hrp0084p2-469 | Growth | ESPE2015

Major Improvement in Parental Perception of their Children’s Height-Specific Quality of Life after 1 Year of GH Treatment: Our Experience with the QoLiSSY Questionnaire

Gonzalez-Briceno Laura Gabriela , Viaud Magali , Flechtner Isabelle , Dassa Yamina , Samara-Boustani Dinane , Thalassinos Caroline , Pauwels Christian , Beltrand Jacques , Busiah Kanetee , Pinto Graziella , Polak Michel

Background: Short stature may be a source of social and affective stress in children and their parents, and thus impact negatively on their quality of life (QoL). Treatment by GH may improve QoL through normalisation of height.Objective: To evaluate height-specific QoL in short stature children after 1 year of GH treatment.Methods: Prospective study. Inclusion criteria were: having started GH treatment at Hôpital Necker-Enfant...

hrp0097p1-264 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2023

Implementation of the EOSS-P Risk Scale in children and adolescents living with obesity

Gonzalez Diego , Rodriguez Roberto , Garibay-Nieto Nayely , Villanueva-Ortega Eréndira , Aguilar-Cuarto Karina , Pedraza Karen , Fuentes Zendy , Ruiz Alejandra , María Hernandez Ana , Prado Edith , Ruiz Arturo

Body Mass Index (BMI) has a high association with body fat percentage and direct association with a higher degree of comorbidities. Categorizing patients only by the degree of obesity, as has been done over time, restricts the possibility of detecting and giving timely treatment to other aspects. The Edmonton Obesity Staging System for Pediatrics (EOSS-P) has been proposed as a tool to categorize obesity not only by BMI, but also by assessing metabolic complications, functiona...

hrp0092p2-176 | Growth and Syndromes (to include Turner Syndrome) | ESPE2019

Efficacy and Safety of Growth Hormone (GH) in the Treatment of Children with Hypochondroplasia (HCH): Comparison with a Historical Cohort of Untreated Children with HCH

Pinto Graziella , Samara-Boustani Dinane , Viaud Magali , Cormier-Daire Valérie , Lopez Yeriley , Fresneau Laurence , Piketty Marie , Claude Pineau Jean , Polak Michel

Hypochondroplasia (HCH) is a skeletal dysplasia, mainly caused by mutations in the fibroblast growth factor receptor3 (FGFR3) gene and characterized by disproportionate short stature.Our main was to determine the efficacy of growth hormone therapy in children with HCH, compared with a historical cohort of 40 untreated children with HCH.Diagnosis of subjects was confirmed by the Bone Dysplasia Center2. Height standard dev...

hrp0092p3-320 | Late Breaking Abstracts | ESPE2019

EpiPEG-PreMeb Study: Chemerina Plasmatic and Metabolic Syndrome Relation at SGA Childrens

Diez-Lopez Ignacio , Sarasua-Miranda Ainhoa , Leniz Asier , Fernandez-Quintela Alfredo , Portillo Maria Puy , Macarulla-Arenaza Maria Teresa , Lorente-Blazquez Isabel

The objective of this study has been the analysis of plasma chemistry in a group of children born SGA at the University Hospital of Álava- Txagorritxu and biochemical parameters related to the metabolic syndrome.Material and Methods: In a cohort of 27 subjects sub (13 boys and 14 girls) from the epiPEG-PreMeb study, a blood sample at 3, 12 and 24 months of life it was extracted. Biochemical parameters s and measured by automated and...

hrp0089fc15.2 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2018

Effects of Caloric Restriction During Gestation on the Methylome of Offspring’s Adipose Tissue and Reversibility of Such Effects by Metformin in a Swine Model

Xargay-Torrent Silvia , Carreras-Badosa Gemma , Tibau Joan , Reixach Josep , Lizarraga-Mollinedo Esther , Mas-Pares Berta , Prats-Puig Anna , de Zegher Francis , Ibanez Lourdes , Lopez-Bermejo Abel

Introduction: Maternal caloric restriction during gestation leads to offspring’s metabolic programming through epigenetic changes, which increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases in adulthood.Objectives: To study in a swine animal model: i) DNA methylation changes associated with caloric restriction during gestation in the adipose tissue of the offspring; and ii) the reversibility of these changes by metformin treatment.<p class="a...

hrp0089rfc7.4 | Fetal, Neonatal Endocrinology and Metabolism | ESPE2018

Expression of MIR-576-5p in Umbilical Cord as a Novel Biomarker for the Identification of Catch-up Growth in Small-For-Gestational-Age Infants

Bassols Judit , Mas-Pares Berta , Bonmati Alexandra , Xargay-Torrent Silvia , Carreras-Badosa Gemma , Lizarraga-Mollinedo Esther , Martinez-Calcerrada Jose-Maria , de Zegher Francis , Ibanez Lourdes , Lopez-Bermejo Abel

Background: Early catch-up growth, between birth and age two years, in infants born small-for-gestational-age (SGA) is a risk factor for the development of cardiometabolic diseases in adulthood. The basis and mechanisms underpinning catch-up growth in SGA newborns are unknown.Objectives: We aimed to investigate the catch-up predictive ability of cord blood miRNAs in SGA infants.Methods: MicroRNA PCR Human Panels were used to study ...

hrp0089p1-p098 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity P1 | ESPE2018

Placental Fatty Acid Profile, DNA Methylation and Adverse Metabolic Outcomes in the Offspring at School Age

Bassols Judit , Xargay-Torrent Silvia , Mas-Pares Berta , Lizarraga-Mollinedo Esther , Prats-Puig Anna , Bonmati Alexandra , Martinez-Calcerrada Jose-Maria , Zegher Francis de , Ibanez Lourdes , Lopez-Bermejo Abel

Background: The placenta plays a key role in regulating fatty acid (FA) transport from maternal to fetal circulation. An unfavourable FA profile in the placenta, reflecting an inadequate nutritional status during pregnancy, may cause changes in placental DNA methylation and negatively affect fetal growth and metabolic health of the offspring.Objectives: We aimed to study the association of an unfavourable placental FA profile with placental DNA methylati...

hrp0089p2-p253 | Growth &amp; Syndromes P2 | ESPE2018

Influence of Puberty on Adult Height of SGA Children Treated with GH

Lopez-Siguero Juan P. , Munoz-Martinez Pablo , Borras-Perez Ma Victoria , Alvarez-Casano Maria , Sanchez-Moreno Sonia , Martinez-Aedo Ma Jose

Introduction: Published studies on pubertal growth of SGA patients on GH therapy are scarce. An earlier and shorter duration of puberty has been described. Treatment optimization may be necessary and also know their influence on adult height.Objetives: Analyse the evolution of height durig puberty in SGA patients treated with GH. Asses the age of onset of puberty and its relationship to adult and target height.Methods: Retrospectiv...

hrp0089p3-p240 | Growth &amp; Syndromes P3 | ESPE2018

The Expression of Cytokines in SGA Children Throughout Lactation Allows to Characterize Early the Type of Cath-up

Diez-Lopez Ignacio , Sarasua Ainhoa , delHoyo Marta , Lorente Isabel , Segura Raquel Gomez de , Picon Minerva , Leniz Asier , Fernandez Alfredo , Puy-Portillo Maria

Up to 50% of children born SGA at 2 years have not made a correct catch up (by excess or defect), with repercussions on size, metabolic and cardiovascular alterations, DM, etc. The Project has developed a prospective cohort of SGA and seeks to study phenotypic, BQ and genetic differences that explain their different behavior.Material and methods: We study live births of single pregnancies in our Hospital during 2012–2014, and are classified accordin...

hrp0089p2-p343 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology P2 | ESPE2018

Clinical, Biochemical, Structural and Functional Characterization of a Novel P450 Oxidoreductase Mutation Causing Virilization in a 46,XX Patient

Camats Nuria , Benito-Sanz Sara , Parween Shaheena , Lopez-Siguero Juan-Pedro , Fernandez-Cancio Monica , Fluck Christa E , Udhane Sameer S , Kagawa Norio , Audi Laura , Pandey Amit V

Background: Cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase (POR) deficiency (PORD) is a form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) and results in steroid-production loss from cytochrome P450 proteins. Mutations in POR cause mild to severe forms of CAH with/without bone malformation symptoms resembling Antley-Bixler syndrome. We report a novel POR Arg550Trp mutation identified in a 46,XX patient with signs of aromatase (ARO) deficiency. Child (first pregnancy) and mother pr...