hrp0082p1-d1-105 | Fat Metabolism & Obesity | ESPE2014

Being Overweight During the Peripubertal Period Modifies the Leptin Induced Changes in Hypothalamic Neuropeptides Involved in Metabolism but not those Involved in Pubertal Onset

Castro-Gonzalez David , Fuente-Martin Esther , Sanchez-Garrido Miguel A , Argente-Arizon Pilar , Tena-Sempere Manuel , Chowen Julie A , Argente Jesus

Background: Leptin is suggested to be a permissive factor in the onset of puberty by signaling at the level of the hypothalamus to indicate adequate energy stores. Overweight female rats due to increased neonatal nutrition have been shown to develop puberty before normal weight rats.Objective and hypothesis: We hypothesized that this permissive effect may be due not only to increased leptin levels, but also to increased hypothalamic sensitivity to this h...

hrp0082p2-d3-394 | Fat Metabolism & Obesity (2) | ESPE2014

From the Need of Preventing Infantile Obesity as soon as Possible: a New Score at Birth

Sanz Nuria , Asencio M Jesus , Buj Angeles , Marzo Corpus , Rodriguez Juan Manuel , Sanchez Consol , Ibanez Lourdes , Marcos Maria Victoria

Background: Infantile obesity is nowadays a pandemic disease and needs a paediatrician interventional attitude. Since 1990 until 2010 it has trebled and the World Health Organization recommends prevention ‘as soon as possible’ even during the first year of life. A Spanish study (Aladino 2011) stimated the prevalence of overweight in boys as a 26.3% and in girls a 25.9% and the prevalence of obesity as a 22% and a 16.2% respectively. Our aim was to set up a new score ...

hrp0082p2-d2-546 | Puberty and Neuroendocrinology (1) | ESPE2014

Kallmann Syndrome: Diagnosis in Paediatric Age

Machado Angela , Oliveira Maria Joao , Borges Teresa , Cardoso Helena , Fonseca Paula , Ribeiro Luis , Goncalves Catarina , Lemos Manuel

Background: Kallmann syndrome (KS) is a rare clinical entity, characterized by the association of hipogonadotropic hypogonadism and hypo/anosmia, with an estimated prevalence of 1:8000 in males and 1:40 000 in females.Method: Retrospective study of cases of KS diagnosed in paediatric age. Genetic analysis was performed by PCR and DNA sequencing of KAL1, FGFR1, GNRHR, GNRH1, PROK2, PROKR2, KISS1R, TAC3, TACR3, and FGF8 genes.Results...

hrp0086p1-p254 | Diabetes P1 | ESPE2016

A Case-Control Search of Environmental (E) Factors for Childhood Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) Using Lifeline Questionnaires in the ISIS-Diab Cohort

Balazard Felix , Le Fur Sophie , Biau Gerard , Valleron Alain-Jacques , Bougneres Pierre

Background: The rapidly increasing T1D incidence in European children suggests the recent emergence or extension of predisposing E factors, or the decrease of protective E factors acting during pregnancy, infancy or early childhood. E research has preferentially focused on specific candidate factors, such as hygiene hypothesis, enteroviruses, alimentation, in cohort or case-control studies. The risk of bias is a major concern in E studies.Objectives: To ...

hrp0089p3-p169 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity P3 | ESPE2018

Comparison of the Effectiveness of a Battery Powered and Manual Toothbrush in Removal of a Dental Plaque for Good Oral Hygiene in Adolesents with Over-Weight

Orbak Recep , Orbak Zerrin

Objective: Dental plaque removal is an important factor in preventing periodontal diseases and caries. Tooth brushing remains the most reliable method of controlling dental plaque. The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of plaque control performed with a battery powered and manual toothbrushes in over-weight adolescents.Materials and methods: The twenty two adolesents with over-weight were attended in this study. These patients were d...

hrp0094fc8.3 | Neuroendocrinology | ESPE2021

A novel clinical risk score that can accurately predict recurrence of craniopharyngioma - a multicentre cohort study

Kyprianou Nikolina , Blackburn James , Tan Rachael , Bulfamante Gaetano , Massa Valentina , Roncaroli Federico , Ribalta Teresa , Evanson Jane , Korbonits Marta , Dattani Mehul , Rai Ashutosh , Gupta Prakamya , Dutta Pinaki , Bhansali Anil , Salunke Pravin , Pani Danda , Skoric Tanja , Kastelan Darko , Gnanalingham Kanna , Mitchell Rod , Bulfamante Antonio , Argente Jesus , Goycoolea Nicolas , Torales Jorge , Biagetti Betina , Audi Laura , Resmini Eugenia , Webb Susan , Kapoor Ritika , Chandler Christopher , Zebian Bassel , Thomas Nick , Sampron Nicolas , Paraskevopoulos Dimitrios , Preda Cristina , Ahmad Amar , Pease Gevers Evelien F , Gaston-Massuet Carles ,

Background: Recurrence of craniopharyngiomas influences mortality. Apart from the extent of surgical resection, few clinical parameters have been consistently shown to be associated with recurrence. Radical resection is difficult due to infiltration of surrounding tissue and unacceptable morbidity. Predictors of recurrence are therefore needed.Aim: To establish a multinational cohort of patients with craniopharyngioma an...

hrp0086rfc10.2 | Perinatal Endocrinology | ESPE2016

Dysregulation of Placental Mirna in Maternal Obesity is Associated with Pre-and Post-Natal Growth

Bassols Judit , Carreras-Badosa Gemma , Bonmati Alexandra , Ortega Francisco-Jose , Mercader Josep-Maria , Prats-Puig Anna , deZegher Francis , Ibanez Lourdes , Fernandez-Real Jose-Manuel , Lopez-Bermejo Abel

Background: Human placenta exhibits a specific miRNA expression pattern. Some of these miRNAs are dysregulated in pregnancy disorders like preeclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), and are potential biomarkers for these pathologies. No studies have been performed in maternal obesity.Objective and hypotheses: (1) Define the placental miRNA profile in pregnant women with: a) pre-pregnancy (preOB) or gestational obesity (gestOB), b) gestation...

hrp0086rfc10.8 | Perinatal Endocrinology | ESPE2016

Gestational Diabetes is Associated with Changes in Placental Microbiota and Microbiome

Bassols Judit , Serino Matteo , Carreras-Badosa Gemma , Burcelin Remy , Blasco-Baque Vincent , Prats-Puig Anna , de Zegher Francis , Ibanez Lourdes , Fernandez-Real Jose-Manuel , Lopez-Bermejo Abel

Background: The human microbiota has emerged as an unexpected modulator of the immune system. The placenta, long thought to be sterile, harbors a unique microbiome and variations in their composition could be related to prevent pregnancy disorders.Objective and hypotheses: To profile the placental microbiota (microorganisms) and microbiome (collection of microbial genomes in an environment) in women with gestational diabetes (GDM) and study their relatio...

hrp0086p1-p368 | Gonads & DSD P1 | ESPE2016

Precocious/Early and Accelerated Puberty in a Boy with a Homozygous R192C Mutation in CYP19 (Aromatase) Gene

Costanzo Mariana , Guercio Gabriela , Garcia-Feyling Jose , Saraco Nora , Marino Roxana , Perez Garrido Natalia , Manuel Lazzati Juan , Maceiras Mercedes , Aurelio Rivarola Marco , Belgorosky Alicia

Background: Aromatase deficiency is a rare autosomal recessive disorder produced by CYP19 gene mutations. 46XX affected patients presented with ambiguous genitalia leading to early identification. Most 46XY affected patients presented normal external genitalia and the condition often remains undiagnosed until late puberty. Information on pubertal development in affected boys is scarce since to the present date only two patients, younger than 4 years of age, without lo...

hrp0086p1-p799 | Syndromes: Mechanisms and Management P1 | ESPE2016

NPR2 Gene Mutations Associated with Acromesomelic Dysplasia Maroteaux Type are Mostly Unique to Families

Castro-Feijoo Lidia , Barreiro Jesus , Guillen-Navarro Encarna , Journel Hubert , Wakeling Emma , Jagadeesh Sujatha , LeMerrer Martine , Silva Paula , Cabanas Paloma , Pombo Manuel , Loidi Lourdes

Background: Acromesomelic dysplasia Maroteaux type (AMDM) (OMIM 602875) is a rare autosomal recessive skeletal disorder with an approximate prevalence of 1/1,000,000) and characterized by severe dwarfism accompanied by shortness of distal and middle segments of extremities. Mutations in the NPR2 gene which encodes for the natriuretic peptide receptor B (NPR-B) is the underlying genetic cause of this disorder.Objective and hypotheses: Genetic con...