective and hypotheses: To investigate if NPR2 mutations can account for a proportion of the cases referred for LWD and ISS in whom no SHOX/PAR1 mutation was detected.<...

hrp0092p1-345 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity (2) | ESPE2019

ANGPTL-4 in Children and Adolescents: Relation to Gender, Puberty and Obesity

Barja-Fernández Silvia , Folgueira Cintia , Castelao Cecilia , Pena-León Verónica , González-Saenz Patricia , Vázquez-Cobela Rocío , Aguilera Concepción M , Gil-Campos Mercedes , Bueno Gloria , Gil Ángel , Moreno Luis , Ruiz-Piñon Manuel , García-Palacios María , Casanueva Felipe F , Dieguez Carlos , Nogueiras Rubén , Seoane Luisa M. , Leis Rosaura

Introduction: Preclinical models demonstrated that Angiopoietin-like protein 4 (ANGPTL-4) regulates lipid metabolism and affects energy homeostasis. However, no data exist regarding its involvement in childhood and adolescence, periods of life with important metabolic changes.Objectives: We aimed to investigate circulating levels of ANGPTL-4 in children and adolescents and its relationship with gender, puberty and obesit...

hrp0094fc7.1 | Fetal Endocrinology and Multisystem Disorders | ESPE2021

The Use Of e-REC For Capturing The Occurrence Of COVID-19 Infections In People With Rare Endocrine Conditions

Bryce Jillian , Di Guisto Vicki , Ali Salma R. , Alexandraki Krystallenia , Badiu Corin , Baronio Federico , Biermasz Nienke R. , Brandi Maria Luisa , Castinetti Frederic , Ceccato Filippo , Chifu Irina-Oana , Cools Martine , Danne Thomas , Druce Maralyn , Esposito Daniela , Falhammar Henrik , Fugazzola Laura , Gan Hoong-Wei , Giordano Roberta , Isidori Andrea M. , Johannsson Gudmundur , Karavitaki Niki , Linglart Agnes , Luger Anton , Maffei Pietro , Marazuela Monica , Jaksic Vladka Pandzic , Paschou Stavroula A. , Persani Luca , Domingo Manuel Puig , Reisch Nicole , Schalin-Jantti Camilla , Akker van den Erica L.T. , Vassiliadi Dimitra , Young Jacques , Appelman-Dijkstra Natasha , Grozinsky-Glasberg Simona , Pereira Alberto M. , Ahmed S. Faisal ,

Introduction: Following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in early spring 2020, there was a need to identify the burden of this infection on people with rare endocrine conditions. The European Registries For Rare Endocrine Conditions (EuRRECa) was launched in 2018 in collaboration with Endo-ERN, ESPE and ESE to support the needs of the wider endocrine community. The project consists of an e-reporting (e-REC) platform that allows monthly reporting of new clini...

hrp0084fc2.3 | Bone &amp; Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2015

High Success of a Next Generation Sequencing Panel for the Molecular Diagnosis of Rare Skeletal Dysplasias

Barreza Jimena , Rivera-Pedroza Carlos I , Sentchordi-Montane Lucia , Vallespin Elena , Montano Victoria E F , Mansilla Elena , Belinchon Alberta , Benito-Sanz Sara , del Pozo Angela , Ibanez Kristina , Gonzalez-Casado Isabel , Guillen-Navarro Encarna , Prieto Pablo , del Pozo Jaime Sanchez , Cruz-Rojo Jaime , Galan Enrique , Lapunzina Pablo , Garcia-Minaur Sixto , Santos-Simarro Fernando , Heath Karen E

Background: A total of 456 skeletal dysplasias have been classified by molecular, biochemical and/or radiological criteria, into 40 groups. Despite this, the precise, final diagnosis is often difficult due to the high phenotypic and genotypic variability.Objective: To improve the molecular and clinical diagnosis of skeletal dysplasias using a custom-designed next-generation sequencing (NGS) panel.Method: A total of 56 skeletal dysp...

hrp0084p2-429 | GH &amp; IGF | ESPE2015

Effectiveness of Recombinant IGF1 Treatment in a Patient with Isolated GH IA Deficit Producer of Anti-GH Antibodies

Porcar Ines , Oriola Josep , Kratzsch Jurgen , Escribano Joaquin , Feliu Albert

Background: GH deficiency type IA represents the most serious form of isolated deficit GH (IDGH). It’s transmitted as an autosomal recessive pattern and in most cases there is a homozygous deletion of the GH1 gene. Good initial response to treatment is characteristic, although often could appear antibodies against recombinant GH.Case presentation: We report a case of a 5-year-old Pakistanist boy evaluated for severe growth failure (heigh <8.07 <...